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Chapter 688 Big Killer

Chapter 688: Big Killer [8500 words big chapter, four in one]

The Western Alliance is located in the upper reaches of the long river, so it has not been affected by floods.

But even so, they suffered heavy losses in such a torrential rain.

The heavy rain has been falling for five consecutive days. Since the Zhang family and the Zhou family left, the number of people has been reduced to 4,500. In the past five days, because Gan Xiong adopted the human wall strategy, the number of people has been reduced to less than 4,000.

What is the human wall strategy?

It means pushing all the available hands in the base against the wall and carrying the zombies that are surrounding them.

In addition, some new people are on standby under the wall at any time. If the people on the wall are bitten by zombies, they can jump on them at any time.

Trade your life for time.

Most of them were slaves captured before, followed by peripheral members of the Gan family, and core members holding guns to supervise the battle below.

Once anyone is found retreating, they will be shot on the spot.

Under this cruel system, we managed to withstand the zombie attack.

Of course, many people were sacrificed.

However, Gan Xiong didn't care about all this.

With the lessons learned from these natural disasters, he understood the truth that having too many people is not a good thing.

The strategy of elite soldiers is the way to survive for a long time.

When there are more people, they will eat if they open their mouths. If there is no food, they will riot. In order to maintain the normal operation of the base, we can only give them a little food.

After all, these people have been in the base from the beginning.

It's hard to get rid of them even if you try to get rid of them, and it's hard to sort out the inextricable relationships.

It is very troublesome to manage, and consumes a lot of their energy, making them want to do something and hesitate.

And if you don't do it right, it can easily lead to civil strife.

This time, a lot of the food was flooded, and a small amount of it was moldy. Most of the moldy food was given to those who rushed against the wall.

For Gan Xiong, he can use these people to resist zombies and reduce the number of people, killing two birds with one stone.

A six-story building.

Gan Xiong moved here from his original small courtyard. Due to recent heavy rains, the water in the base has reached an adult's waist level.

He looked at the wind and rain outside the window, and the occasional flashes of thunder and lightning, and murmured: "The Zhang family is gone, the Zhou family is gone, wait until the number of people is reduced this time, and then we can relax and do some things."


Outside this building, Qianlong and Wayne were scattered under the wall, leading a group of people to supervise the people on the wall.

Tian Sheng led a group of people to clean the drainage pipes in the base and find a way to drain the accumulated water in the base, but the heavy rain was really too heavy.

When we originally designed the size of the drainage outlet, we did not consider such a heavy rainstorm, so even after the sediment was cleared and the drainage pipe was unobstructed, we did not consider it.

Although the water level in the base has slowed down a lot, it is still rising.

Rao City.

Sanqing Mountain.

A warm cabin with a peaceful atmosphere.

Sanqing Mountain is originally extremely steep, strangely steep and dangerous.

Even before the end of the world, people had to use both hands and feet to climb up mountains in some dangerous places.

And at this time it was raining heavily.

Make the way up the mountain more difficult.

During the heavy rain, all the sediment and rocks in the mountains were washed down.

Invisibly, it makes it more difficult for the zombies at the bottom of the mountain to climb up.

So far, no zombie has come close.

Xu Chengcai also braved the heavy rain in the past few days to cut down some trees and insert them in the aisle under the platform to form a block to prevent zombies from climbing up.

After exiting this passage, there is only a small cliff with a height of more than ten meters in front of it, and it is difficult for the number of zombies here to stack up.

In addition, he also took out a rope, made a circle around the wooden house, tightened it and inserted it into the roller blind, and set up a device. If the rope is pushed by gravity to a certain extent, the inside of the cabin will be

The tin can fell to the ground.

During heavy rain, these ropes would inevitably be blown and the device would be pulled. After Xu Chengcai debugged it a few times, he simulated a zombie, bumped into the rope, and pulled the rope forward to two meters, then the reminder device would be triggered.

The strong wind and rain would at most make the rope sway, but it would not be able to pull the rope two meters away.

However, in the past few days, some rotten wood scraped from the top of the mountain also triggered this device twice.

However, some wooden fences installed on the mountain, ropes surrounding them, and double insurance made Xu Chengcai feel more at ease.

Thunder and lightning.

Xu Chengcai took the huge piece of rotten wood that had been scraped off the day before, chopped it into several pieces with a knife, and made it into a stool.

In this small house of 13 square meters, apart from food and some things in the warehouse, the most they had for their bedding and luggage was firewood.

