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Chapter 285 Guerrilla (3)

The Imagawa family's horsemen fired a condescending volley, instantly knocking the Hojo family's horsemen off their backs. Although not many cavalrymen were directly hit, the roar of the iron cannon and the smoke caused by the projectiles caused them to fall. The knights of the Hojo family were so frightened when they sat down that their horses neighed and stood up, breaking free of control and throwing the riders off their horses. The horsemen of the Hojo family fell into chaos instantly and had to pull away. The troops prevented the Imagawa family from taking advantage of the chaos and rushing to kill them.

"Leave them alone." Imagawa Yoshimoto stopped Akai Kuroko's attempt to pursue them, and immediately commanded his troops to rush towards the 200 knights assembled by the Hojo family, "Deal with that one first."

The knights of the Hojo family were originally dealing with the 200 main force of Himura Hiroyuki. After noticing that Imagawa Yoshimoto was leading another 200 knights from the west, they immediately turned around and ran north of the team to seek cover from their own infantry. But Hojo The family's ashigaru have now completed their formation, and a large number of archers are aiming their bows and arrows at the direction of the Imagawa family's pursuit. Imagawa Yoshimoto immediately ordered the troops to move away to avoid the arrows. rain.

"Go around and attack the auxiliary troops at the end of the formation." Imagawa Yoshimoto had no intention of confronting the ashigaru formation that had already formed in front of him. He drew his horse and left, charging towards the auxiliary troops at the end of the Dongfang Hojo family's formation again. These auxiliary soldiers did not have the protection of the auxiliary soldiers. When they saw the Imagawa family's horses returning to fight, everyone's face turned pale with fear. Seeing this, the soldiers in front of the Hojo family hurriedly retreated to cover their own auxiliary soldiers, but the Imagawa family The horses returned to the crowd and still had no intention of rushing into battle.

"Right here." Imagawa Yoshimoto advanced within the effective firing range of the iron cannon and ordered to stop. The horsemen dismounted one after another, took out the iron cannon, loaded it, and fired a volley at the auxiliary formation. The two The auxiliary troops of more than a hundred people were stunned by the iron cannons. Although not many people were killed, they were so frightened that they scattered like birds and beasts and jumped off the official road crazily to the north.

At this time, the horsemen of the Hojo family had reorganized their ranks and rushed toward Imagawa Yoshimoto with a roar. Imagawa Yoshimoto immediately led the horsemen to get on their horses again, put the iron cannon on their backs, took out their bows and arrows and pointed them at the pursuers. The incoming Hojo family horses returned with another hail of arrows, bringing endless trouble to the pursuers.

However, this time, the Hojo family's horsemen were extremely determined. Even if they endured constant attrition and people falling behind, they still focused on pursuing Imagawa Yoshimoto. If they kept retreating like this, they would soon have to retreat. If Higashi rushes into Sagami territory - then there will be no way to continue interfering with the actions of the main force of the Hojo family.

"Go around to the north of the official road, turn around and head west." Imagawa Yoshimoto raised his finger and pointed to the north of the Hojo family's queue, leading the horsemen to step onto the official road from north to south and then rush down the official road, once again fighting with the Hojo family's army. They moved westward in a parallel manner, frightening the auxiliary soldiers of the Hojo family to tremble. Many archers tried to launch arrows to attack the Imagawa army, but in the face of high-speed moving targets, it was difficult to control the lead time - a slight mistake They would also accidentally injure the Hojo family's horsemen who were chasing behind them.

The Hojo Kaimai clan did not expect such a bold move by the Imagawa clan. They did not have time to adjust their direction and instead rushed over the head. By the time they turned around and continued to chase the Imagawa clan, the distance between the two sides had already widened. It was very big. The Imagawa family's horsemen seized the opportunity, went around to the high slope next to the official road, and launched another volley at the Hojo family's queue from a high position. A group of Hojo family's archers tried to shoot at each other, but the result was The losses were heavy. Many samurai crossed the line with their ashigaru and tried to attack the Imagawa family's horse warriors. However, the horse warriors just got on their horses and left gracefully. After pulling away to complete the reloading, they turned over and dismounted again. The volley, repeated several times, defeated the Hojo family's infantry.

At this time, the horsemen of the Hojo family finally arrived belatedly. The horsemen of the Imagawa family immediately left their horses and continued to fire arrows to harass the pursuers behind them. The horsemen of the Hojo family gave chase. After a while, they suffered a lot of casualties. As if they thought it was not an option to continue like this, the Hojo army slowed down their horses and followed the Imagawa family horsemen from a distance beyond the bow and arrow range - they were heavily armored and could not catch up. The Imagawa family, who were wearing light armor, would only be consumed if they pursued them closely. If the pursuit continued for a day, the precious cavalry would be consumed no matter how much they were used.

"We are also slowing down." After discovering the Hojo family's adjustment, Imagawa Yoshimoto decisively changed his tactics and signaled the Imagawa army to collectively slow down their horses, shortening the distance between them and the Hojo family's horsemen behind them, and continued to move toward the Hojo family's horsemen. Shoot the arrow. The Hojo family horse returns to the crowd and is captured.

This move made me angry, so I had to slow down even further.

"That's it now." Imagawa Yoshimoto seized the opportunity when the front line of the Hojo family's cavalry slowed down, and after commanding his men to fire a final round of feather arrows, he suddenly increased his horse speed. The front line of the Hojo family was dodging the arrows, and for a moment Unable to speed up, the rear team was also slowed down by the front team. Some anxious cavalry wanted to speed up and go around, which further aggravated the chaos of the team. Slowly and quickly, when the Hojo family cavalry pursued again, It has been thrown away by the Imagawa Army for a longer distance.

