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Chapter 288 The Sick Fairy in a Sick World

Chapter 288 A sick world, a sick fairy

The divided soul descends into the restricted area of ​​immortality.

Ren Qing gradually became clear after a brief coma, but his whole body was weak and it took him a long time to even raise his eyelids.

Clothes were scattered not far away. He resisted being sleepy and sat up cross-legged to put on his clothes, and his breathing became rapid.

Ren Qing suddenly felt bad because his heart was beating at an obviously wrong frequency.

He came to the restricted area of ​​immortality again, and his soul was separated into a body. The associated pathological changes still existed, but they were not as exaggerated as before.

Ren Qing examined it carefully and found that although the various internal organs were still early to fail, the heart obviously had congenital defects.

This caused him to gasp for air instinctively.

The multiple sarcomas on both sides of Ren Qing's shoulders also disappeared, indicating that the lesions were indeed related to the separation of souls.

I'm afraid that the fewer traces of magic practice there are, the milder the accompanying lesions will be.

At the same time, the five senses are not much weakened. At least my eyes can barely see clearly, and my hearing is only slightly deaf in my right ear.

"Eternal life, except for a short-lived appearance, is there any trace of immortality?"

He couldn't help but smile bitterly, and after looking around, he found that he was still at the original puddle, which should be where death came from.

The water surface reflected a face as gray as ashes, covered with dark red pimples. Anyone who looked at it would feel that his life was not long.

Ren Qing was in the wilderness, but there were no traces of wild animals.

He tried to communicate with the Eternal Prison, but unfortunately the split soul was too weak, otherwise he would have to rely on swallowing food to replenish his physical strength.

Ren Qing drank the stagnant water without any worries, as it would probably lead to his body and soul dying anyway.

After he closed his eyes and rested for a while, he was able to at least stand up, and then walked in the forest to look for fruits to satisfy his hunger.

Some of the fruits hanging on the branches fell to the ground. From a distance, they looked like hearts, but up close, they looked like bloody sarcomas.

Ren Qing didn't bring the ghost, so he couldn't summon the information flow, so he simply ate the fruit as food.

After the fruit falls into the stomach, it is quickly digested.

Waves of warm currents flowed throughout the body along with the blood vessels, dispelling the chill. At the same time, the feeling of fullness made Ren Qing's tiredness intensify.

Ren Qing casually found a place to rest in the grass. He didn't know what was going on in the Changsheng Forbidden Zone now, so he had to recover as soon as possible.

Besides, it's getting late. After all, it's a restricted area in the Yangshen Realm, and it's probably full of all kinds of weird and weird things.

He tried to practice the entry-level method of Heavenly Dao, which had a lower threshold, but his body had no response, and the same was true for the imaginary method.

Unknowingly, Ren Qing fell into a deep sleep.

It was only at midnight that he opened his eyes in confusion.

For the first time in a long time, Ren Qing experienced the troubles of life, old age, illness and death, which also made him more eager for "immortality" and hoped to transcend the mortal world.

He was just about to continue exploring the situation in the restricted area when he suddenly covered his chest and sweat poured from his forehead uncontrollably.

The heart had swelled in size and was beating at an unbearable speed.

Ren Qing knew that after eating the fruit, the lesions on his body seemed to become more serious, and his skin also felt itchy pain.

"What the hell world?"

He waited until he got used to the heavy heartbeat before he got up and walked slowly through the mountains and forests.

At this time, Ren Qing discovered that it was not that there were no living creatures here. In fact, small rodents and reptiles could be seen.

But without exception, they all have weird distortions.

Ren Qing saw with his own eyes a meat ball protruding from the chest and abdomen of a field mouse. It was beating continuously as it moved. It was obviously a heart.

Based on his knowledge in his previous life, the vole seemed to have a congenital heart disease, the main reason being that the ribs were not fully developed.

Immediately afterwards, Ren Qing saw another sparrow with wings of different sizes.

There are also normal animals, but the proportion is not large.

He traveled on and off for two days, taking more than 50% of the time to rest.

The Immortality Restricted Area at night is also safer than Ren Qing imagined. It is rare to hear the neighing of wild animals, and most of them are in deathly silence.

Ren Qing could only eat the fruits of vegetation because of hunger, but without exception, it would lead to more serious physical diseases.

At this point, his heart would feel cramps every time he took a step, his breathing sounded like a blower, and his mouth was filled with the smell of blood like rust.

Just when Ren Qing was about to give up this split soul, he suddenly noticed traces of footprints.

His heart was shaken. There were actually living people in the Immortal Forbidden Zone. Could it be that the survivors who accidentally entered it were gradually reproducing?

What is the difference between the so-called restricted area of ​​Yangshen Realm and the real world?

Ren Qing guessed that the clues to life extension should not be difficult to find. After all, in such a dangerous place, three guards were able to extend their lives.

He followed the footprints in the direction of the rising sun, and soon saw the winding mountain road, probably approaching the village.

Ren Qing took out a palm-sized fleshy leaf from his arms, ate a third of it and then put it back to avoid aggravating his own death.

This kind of leaf is the food that has the least impact on multiple diseases after his experiments. Eating the sarcoma fruit is just the opposite.

He held on to his strength and walked as far as he could. If he couldn't, he would give birth to a separate soul and head to the forbidden area of ​​​​immortality.