The room that was originally dirty and messy now becomes tidy.

I can't say it's clean, but it's more organized than when I first discovered this place.

Xu Chengcai was in this hut, holding a dagger and carving the rotten tree roots that rolled down two days ago.

On the other side, Xiaoyong was holding a palm-sized Xinhua dictionary. After less than five seconds, he put down the Xinhua dictionary and began to look at the wood carving in his father's hand.

Xu Chengcai's swordsmanship is excellent, meticulous, and his control over details is so powerful that it is abnormal, and he is also extremely strong in control of strength.

Although he has not specifically learned carving, he is extremely talented and looks very cool with this dagger in his hands.

"Dad, can you teach me how to use a knife?" Xiaoyong said with stars in his eyes.

In his eyes, his father is the most powerful person. He can hit a squirrel with a dagger from more than ten meters away. He can hit a squirrel with one hit by hearing the sound without seeing the snake.

The wood carvings carved at this time look extremely delicate.

Xu Chengcai raised his head and saw Xiaoyong reading a few pages of the Xinhua Dictionary, then put it down and said, "What did you say just now? You have to read three pages before you can rest."

This Xinhua Dictionary is the only book Xu Chengcai brings to Xiaoyong.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! In this Xinhua dictionary, every word has pinyin, annotations, sentences, and even some short stories.

It's already very complete.

When Xiaoyong heard his father urging him to read the Xinhua Dictionary again, he couldn't help but said: "Dad, is literacy still useful now? There is no need to take a test."

Xu Chengcai shook his head and said: "Of course it is useful. You only need to read this Xinhua Dictionary. It is enough. Although it is the end of the world, you don't want to become illiterate. And maybe one day, the zombies will be defeated by humans and the end of the world will end."


"Is it really possible?" Xiaoyong raised his head and asked expectantly.

He didn't want to be in fear all day long, and he didn't want to see his father face so many zombies and worry about them biting his father.

"Yes." Xu Chengcai said seriously, his tone full of determination.

It was as if he was stating a fact.

"How long will it take?" Xiaoyong asked seriously.

"It's not far." Xu Chengcai was unsure, but he still said so.

"Oh." Xiaoyong said. He felt that Xu Chengcai was unsure of his answer and felt that it would take a long, long time.

Then he lowered his head and continued to look at the Xinhua Dictionary.

Seeing his unhappy look, Xu Chengcai looked at the wood carving and dagger in his hand, turned his eyes, and said to Xiaoyong: "Xiaoyong, I will teach you how to use the dagger, do you want it?"

Xiaoyong jumped up quickly and said happily: "Yes! I will become more powerful than dad, and I will protect dad when the time comes."

Xu Chengcai was slightly startled, his eyes were hot.

He originally thought that Xiaoyong just wanted to learn how to carve and have fun.

But I didn't expect that Xiaoyong learned how to use a knife in order to become stronger and protect himself.

This is just a child of eight or nine years old. In the past two years or so, Xiaoyong has been extremely stunted and looks one or two years younger than his actual age.

Before the end of the world, boys of this age were at their most noisy, but Xiaoyong

After looking at the food in the warehouse, Xu Chengcai decided to teach him how to use a knife.

There was not enough food before, and I was hungry all day and had no strength. How could I still have the energy to teach? How could Xiaoyong still have the energy to learn, so I never taught him before.

But now that there is enough food for the time being, Xiaoyong can learn something and protect himself when the time comes.

So, Xu Chengcai said seriously: "Okay, I'll teach you."

"Oh yeah!" Xiaoyong shouted excitedly. He had asked his father to teach him many times, but he always refused. Unexpectedly, his father agreed this time.

He is very happy.

A hut in the storm, a hut in the dark.

The little bit of light that came out was like a bean, small and very weak.

The laughter and laughter were drowned in the lightning and thunder.

Not far from Sanqing Mountain.


Under construction on the top of the mountain.

Dongfeng looked down at the floods at the foot of the mountain, feeling a little lucky in his heart.

Fortunately, after the blizzard, they learned their lesson and immediately took food and hid deep in the mountains from Poyang Lake.

Otherwise, they probably have to explain where they are.

However, when he looked at the team of less than thirty people around him, he felt bitter.

That time there was a blizzard, zombies piled up, and the remaining people fled to the roof.

At that time, the zombie stack was only three meters high, which was enough to climb up a floor.

But the temperature warmed rapidly and the sun came out.

The zombies ran away.