Before Imagawa Yoshimoto could find the opportunity for the next round of harassment, something unexpected happened suddenly. Right in front of the direction of their horses, more than 200 Hojo knights suddenly appeared - they had just been driven away by the Imagawa family's horsemen. That team. They galloped towards the Imagawa family at extremely high speeds, as if they were about to engage in a cavalry charge with the Imagawa family's horsemen, and have a life-and-death showdown.

"What's going on? Didn't this unit deliberately avoid fighting just now? Why did it suddenly become so decisive?" Imagawa Yoshimoto was surprised, and then he realized after being stunned for a moment - could this be an order from Hojo Ujiyasu himself? instruction?

He then looked intently at the Hojo family cavalry team in front, and found that there seemed to be more than twenty people in the team, and the number of people in the team was obviously denser at the back. It seemed that they were gathering some big shot - could it be Hojo Ujiyasu himself? ?

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Could it be..." Imagawa Yoshimoto turned to look at the center of the entire Hojo family army. Hojo Ujiyasu's horse seal was waving rapidly, signaling to all the people around him. The troops launched a general attack to encircle Imagawa Yoshimoto and his horsemen. The soldiers of the Hojo family reacted sooner or later, stopped and tried to form a formation.

To the west is Hojo Ujiyasu's pressure formation, to the east is the Hojo family's horse warriors, to the south is the main army of the Hojo family on the official road, and to the north are the mountains and forests a few dozen feet away - the Imagawa family's horse warriors have unknowingly fallen into Encirclement. The biggest advantage of Imagawa Yoshimoto just now is that he can personally command on the front line, but with Hojo Ujiyasu also coming to the front line, the Hojo army will no longer lose to the Imagawa family in mobilizing.

"Look where you are running? Are you still playing monkey here? Turn your back to people all the way and let my people follow you and eat shit!" Hojo Ujiyasu was just as Imagawa Yoshimoto expected, and he personally rode his horse to the front of the battle. , led the team of Hojo family knights to attack Imagawa Yoshimoto's red bird horse seal, "I'm going to tell you to eat shit! Yoshimoto!"

"Your Highness? What should I do?" Himura Hiroyuki realized that the situation was not good.

"Let's charge forward. What's there to be afraid of? There are only 200 people!" Akai Kuroko knocked the scabbard hard with the back of his hand.

"We don't wear heavy armor. Just a small scratch can make us lose our fighting power. Unless everyone is as brave as Akai-sama, it won't work." Himura Hiroyuki looked solemn, obviously not agreeing. The views of his colleagues, but he still did not forget to compliment him, and then looked at Imagawa Yoshimoto: "Your Highness, why don't we go north into the mountains?"

"If we don't go north, we won't be able to come back once we enter the mountains. We have to go all the way to Kai. What should we do about Katsurayama Castle?" Imagawa Yoshimoto shook his head, instead of looking north, he pointed back to the south, "We Going south?"

"Going south?" Everyone was stunned when they heard this - the south side was clearly the main army of the Hojo family. At this time, the knights in the north were getting closer and closer to the Imagawa family's horsemen - there were galloping cavalry on both sides, almost The distance of ten feet disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Let's go through that team of auxiliary soldiers. By the way, Himura and Akai, you are good at horseback riding. If possible, cut off one of the heads and carry it with you." In the flash of lightning, Imagawa Yoshimoto chose Hojo in front. The group of auxiliary soldiers between the two groups of soldiers seemed to be civilians temporarily recruited from the territory. They had no equipment or structure at all, and they had no ability to resist to the naked eye.

So, under the leadership of Imagawa Yoshimoto, the Imagawa family's horsemen galloped quickly along the official road outside the range of the Hojo Iabu archers, and then suddenly made a nearly 45-degree turn. Everyone drew their swords in their hands and stood straight. He cut into the queue of the auxiliary soldiers. When the knights of the Hojo family on the opposite side were in front of him, he hid to the south and let them escape.

The two combat troops in front and behind tried to cover, but due to the super fast movement of the cavalry, they had no time to react. They watched helplessly as the knights of the Imagawa Army stepped into the formation. With random swings of swords, this Hojo family member

The auxiliary troops collapsed in an instant and fled in all directions wailing. Now the Sichuan army opened a bloody path from north to south, directly opening a hole in the main army of the Hojo family, killed them on the official road, jumped down the official road, and evacuated to the south of the official road.

At this time, on the north side of the official road, two teams of Hojo family cavalry who were about to attack the Imagawa army from front to back almost collided with each other. They quickly moved their horses to stagger, but they suddenly lost their movement speed and failed to return directly along the Imagawa family horse. The group jumped over the official road to pursue, giving the Imagawa army a chance to retreat. Imagawa Yoshimoto immediately led his men and galloped westward along the south side of the official road, preparing to rush back to Katsurayama Castle. After several rushes to speed up, Under the shooting, the physical strength of Imagawa's army and horsemen had been greatly exhausted. Even if they were only wearing light armor, they all began to breathe heavily. They were also exhausted when sitting down, and their legs were a little slow. soft.

"It's time to withdraw our troops, and we have bought enough time." Imagawa Yoshimoto raised his head and glanced at the sky, then at the messy official road and the chaotic queue of the Hojo family, "They won't be able to arrive before tonight... …”

This chapter has been completed!
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