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Chapter 151 Sudden change in painting style

Chapter 151 A sudden change in painting style

The dragon-snake spine emerged from the gap in the wall, and the ghost shadow clung to it to observe the surroundings.

After seeing that there was no danger, the gap gradually expanded into a half-meter-large opening, and two people quietly got out of it.

Ren Qing has figured out the rules of terrain changes in the cave. Although it took a little more effort, it is still a near miss.

Huang Ziwan couldn't help but be stunned when he faced the kitchen that was magnified countless times.

It is said that the appearance of the restricted area is not unchanged, and there may be subtle changes due to the swallowing of strange objects.

Ren Qing noticed that the location he was in was shrouded in shadow, and quickly used the illusion of the Mirror Man to cover the two of them.

He observed his surroundings and found that the restricted area seemed extremely quiet.

It seems that the rice giant has been here recently. There are a lot of moldy rice on the ground. Perhaps because of the destruction of the rat men, there are no animals to eat it.

Ren Qing immediately noticed the details in the kitchen, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

The floor tiles are full of traces of dragging corpses, and there are bones mixed in the rice, as well as some unidentified beast heads.

I even smelled a faint smell of blood in my nose.

He immediately found some ducks with human heads in the rice pile. They looked very panicked and seemed to be avoiding something.

By eating rice, the human-headed duck's body has also become vegetative, indicating that the ecology has begun to adjust naturally.

"Ren Qing..."

Huang Ziwan couldn't help but ask, but saw Ren Qing pointing not far away.

A two-meter-tall lizard man looms.

The lizard man can obviously change his own color. He should be transformed into a strange chameleon, and he is gradually moving towards the human-headed duck.

Ren Qing did not expect that in just a few days, the lizard people would actually reach a large scale.

However, the Jailer's strange objects have all reached the Ghost Envoy realm, which is not comparable to the half-corpse realm like the Rat Mother.

The lizard man jumped out fiercely, killing the bird easily with its sharp claws, and then stretched out a tube-like mouthpart from its mouth to suck up the blood.

The moment the two figures were revealed, the sound of wings and cattails sounded in the air.

More than a dozen bug-men rushed down and attacked the lizard-men in a suicidal manner. Even if half of them were killed, they still managed to grab the body of the human-headed duck.

Their attacks are extremely rough, just grabbing the opponent's body and gnawing violently.

Outnumbered, the lizardmen quickly chose to give up, allowing the bugmen to take away the body, and then fled the place in embarrassment.

"Something's wrong..."

Ren Qing frowned. The insect-man's movements were stiff, and he didn't feel like a living creature.

He looked towards the iron cage and found that the railings were completely stained red with blood, and fragments of insect-man limbs would fall down from time to time.

In this short period of time, the insect men launched several more attacks. Although they robbed several corpses, they also resulted in numerous casualties.

"What's wrong?"

Huang Ziwan's heart skipped a beat. Naturally, he couldn't see clearly with his eyesight. He just felt that Ren Qing's face was a little solemn.

Ren Qing did not reply.

Several bug-men emerged from the iron cage railings, still clutching the charred corpses in their hands.

Judging from the direction they are going, it should be right on the stove.

Ren Qing shook his head and explained: "I don't know the details, but anything can happen in the restricted area."

"Let's go to the stove first. If you want to find the exit, it's easier to find the nearest cave from outside."

All the monsters formed by strange objects are inside the cave, so the outside world should be safe.


The two of them walked along the corner of the table towards the stove. They could still see the corpse of the insect man on the way, but it was already severely decomposed.

The rice giant did not show up during this period, so it was still a near miss.

Ren Qing always felt that there were lizardmen following behind him, and seemed to regard the two as prey, but he was wary and did not step forward.

It took them at least half a day to reach the bottom of the stove, but the light in the restricted area was dim, so they couldn't tell the time.

The stove is no different from ordinary people's homes.

There is a statue of the Kitchen God on the top, and some decorative patterns can be seen, while the stove eye where the firewood is placed is burning with blazing flames.

The material used to maintain the flame is human bones, which makes the color appear blue.

Ren Qing looked back and saw that the lizard man took the initiative to retreat, as if he was deliberately avoiding it.

Huang Ziwan wiped the sweat from his forehead. The flames in the stove's eyes made people feel deeply uncomfortable from body to soul. Maybe it was caused by some kind of magic.

Ren Qing was better off, as the twin nightmares isolated the strangeness half a meter away.

The two communicated softly with each other for a moment, then came to the most remote corner of the stove and prepared to climb up along the wall.

But before they could make any move, a swarm of insect-men flew from the top.

"What the hell?!"

When Huang Ziwan saw the insect-man at close range, his head suddenly felt a little swollen.

I originally thought that the bug-men were just humanoid in shape, but what I saw was completely different, as if they were pieced together from corpses.

Ren Qing frowned.

He had already sensed something unusual when looking from a distance before, and now he was even more certain about what should have happened during this period.

Most of the insect-men were spliced ​​together with human limbs, either human hands or human feet, and I even saw one with half of its head missing.

Why does it feel like a zombie insect?

"It seems we can only kill him."

"Kill just kill, die early and be born again."