They survived.

From the original base of a thousand people, there are now only 27 people left.

That's the life of a thousand people.

Just in that blizzard, it disappeared.

Tap tap tap——

There was a sound of footsteps coming from an older man.

Dongfeng turned his head and saw the person coming.

Said: "Wan Bo."

Wan Bo walked up to him and said, "Captain Dongfeng, have you thought about it? After this heavy rain, should we go south to the legendary Big Camphor Tree Base?"

Dongfeng heard this, thought for a long time, and said, "Uncle Wan, you also heard the old Dong who came from Chengzizhou said that joining a big force may sometimes be a trap."

Wan Bo slowly said: "When Old Dong went to the Western Alliance, he met a group of heavily armed men by the river on the outskirts of Chang City. He talked to them and gave them a bag of fried rice.


Do you still remember that more than half a year ago, Ma Jun's group of perverts near Poyang Lake were the corpse whisperers.

They used to come to us every month and ask us to hand over food, but when Lao Dong met those people by the river, those corpse whisperers disappeared at the same time.

I concluded that it must be them.

Moreover, in the past six months, we have met a small team and learned about this Big Zhangshu Base from their mouths. According to their description, this Big Zhangshu Base is extremely powerful.

These clues and clues are connected together, which is enough to prove that this big camphor tree base is powerful and will not be as unbearable as Chengzizhoutou or Corpse Whisperer."

Dongfeng looked at Wan Bo, sighed and said: "Wan Bo, please let me think about it again. I will definitely tell you the answer after a heavy rain."

Wan Bo looked at him seriously and said: "Captain Dongfeng, although we have rescued some food from Poyang Lake, it cannot sustain us for too long.

Moreover, Poyang Lake is very easy to grow food, but after these natural disasters, we all know that it is easily attacked by zombies.

But staying on this mountain is not an option."

Dongfeng's eyes changed slightly, food, food again.

"Okay, I'll think about it again," Dongfeng said.

Wan Bo then arched his back and left slowly, his gray temples fluttering in the wind in the heavy rain.

When Dongfeng saw Wan Bo leaving, bitterness appeared on his face: "How can there be any peach blossom land in the last days? They are all beings that eat people without spitting out their bones. How could there be such a place in this world? It's like what Lao Dong said

Yes, that Orange Island Head may be the norm for most base forces."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! While sighing, he looked at the rainwater falling on the eaves. The water curtains formed a line and fell into the ditch, making splashes.

Big camphor tree base.

Under the combat duty plan formulated by Li Yu, everything went on in an orderly manner.

The rain was pouring down.

Li Yu sat on the chair in the duty room and looked at the glass bottle in his hand. The liquid inside was red and black.

This bottle of liquid is an upgraded version of the loss-attraction drug developed by Bai Jie and Ma Di yesterday.

Although this bottle of medicine cannot restore zombies to normal, yesterday he witnessed with his own eyes how powerful this bottle of medicine is in attracting zombies.

When they were in Chengzizhou before, they used zombie attracting drugs to attract the zombie tigers and got rid of them.

This time, Li Yu plans to test the effect of the upgraded version.

"Xiaohang, use the intercom to notify Li Tie to come over to duty room No. 1," Li Yu said.

Upon hearing this, Li Hang took out his walkie-talkie and immediately contacted Li Tie.

five minutes later.

Li Tie stepped in the rain and walked in wet.

"Brother, call me."

"Like last time, you put this bottle of medicine on the drone, and then attract the zombies to the flood side of the national highway." Li Yu took out the glass bottle in his hand.

The glass bottle was sealed tightly, and the outside was wrapped with a layer of transparent tape to prevent the smell inside from escaping.

"You mean? Attract the zombies to the flood, lure all the zombies there, and use the flood to wash away all the zombies!" Li Tieyue said, his eyes getting more and more excited.

This is a great idea, it's wonderful.

Through this method, you can attract all the zombies around the base.

However, according to the last test, although this zombie-attracting drug can attract zombies, it can only attract a part of the zombies and cannot attract zombies further away.

"Okay, brother, let me give it a try." Li Tie finished.

I took the drone off the wall, checked it, and then pulled out a clip.

Li Yu put the medicine in his hand on it, thought for a while, and added a cover on top to allow the rainwater outside to drip inside.

"Let's go out and open it again." Li Yu saw with his own eyes how attractive this drug is to zombies.

The two people walked out of the duty room.

