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Chapter 901 Appetizers are here!

Five o'clock in the evening, eastern Laizhou.

It is more than 30 kilometers away from the fraud park.

Li Yu and the others arrived here after bombing with heavy artillery for half an hour in the northern part of Laizhou, dozens of kilometers away from the fraudster's park.

This place is a large abandoned quarry, with rubble everywhere. What comes into view is a huge stone mountain. One-third of the stone mountain has been mined, and large stones are embedded in the stone mountain.

Under the stone mountain, there is a small slope of gravel piled up. Some of these gravels are as big as a washbasin, while others are about as big as a fist.

Farther away, there is a row of gravels the size of marbles, and in front of these gravels are several gravel crushers and conveyor belts.

It's just that these gravel crushers have all fallen to the ground. Their surfaces are covered with rust and rotten, and they look like they are no longer useful.

The road leading here is very wide, but the ground is full of dust and debris. Vehicles passing here stir up a cloud of dust.


Li Tie stepped on the brakes and parked the armored RV steadily in the open space in the middle of the quarry.

Li Yu walked out of the RV, swept around, and then climbed up the gravel hill.

The gravel continued to slide down. Li Yu dug his feet into the gravel to stabilize his body, otherwise he would be carried down by the falling gravel.

The gravel is not fixed. If someone steps on it due to gravity, the stone above will collapse and then continue to slide down.

Humans are like this, let alone zombies whose legs and feet are even more inflexible.

It took a lot of effort to stand on the gravel hill and look at the surrounding environment.

The stone mountain directly in front is tall and steep. It is impossible for zombies to climb over the stone mountain. There are more than a dozen piles of gravel hills on both sides. Not to mention whether the zombies can climb this gravel hill, but as long as a person stands on the gravel hill, they can't climb over.

It can occupy geographical advantages and easily deal with zombies.

What's more, the stone mountain on the right is full of relatively large stones, the size of a washbasin, and the largest one is even one or two meters long. People can only climb up using hands and feet.

Without rain, zombies cannot climb up like humans.

Li Yu nodded with satisfaction. In this case, all you need to do is pay attention to the back, which is the wide road coming in.

All it takes is a few armored transport vehicles placed side by side to block it.

On the other hand, the open space in the middle is large enough to accommodate all vehicles and helicopters. Even after these vehicles are parked, there is still a small amount of space left.

Li Yu stepped on the top of the gravel mountain. The top was relatively stable. Unlike when he came up, it was not easy to move due to the slope.

After walking around, Li Yu came down from the gravel mountain.

When he came down, he almost took one step, and the gravel took his body down a few steps.

After coming down, he said to his third uncle: "Third uncle, this place is nice. It's very suitable for us to camp tonight."

The third uncle sat on the roof of the car, looked at Li Yu and said, "It will get dark in more than an hour. Please tell me how to use your zombie attracting potion."

After saying that, he jumped off the roof of the car, stood next to Li Yu and said, "I haven't seen what the zombie attracting potion looks like. Is this thing reliable?"

Li Yu nodded and said, "It's reliable. I used this thing in the Western Conference before. This thing is very powerful."

As he said this, he walked towards the RV to take out the enhanced zombie attracting potion and show it to his third uncle.

Returning to the RV, he went straight to the small space at the back of the RV. He closed the door, squatted down, pulled out a safe from underneath, and then used the key to open the safe. There was a silver safe inside.

Li Yu opened the safe again and found that the three tubes of the enhanced zombie-attracting potion were safe and sound. Li Yu picked up a tube of potion, opened the buckle again, and took out the potion from the cover. The outer cover acted as a buffer against bumps.

Not only that, this safe is also filled with anti-collision materials. This is no joke. If the medicine tube is broken while the vehicle is driving, zombies will definitely chase them.

These two layers of protection can ensure that even if the safe falls to the ground, the zombie attracting potion inside will remain safe.

Li Yu walked out of the RV carrying the silver safe, walked outside the car, laid the safe flat on the ground, and then opened it to show his third uncle.

"Uncle Third, this is an enhanced version of the zombie attracting potion. One tube is enough. When you go over to drop the potion at night, be sure to ensure the safety of the potion during transportation."