Ren Qing estimated that if he separated his soul and did not practice, the body he would form would be healthier and would not die suddenly within a few days.

When the sky turned slightly dark, his failing internal organs were on the verge of collapse, and his heart was three times the size of a normal organ.

Ren Qing walked through the mountain with difficulty and noticed that the mountain road became gentle, and there was an extremely dilapidated temple not far away.

There were wisps of green smoke coming out of it.

When he came to the ruined temple, the three words "Fu Lu Shou" were clearly engraved on the plaque. However, the handwriting was crooked and had obviously been abandoned for a long time.

Ren Qing walked into the ruined temple, and it was obvious that someone had temporarily settled inside.

On the front of the Fu Lu Shou Temple are three dusty statues, similar in size to the Three Dao Ancestors, but their appearance is extremely terrifying.

Luxian stands in the center, with jade-like flesh and blood Ganoderma growing on his head and arms, and his beard is made up of meridians and blood vessels.

The one on the right is Shouxian. His iconic big forehead has been replaced by sarcoma, and veins are sprouting out on the surface, making people shudder.

The palms of the Shouxian's palms each hold a longevity peach that was transformed into a baby's head, and you can still vaguely notice a malicious and resentful smile.

The last lucky immortal seems to be more normal, but his lower body is connected to a sika deer, and the golden boy with his arms wrapped around him only has white bones left.

From the gods we believe in, we can find that the forbidden area of ​​​​immortality is indeed strange and inexplicable.


There are two skinny men in the temple. They look like warriors traveling around the world, but their vitality and blood are not as good as those of children outside.

There are also varying degrees of pathological changes on the body, most of which are concentrated in deformities of the hands and feet, or invisible defects in organs.

They seemed to be eating something before, but immediately put it away after hearing the footsteps.

"Stay here for one night and I will leave on my own tomorrow."

Seeing that there was no reaction from the two of them, Ren Qing walked to the corner of the temple and sat down, closing his eyes as if to rest.

The men looked at each other with expressions of surprise and surprise, and looked at Ren Qing from time to time with greed in their eyes.

Ren Qing pretended to be sleeping, but in fact listened carefully to the whispers of the two, but his hearing was limited, causing the sound to be intermittent.

"So... you're not dead?"

"It really is..."

"Can I exchange for a lot of food?"

"I guess so...but you have to be careful...there may be evil spirits..."

The more Ren Qing listened, the more confused he became. He gently swallowed the leaves into his stomach, his heartbeat speeding up and he got ready.

The two people stopped talking, and their positions were deliberately surrounded.

Ren Qing could sense that they were nervous, which meant that they were not people who committed crimes. This move seemed to come out of nowhere.

He was even more curious about the worldview in the forbidden area of ​​immortality, as everything seemed to be closely related to the disease.

It wasn't until more than half an hour had passed that the two of them made up their minds to take action against Ren Qing.

They tiptoed to within two meters, then pounced forward, pulling out the long knives from their waists in an attempt to control each other.

Although Ren Qing's cultivation is not obvious and his body is comparable to that of a centenarian, he still has a Yin Chao realm and has rich experience in dealing with it.

"The evil spirit is coming!!"

Hearing Ren Qing's bluff shouting, a man turned his head in horror.

Ren Qing pulled out the short wooden spear from his waist and stabbed the nearest man directly on the shoulder, thereby posing a threat.

He pressed the wooden spear against the opponent's neck, feeling a burning pain in his lungs.

Another man looked at Ren Qing like a ferocious beast, especially when he noticed the dark red blood flowing from the latter's facial features.

Just when Ren Qinggang wanted to ask about the situation, the man didn't care about the life or death of his companions, dropped the long knife and ran away, quickly disappearing into the night.

"Evil ghosts, there are evil ghosts..."

"What evil spirit?"

Ren Qing was confused and found that the skin of the man held hostage had red spots similar to his own, and soon the flesh and blood began to emit an unpleasant rancid odor.

The man fell to the ground trembling, his breath getting weaker and weaker.

Ren Qing immediately understood that the evil spirit the two people mentioned was actually a contagious disease in his body, which could be said to cause death upon contact with blood.

He used the wooden spear as a crutch and said in a deeper tone: "Do you want to die or live?"

"Want...to live..."

The man's pupils were dilated, but his survival instinct forced him to cheer up.

"Where are you sending me and why?"

"Uh uh uh……"

The man tried his best to say something, but the corroding speed of his flesh and blood was visible to the naked eye, and in the end he could only squeeze out a few words from his throat.


Before he could finish speaking, he had turned into a pile of rotten mud.

Only then did Ren Qing realize how dangerous he was. He was not only suffering from congenital heart disease, but also from infectious diseases.

He felt the passage of life and lay flat with his limbs limp.

The lesions on the body are likely to be random to a certain extent. Unless Ren Qing completely prevents his soul from practicing magic, he will definitely get sick.

But Ren Qing vaguely felt that the forbidden area of ​​​​immortality is always related to diseases, and maybe life extension also has some special connection.

Otherwise, why the two men still wanted to arrest him and send him to the "medical center" even though they knew he was extremely dangerous, there must be some hidden clues.

Ren Qing's head tilted, and his body rotted away quickly.

(End of chapter)

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