Li Yu looked at the zombies under the wall, as well as the zombies in the mountains and forests in the distance, stacked up into two hills, one large and one small.


Li Yu opened the bottle of zombie medicine, stood up immediately, stepped aside, and shouted to Li Tie: "Fly the drone out quickly."

Hearing this, Li Tie controlled the drone.

Buzz buzz——

Flying off the wall.

A faint smell of blood, elegant~~

With the strong wind, it drifted farther and farther.

The zombies with a keen sense of smell under the wall suddenly stopped climbing and raised their heads to look in the opposite direction of the drone.


The drone flew to a height of fifty meters and began to fly outside the fence.

Ho ho ho——

The zombies under the wall roared collectively, and the roars became one.

The pile of zombies about six meters high suddenly collapsed at this moment, and they collectively ran in the opposite direction of the drone.

Not only were the zombies rioting piled up at the front entrance, but also the other zombies in the opposite direction, from near to far, were rushing towards this side crazily.

Li Hang, who was standing next to Li Yu, watched helplessly as the wave of zombies ran frantically in the opposite direction of the drone like running water.

Soon, the drone flew over the mountain forest and headed towards the rural road.

The zombie wave is like a ball of dung rolled by a dung beetle, rolling around trying to reach the drone in the sky.

The height once reached six or seven meters.

You know, at this height, there is still no wall to rely on. There are just zombies piled up from all directions. To stack up to this height, a huge number of zombies are needed.

Li Tie looked at the screen of the drone. Under the light carried by the drone, he couldn't help but gasp when he saw how crazy the zombies below were.

He said to Li Yu in shock: "Brother, are you using the same medicine as last time this time? Why is it so strong? These zombies are too crazy!"

Li Yu saw the amazing effect and said, "It's an enhanced version of the drug last time. Fly over quickly and raise the altitude a little."

The tide of zombies quickly increased to a height of ten meters at a speed visible to the naked eye. This tide of zombies was like a flood.


Li Tie quickly controlled the drone to rise to an altitude of 300 meters again and flew towards the national highway.

As the drone flew onto the national highway, the zombies on the road that were walking out of the flood and heading towards the Da Zhangshu Base also stopped and ran in the direction of the drone.

In other duty rooms on the wall, the second uncle, eldest uncle, third uncle and others looked at the pile of losses receding like the tide, with confused faces, not knowing what happened.

Not only that, even at the back door farthest from the main entrance, the zombie wave subsided all of a sudden, running desperately in the direction of the drone.

"Xiaoyu, the zombies on our side all ran in the opposite direction to the main entrance. What happened to you?" The second uncle quickly took out the walkie-talkie and contacted Li Yu to inquire about the situation.

Li Yu replied: "I just took the enhanced version of the drug developed by Bai Jie and others to attract zombies. I didn't expect the effect to be so strong!"

When the second uncle heard this, he immediately asked Cannon to take charge of this direction and hurried to the main entrance.


The drone flew over the flooded national highway.

The flood was raging and rushing downwards.

The water surface was rough, and many zombies were washed into the water, sweeping the zombies downstream.

At this time, the zombies who had withdrawn from the Da Zhangshu Base jumped into the flood one by one like dumplings, trying to catch the glass bottle in the drone above the center of the flood.

But when these zombies stepped into the flood, they were swept downstream by the raging flood.

Even after exerting all his strength, he was still unable to resist the powerful momentum of the flood and was swept downstream by the flood.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! As tens of thousands of zombies poured into the rushing flood, the zombies in the Da Zhangshu Base suddenly became a little empty.

There were only some piled up dead zombie corpses left, as well as some zombies with broken legs and unable to walk.

Li Yu looked at these zombie corpses and couldn't help but be speechless, sighing at the strong attraction of this drug to zombies.

The second uncle also came over at this time. On the way over the fence, he saw with his own eyes that almost all the zombies outside the fence had disappeared. He felt very anxious and nervous.

Don't know what happened.


The second uncle arrived at the front door.

He went straight to the point and asked: "Xiaoyu, do you still have that medicine?"

Hearing this, Li Yu nodded and said, "There is another bottle."

Just after he finished speaking, he suddenly realized a problem. The effect of this drug was too powerful. If he accidentally smashed this drug in the base, then

The zombies will definitely rush towards the Da Zhangshu base like mad dogs.

Even with the protection of three layers of knife, it is still very difficult to deal with.

Thinking of this, Li Yu suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

"Second uncle, come with me."