With that said, Li Yu picked up a tube of potion and took off the outer protective cover. The tube of zombie attracting potion inside was sealed in a glass tube.

"At that time, all you need to do is take off this protective cover and drop it from a high altitude. This glass is very fragile, and it will definitely break if it falls from such a height."

"But if you are worried, you can open the bottle of the medicine and throw it away. However, you must be careful not to drop the medicine into the helicopter when you put it in. This medicine is concentrated, and one drop will suffice.

Attract zombies."

"This potion has been tested and its attraction to zombies is very scary, so be careful!"

The third uncle listened carefully to what Li Yu said, and then carefully took the tube of zombie attracting potion.

The potion in the glass appears black and red, exuding a strange color in the afterglow of the setting sun, and looks very coquettish.

The third uncle held the tube of medicine, and Li Yu never took his eyes off the tube.

It's not that he doesn't trust his third uncle, he's mainly afraid that if his hand slips and falls to the ground, he'll be in big trouble.

Not to mention wasting this potion, all of them have to leave from here.

And if your body is contaminated with medicine, you should rinse it off with water, but even so, no one knows whether it will attract zombies.

Just as the third uncle was checking the potion, there was a sudden noise on the road they came in from.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Wild boar, holy shit, two big wild boars."

"Block it, don't let it get through!"

Two large black wild boars with two long tusks suddenly burst in from outside.

Bang bang!

Two gunshots were fired.

But Li Yu didn't pay attention to the situation outside, but approached his third uncle nervously.

He was afraid that the two gunshots would alert his third uncle and cause the tube of zombie attracting potion to fall to the ground.

However, after the third uncle heard the gunshot, he didn't even look back, as steady as an old dog.

Holding the potion firmly with his hand, he pointed at the seal on the potion and said, "Just open it from here, right?"

"Yes, you can't pull it out, you have to turn it gently to open it." Li Yu held the potion with both hands.

The third uncle smiled, then put the potion into the protective case and said, "Don't worry, I can hold it very steadily."

After putting it into the protective cover, Uncle San put the medicine back into the safe.

"Are you just going to take it like this at night? It's best to put it in a separate container. One condom is not enough." The third uncle said looking at the silver safe.

It would be too risky to take the entire safe with you.

Hearing this, Li Yu quickly said: "Wait a minute, there is a separate item."

Li Yu covered the safe, then returned to the RV and rummaged around.

It wasn't until he found a thermos cup that he took it and walked out.

"Uncle Third, let's use this when the time comes. Now it's filled with soft cotton. It's just the right size. Just stuff it in."

With that said, Li Yu reopened the safe, took out the zombie-attracting potion wrapped in a protective cover, and then stuffed the tube of zombie-attracting potion into a thermos cup.

Because the cotton is stuffed inside, the medicine is very firm after being put in and will not be shaken or hit.

After Li Yu stuffed the medicine inside, he took some cotton and stuffed it with a layer. Finally, he turned the lid of the thermos cup and handed it to his third uncle.

The third uncle did not take it, but said: "Let me put it where you are first, and then give it to me when we set off later."

When Li Yu heard what his third uncle said, he nodded and said, "Okay, third uncle, just come to me and get it when you set off."

Third uncle nodded.

Li Yu then put the safe and the thermos cup back into the RV and locked them with the safe.

When he got off the car, he saw Lao Luo and seven or eight others carrying two large wild boars.

"What's going on?" Li Yu shouted towards Lao Luo and the others.

Lao Luo and the others said with excitement on their faces: "Wild boars, two big wild boars, they ran out of nowhere. They were just running around and were killed by us."

Li Yu walked over and said to Lao Luo: "Put it down and let me take a look."

When Lao Luo heard this, he immediately put the wild boar down.

Li Yu came closer and opened the wild boar's eyelids. After seeing the wild boar's eyeballs, he nodded and said:

"Yes, this wild boar can be eaten. Everyone should be careful in the future. Animals outside the base may also be infected with the zombie virus. If the skin of this wild boar has not changed, and the eyeballs have not changed, it means that this wild boar has not changed either.

I was bitten by a zombie and there was no mutation."

Lao Luo next to him nodded and said: "Okay, we will pay attention. We just brought these two wild boars back after seeing that they had not mutated."

"Yes." Li Yu then waved his hand and asked them to carry the wild boar away.