Huang Ziwan spit out poisonous gas from his mouth, and more than a dozen insect-men fell to the ground weakly, but they still tried to crawl out with their hands.

Seeing this, Ren Qing opened the palm of his right hand, and a dragon-snake spine stretched out.

The dragon-snake spine turned into a thunder python and stabbed into the insect swarm, instantly killing and injuring more than a dozen insect-men, and rich heat slowly emerged.

The smell of burnt food was mixed with the rancid smell, and Huang Ziwan couldn't help but feel a little nauseous.

The insect man cannot see intelligence, so he is not afraid of death, and even if he is cut in half, he will still crawl towards the two of them.

Ren Qing stared at the dark blood flowing out of the insect man's wound, as if he had been dead for a long time.

He walked away two meters sideways. After the ghost shadow enveloped him, the bugs swarmed towards Huang Ziwan in an orderly manner, completely ignoring Ren Qing beside him.

"Fuck you..."

Huang Ziwan cursed in his heart. Faced with the endless siege of the Insects alone, he was suddenly under great pressure and was even nearly injured several times.

"Old Huang, don't show your breath."

After hearing this, Huang Ziwan quickly covered his eyes, ears, mouth and nose with venom.

But the insect man is still clinging to him.

Ren Qing's legs were possessed by the ghost, and he instantly appeared in front of Huang Ziwan. The mirror person's ability covered the two of them.

The ghosts covered their bodies again, and the last smell disappeared.

The insect man suddenly disappeared and flew towards the stove like a zombie, looking extremely dull.

Ren Qing bent down to inspect the corpse of the insect man, and his suspicions were confirmed.

The body was not dead just recently, but it looked like it had been there for some time, and the flesh and blood had rotted and oozed pus.

The human limbs were obviously sewn onto the insect man's body.

However, in Ren Qing's opinion, the insect-man has not become stronger, and even his movements are extremely stiff because he is extremely unadapted to his limbs.

He expressed his opinion: "I'm afraid a jailer went to the stove first and has already controlled the insect group."

Huang Ziwan's face was full of disbelief.

"How is it possible, the soul is separated and the body is recovered..."

After entering the restricted area, the soul has no idea where the body is, let alone how to go to the iron cage hanging on the top of the stove.

Huang Ziwan believed that if Ren Qing had not rescued him, he would have ended up as a meal on the plate.

"I also feel it's a bit unrealistic. Let's go up first."

Ren Qing took the lead in climbing towards the top, holding on to the cracks in the wall with both hands. It shouldn't take long, but he couldn't rest on the way.

Huang Ziwan quickly followed.

He originally had suction cups on his palms, but because they were covered by ghosts, he had to crawl hard.

The stove is like a mountain.

The higher they point upward, the heavier their bodies feel.

It felt like there were hundreds of kilograms of weight hanging on it, and my muscles couldn't help but feel sore.

You must know that Ren Qing's body is still like this. If it were a plant-shaped puppet body, it would be impossible to climb to the stove.

How could any jailer do this?

The two of them were extremely adaptable and quickly adjusted after eating some dry food.

It took several hours to reach the top. They couldn't help but sit on the ground and panted heavily, almost exhausted.

The surroundings look relatively ordinary at first glance, with steam coming out from the edge of the pot lid, which seems to be some kind of food cooked by the rice giant.

But the stove surface was covered with a layer of sticky blood and some fragments of meat.

Another zombie insect flew over the head, its hands grasping the corpse, and blood fell on the stove like a drizzle.

The zombie insect finally flew into the gap between the stove and the wall. There were many holes there, which may be where the nest was.

Ren Qing looked at the ground from top to bottom.

In just half a day, all the rice was eaten.

The exponential growth in the number of human-headed ducks shows that the restricted area is adapting to changes in ecology in just a few days.

This is indeed a bit of an underestimation of the restricted area. It seems that just stripping away the strange objects of the Rat Mother is not enough.

With a thought in Ren Qing's mind, the strange rat mother thing from the prison in her belly was taken out again.

Under Huang Ziwan's shocked eyes, he threw the strange object out of the stove, and then heavy footsteps were heard outside the kitchen.


"Let's go inside the cave to avoid the wind."

Ren Qing had no time to explain. Only by leaving the restricted area with no time to take care of the two of them could the danger be reduced except for the rice giant.

Just as they were about to go to the crack, they suddenly felt that the outside of the kitchen window was enveloped in fire.

There is nothing in the restricted area, but the changes are definitely foreboding.

Ren Qing and Huang Ziwan looked at each other, both of them couldn't help but feel a little surprised. It seemed that the Jailer Hall was preparing to seal off the restricted area?

"They are probably still looking, but they have determined the approximate location."

Ren Qing recalled the last scene he saw before the soul was destroyed. The restricted area was probably near a village in the forest.

The Jailer's Hall is probably setting the mountain on fire.

This kind of straightforward approach is their usual style.

After the forest disappears, no matter whether you dig three feet into the ground or use magic to explore, it won't take long for the restricted area to be uncovered.

Ren Qing's heart froze, and it seemed that he had to leave as soon as possible.

Song Zongwu probably didn't have much time to fight for it. After all, he was not someone who put himself above the safety of the Prison Hall.

Wait a moment for the next chapter, I love you all

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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