"Tiezi, you continue to control this drone and keep it in the air. I'll leave for a moment."

After saying that, he hurriedly took his second uncle to the scientific research room of the base.

On the way, the second uncle had a conversation with Li Yu, and the two of them became wary of this drug to the most dangerous level.

Just like the atomic bomb before the end of the world, if this thing is dropped on the enemy's territory, it will be okay.

However, I have it in my hands, and I am also very worried. I am afraid that someone may explode it at any time, so I must take precautions.

Once this kind of thing is not controlled, it will bring great disaster.


Li Yu rushed directly into the scientific research room from outside.

Then close the scientific research room and walk inside the closed glass door again.

Bai Jie and Ma Di both looked at Li Yu in confusion, not knowing what was going on.

Li Yu got straight to the point and said directly: "Do you still have a bottle of the enhanced version of the drug that attracts zombies?"

Bai Jie nodded, pulled out the incubator from the table, pointed inside and said, "Yes, the preparation of this medicine is very complicated. Now I have prepared two bottles. One bottle was taken away by you, and the other one is here.


Li Yu looked at the well-sealed potion and breathed a sigh of relief.

He said to the two of them in an extremely serious tone: "Besides you two, who else knows how to prepare this medicine."

Ma Di hesitated for a moment and said, "No, it was just prepared by the two of us. Bai Jie is responsible for the refining of the first half, and I am responsible for the fusion of elements in the second half."

Li Yu's eyes were bright, and at a certain moment, he wanted to kill these two people.

He doesn't like losing control. This potion will be a powerful weapon against zombies, but it will also be a weapon for destroying humans.

This is a double-edged sword.

Li Yu's tone was serious, and he said to the two of them in a serious tone that had never appeared before: "From now on, it is forbidden to prepare this kind of medicine. If you violate it, you will be killed directly!"

The tone was cold and without any emotion.

Bai Jie and Ma Di looked at Li Yu in shock. They didn't know what the problem was.

Although they didn't say anything, there was deep doubt on their faces.

Li Yu slowly said: "I just tested it. This potion is extremely attractive to zombies. Almost as soon as the bottle was sealed and opened, the zombies became extremely crazy. In such heavy rain, zombies are already very agile.

, and are not afraid of death. Once the smell of this drug spreads in the base, it will cause great trouble!"

The two looked at each other, surprised that such a thing happened.

So he nodded immediately and said seriously: "Understood, we will definitely not be developing this kind of drug."

Li Yu held the incubator in his hand and said to the two of them: "I took this potion away. Remember what I just said. You must remember it!"

Seeing how serious Li Yu was, the two nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

Li Yu took a deep look at the two of them and left the scientific research room with his second uncle.

During the heavy rain, Li Yu looked at the incubator and said to his second uncle, "I'll put this away."

The second uncle was about to ask where to put it, but he quickly closed his mouth. After two seconds, he ordered: "It must be placed in a safe enough place."

Li Yu nodded and watched his second uncle leave.

After his second uncle left, Li Yu went directly to the underground warehouse.

After opening the two doors of the underground warehouse, Li Yu came to the innermost door.

This door is where Li Yu stores some of his most valuable things.

After opening the combination lock, Li Yu took out the key again and opened the door.

Li Yu looked at the things on the wall and found that nothing was missing.

They walked to the corner and opened a heavy safe that they found in the bank after the apocalypse broke out.

They are generally used to store extremely important items.

Li Yu opened the safe and put the incubator inside.

Close the safe again.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Only you have the keys to this room and this safe, no one else has them.

After putting them inside, Li Yu closed the doors of the underground warehouse one by one and returned to the wall of the main entrance.

On the fence, Li Tie was still controlling the drone.

Looking at the picture on the drone screen, he was a little scared.

This effect is so powerful.

Only now did he realize what he would have done if it had broken into pieces in the duty room just now.

This directly attracted the zombies to the wall.

If that's the case.

On the wall, Li Yu saw his second uncle and Li Tie with solemn faces, thought for a while, and said: "Actually, this only has such an effect during heavy rain.

Under normal circumstances, zombies simply do not have such agility and running speed.

In addition, we must believe in the strength of our base. In addition to the three-layer mobile knives, we also have guns and cannons, which can bomb these zombies.

So, don’t worry too much.”

After hearing this, the second uncle breathed a sigh of relief.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! I thought to myself: Yes, although the zombies are scary, the strength in their base is also very strong.