In his previous life, he was lucky enough to capture some animals, and he was able to tell whether these animals had any mutations.

If these animals have eaten the corpse of a zombie, their eyes will turn blood red. If they have been bitten by a zombie, their eyeballs will all turn white.

These two wild boars were not afraid of death and came to this quarry to deliver their meat.

This pig is pretty cool.

They watched Lao Luo and the others happily carrying the two pigs over and burning the skins with fire.

It’s been a while since I left Da Zhangshu Base.

Although there is canned pork, there is no fresh meat.

These two wild boars that came to their door could be a tusking ceremony for them.

These two wild boars are very strong, running wildly in the mountains and forests, and being chased by zombies, they have developed a lot of muscle.

These two wild boars were able to survive the zombie outbreak for such a long time, which is why they are also strong among wild boars.

About ten minutes passed.

Suddenly there was a buzzing sound in the sky.

It's the ants who are back.

Ant and the others just went to the fraud park to check the situation after being bombarded by heavy artillery.

It's just that they went there for a long time, and it took a full two hours before they came back.

After Ant and the others stopped the helicopter, Uncle San and Li Yu walked over together.

The ant and the jackal came down.

"Jackal, why have you been gone so long? Did you encounter anything on the way that delayed you?" Third Uncle asked the two of them.

Jackal heard this and replied: "After we left the scammer park, we saw on the road that they sent a team to the village where we were before.

There were hundreds of people in that team, and they went directly to the place where we stayed before. Someone among them must have discovered our location.

We saw something was wrong, so we followed them.

Later, in order to avoid them seeing our helicopter and following us, we made a big circle back."

When Li Yu heard Jackal say this, he was a little glad that they had moved their position, otherwise they would have started a head-on battle.

Although they are not afraid of frontal combat with their firepower, facing so many people and the mountains and forests on this side of the country, it is difficult to fully utilize the advantages of heavy artillery and infantry fighting convoys.

Once a head-on conflict occurs, although it can be won, there will inevitably be casualties.

Thinking of this, I am a little curious about the current whereabouts of that team.

So he quickly asked: "Where was that team of hundreds of people? Where did they go after that?"

The ant smiled and said:

"Hi! The jackal said he wanted to walk them and tease them for a while. So he took them for a walk to the border. After walking around, he got rid of those people. When we finally left, they

They probably realized that we were playing tricks on them, so they returned to the fraud park."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Li Yu calculated the time and found that it would take about an hour to get from the border to the fraud park, and then asked: "According to their speed, they should be almost at the fraud park now, right?"


Ant said: "If they didn't go to other places, they should have arrived. When we came back, we walked from the west, and then made a big circle back to the east of Laizhou, so it took an hour."

Li Yu felt relieved.

Because it involves their plans for tonight.

If those people run out, it will be difficult to annihilate them in one fell swoop if the heavy artillery is followed by zombie attracting chemicals.

Keeping a team of several hundred people is a hidden danger after all.

After seeing them finish talking, the third uncle asked Ant what happened after they detected the heavy artillery bombardment this time.

When Jackal heard his third uncle asking this, he said helplessly: "The damage to the building exceeds 20%, and the damage to the wall is about 10%. Mainly the largest park in the middle was severely damaged. The other two

Not much impact.

In addition, when we left, we took a look and found that their repair speed was very fast. They filled the vehicles with soil and then piled it directly in the gap that was destroyed by the blast.

They even used waste and piled up the collapsed construction debris in the gaps in the wall.

It seems that we need another wave of heavy artillery attacks, otherwise with their repair speed, the zombies probably won't be able to get in."

Li Yu sighed slightly when he heard this, but he didn't have too many regrets.

After all, there are so many people in the defrauded park, and it's not raining now. As long as the wall is blocked, the zombies can be defended.

However, they probably didn't expect that there would be another wave of heavy artillery attacks later.

What they didn't even expect was that Li Yu actually had a zombie attracting potion.

They probably thought that heavy artillery was the main event, but this was just an appetizer. At night, after the zombie attracting potion was released, it was the main event!

So Li Yu said: "It's okay, give the pictures and corrected points to Lao Luo and the others again, and tonight we will focus on bombing those places that were not hit by the bombing.

The real battle has not begun yet!"

When the jackal heard this, he nodded heavily with a smile on his face.

I never have a good impression of these scammers.

Killing is the best solution!

While they were chatting, the sky gradually turned dark.


The other side.

Erhua led the team back to the Jinmu Group Park somewhat angrily.

Thinking of what happened in the afternoon, she felt anxious and angry, and she didn't know how to explain it to Mr. Gao later.

Back to two hours ago, she drove a team of hundreds of people, full of passion and excitement, to the village where Li Yu and the others were.

But I never thought that it would come to nothing.

Looking at the empty village, Erhua was dumbfounded.

She clearly remembers seeing the infantry fighting vehicles here when she came here with Chen Wei. How could they be gone?

The leaders of several teams nearby were not convinced that Erhua would lead the team this time, so they said sarcastically: "Human, Erhua, you are not lying to us, are you? It doesn't matter if you lie to us, but Mr. Gao

, I’m afraid it’s hard for you to explain.”

"I don't. If you don't believe me, let Chen Wei testify! Chen Wei!" Erhua said angrily.

"Chen Wei, Chen Wei! Come out quickly and explain."

Erhua shouted several times, but Chen Wei didn't show up.

"Stop shouting, Chen Wei. I think he was ordered by Mr. Gao to do other things and didn't come with him." A man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks said next to him.

She looked at Erhua with disdain and disbelief.

Because Erhua was leading the team this time, she was so excited that she didn't even notice that Chen Wei didn't come with her.

You were careless! Erhua was so confused that she didn’t know what to do for a while.

Should we just go back and tell Mr. Gao that they didn't find it?

My heart felt cold, but I still said stubbornly: "If you don't believe it, you can ask Chen Wei face to face when you go back. Those people must have been scared away when they saw how powerful we are!"

"Ah, right, right." The man next to her was too lazy to argue with her, so he said impatiently.

Suddenly, Erhua saw a helicopter in the sky.

That's exactly what ants are.

Erhua was excited after seeing it, so she said loudly: "Look, I'm right, they are nearby. You see, their helicopter must be returning to their main force. If we follow them, we will definitely be able to find them."

A man next to him said hesitantly: "I feel something is wrong. Since we can see them, the people on the helicopter must also be able to see us. Do you think they will take us there?"

"President Gao said, listen to my command this time, do you want to disobey the order?" Erhua finally caught the straw of the helicopter and was definitely not willing to let it go, so she said angrily to the man.

"Okay, you are the eldest sister, okay, I will listen to you, okay."

After Erhua heard this, not only did she not become happy, but she felt as if she had eaten Xiang.

Okay, these three words make people feel really uncomfortable.

But she was in no mood to care about this at the moment. The helicopter was flying very fast. If they didn't catch up quickly, they would never be able to catch up.

So I got in the car and drove in the direction of the helicopter.

It's strange to say that Erhua originally thought that the helicopter behind them would be farther and farther away from them. After all, the helicopter flew much faster than they drove.

But I didn't expect that they would follow me.

It wasn't until an hour later, when they followed them to the border and circled repeatedly, that they realized they had been tricked.

The helicopter in the sky suddenly accelerated its speed, quickly flew to the west, and disappeared from sight at a speed visible to the naked eye, confirming this guess.

All of a sudden, the little bosses mocked Erhua even more.

"Erhua, we are being treated like monkeys! What a shame, I shouldn't have come out with you, wasting time!"

"I will definitely tell Mr. Gao about this. You are so stupid. You have wasted so much fuel. It is a waste of time for everyone to run around."


After hearing this insulting words, Erhua couldn't hold back any longer, fired a shot into the air and said, "What, if you have the guts, say something else."


No one said anything for a while.

Erhua looked at the sky and saw that it was already evening.

They must return to the park, otherwise it will be too dangerous outside at night.

So he said: "Let's go back to the park first."

Then he sat down in the car, although the expression on his face didn't change much.

But her heart was extremely anxious.

How will I explain to Mr. Gao when I go back this time?

Damn it, Chen Wei, I will settle the score with you when I come back.

However, what she didn't know was that Chen Wei was carrying a black backpack at this time, bypassing the guards and sneaking away through the gap in the wall.


(asking for monthly ticket)

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