Thinking of this, the second uncle was not as nervous as before, so he said to Li Yu: "What should I do with that bottle of medicine next?"

Li Yu turned to Li Tie and said, "Tiezi, how long can this drone fly?"

Li Tie looked at the time and said: "It can fly for a total of one hour, but it has been flying for twenty minutes now."

"Okay." Li Yu nodded slightly.

Then he said again: "That's it. You can just put that bottle of potion later. Well, let me think about it."

According to Li Yu's idea, after this opened potion, after this test, he definitely didn't want to bring it back again.

Although the effect is very good, if the drone is unbalanced and hits the wall directly, the medicine will be spilled.

It's better to sprinkle it on the wall, after all, it will be diluted by heavy rain.



With this thought, Li Yu said to Li Tie: "Control the rain-shielding board, move it away, and let the raindrops fall into the potion."

Li Tie said: "Brother, if this happens, the glass bottle containing the medicine will soon be filled with rainwater, and then the medicine will overflow."

The second uncle guessed what Li Yu was thinking. This was a test to test what effect the diluted medicine would achieve.

If the potion becomes less attractive to zombies after it is diluted, then this thing is actually not that big of a threat to the Da Zhangshu Base.

"Just do as your elder brother says." The second uncle said directly.


Li Tie held the operating lever. He was very familiar with this drone that he had modified.

The baffle blocking the medicine was slowly moved away.

The rain instantly fell into the glass bottle.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the medicine in the glass bottle was filled with rainwater.

It spread out.

"Fly higher." Li Yu said.

Li Tie flew the drone high.


Amidst the lightning and thunder, they saw an astonishing scene through the drone screen.

In the middle of the flood, the zombies were extremely dense and rolled into a ball, just to grab the fallen medicine.

However, this medicine dripped into the flood and was quickly diluted by the flood.

This medicine is soluble in water.

20 seconds later.

Li Yu quickly said: "Okay, close the baffle."


The upper layer of the drone covered the glass bottle again.

A few minutes later.

They found that the density of zombies began to decrease.

Under the wall, some zombies began to appear again.


When everyone saw these zombies, not only were they not nervous, but they were relieved.

It would be nice to be able to dilute it and find a solution.

But this diluted potion can still attract some zombies on the shore.

It happened to be able to reduce the pressure on the fence, so Li Yu asked Li Tie to continue to control the drone.

Tens of minutes later.

The battery of the drone was running low, so Li Yu asked Li Tie to throw the glass bottle on the drone directly into the flood, taking away another wave of zombies, and then took the drone back.

After this test, Li Yu realized the characteristics and power of this potion.

This kind of medicine is somewhat anti-human.

It was too powerful. Thinking of this, he decided to install a camera in the scientific research room, and only he could see this camera.

Time passes slowly.

During the heavy rain, a lot of organic matter in the soil was taken away.

Under the erosion, many buildings collapsed one after another.

There are some trees that were planted before in the big camphor tree base. Some birds originally liked this place.

Every time it is warm, there are always many birds in the base.

Birds are singing and flowers are blooming in the garden.

However, in this dark and heavy rain, everything seems to be found only in memory.

The heavy rain continued for ten days.

This high-intensity rainstorm caused flooding to continue.

In fact, the flood water level continues to rise.

The rate of increase is very slow, but the water level is indeed rising.

On the twelfth day of the heavy rain, the water level had risen from one-third of the way up the rural road to two-fifths of the way.

Come up from the rural road, pass through a wooded hill, and you will be outside the base.

This heavy rain,

It’s a feast of zombies,

It is also the tragedy of mankind.


Please vote for me. I can put the two previous chapters together, they are a bit long.


Thanks to mifeng55 for the 10,000 reward.

Thanks to the Buddhist boy for the reward

Thank you for the reward of 200,000 yuan.

Thanks to EugeneHK for the tip

Thanks to book friends for the reward

Thanks to dingDELl for the tip

Thanks to book friends for the reward

Thanks for the reward from Always the Emperor Embarrassing Wa

Thanks to Anson Tianhei for the tip

Thanks to Gu Shi for the tip

Thanks to book friends for the reward

Thanks for the reward from me who enjoys enjoying the sea of ​​books

Thanks to Lao Chen’s children for the reward

Thanks to Alisa’s pig for tipping

Thanks to book friends for tipping

Thanks to book friends for tipping

Thanks to Siyu for the hint of sadness

Thanks to ghost-catching Garfield for the tip

Thank you guys~~

(End of chapter)

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