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Chapter 1928 Rebirth of the Ancestor


These two words will undoubtedly make people instantly think of the most mysterious and terrifying thing in the world...the Abyss of Nothingness.

As if she sensed Yun Che's thoughts, the woman's voice slowly said: "This abyss is what you know in this world - the abyss of nothingness."

"The abyss of nothingness will return everything to nothingness," Yun Che muttered: "And this power that returns everything to nothingness is what you call the breath of destruction?"

"What you said is basically correct." She replied: "In the initial chaos, the breath of life and the breath of destruction coexisted. The ancestor god naturally annihilated himself, and it was difficult to create life."

"The greatest transformation of Chaos by the Ancestral God was to separate and isolate the breath of life and the breath of destruction. Chaos has since been separated into two worlds, one is the present world, and the other is the abyss."

"The existence of the Taichu Divine Realm is not to connect the two worlds, but to form a deeper isolation."

"After the Ancestral God was dissipated, the present world filled with the rich aura of life began to give birth to all living beings, but the abyss filled with the aura of destruction could never give birth to living beings. The memory left by the Ancestral God to future generations recorded the existence under the abyss.

The world of pure destruction is the aura of destruction that comes from the beginning of chaos. Even true gods and demons cannot resist it. If you fall into it, you will be completely annihilated."

Her voice paused, and she sighed: "Whether separating the original life and death creates another kind of balance, or destroys the most appropriate balance, the ancestor god himself could not make a clear judgment. But

In terms of the development and reproduction of future generations, that is at least not a bad choice."

"What happened next?" Yun Che tried to urge. In his heart, he was eager to know how all this was related to Xia Qingyue.

And at this moment, even if Yun Che doesn't wake up cold, he has clearly understood the voice that sounded in the sea of ​​souls...

It is clearly the will of the ancient ancestor god to still exist in the world!

Because what she was describing were things that only the ancestor god himself could know.

He was actually communicating with the Ancestral God...the true supreme being between heaven and earth that transcended the Demon Emperor and the God of Creation.

The reason why I can communicate with her is because I have practiced the World-Defying Heavenly Book... is it the Ancestral Divine Art she left behind?

"Space will collapse, power will collapse, life will pass, and light will dim... There is no truly eternal existence in the world, not even the power and laws left by the ancestor gods."

"The baptism of the long years, the impact of the fierce battle between gods and demons... Once there is a gap in the laws given by the abyss, it will quickly burst in a short time. When the will of the ancestor god once again approached the abyss, I was surprised to find its existence.

It has broken away from the laws of existence she gave it."

"Even her will can no longer penetrate the abyss."

"Any form of change in the world is the result of the choice of the times. The Ancestral God will only observe and reflect, and will never interfere... She has no will and no real existence, and she cannot interfere."

"However, being separated from the abyss of the ancestral law is destined to make her unable to ignore it."

"Because the abyss was born because of her, she clearly knows what exists in the abyss. Once the breath of destruction in the abyss gets out of control and rolls back into the world of life, it will be a disaster that will destroy everything."

Yun Che: "!!"

The voice of the Sea of ​​Souls shocked him deeply. But on the other hand, a long time has passed since the late stage of the fierce battle between gods and demons, but there has never been any record of any unusual movement in the Abyss of Nothingness.

All records and cognitions about it are about its incomparable silence and endless emptiness, like a terrifying maw that is eternally still but will mercilessly swallow up everything that falls.

"After realizing that the existence of the abyss was separated from the laws given by her, she thought about it for a long time and finally made a decision..."


Yun Che was shocked again.

"Today's chaotic world no longer belongs to her. Even if she can be reborn successfully, she is destined to be unable to have the endless ancestral power as she did back then. But at least it will be enough to re-endow the abyss with complete restraints and laws of existence."

"This is the only way to eliminate that possible consequence. With deep feelings for all things, she can no longer bear to see the world return to the original state where there is no life and no possibility of life... even if

It is acting out a disaster caused by the creatures themselves."

"The Ancestral God... was reborn?" Yun Che muttered these five words in a low voice, which were enough to shock the souls of even the ancient true gods. He was filled with disbelief: "Then you... did she succeed in being reborn?"

"The rebirth of the ancestor is not so easy. To recast one's own body and restore the holy body of the ancestor not only requires a large amount of Hongmeng Qi from the beginning of chaos, but also requires... thousands of reincarnations."

Thousands of reincarnations... These are undoubtedly four words that transcend the boundaries of everyone's cognition.

"The fierce battle between gods and demons is not over yet, and the escape of breath continues. No one knows that the rebirth of the ancestor god has already begun."

"In her first life, she was born into the God Clan. As she grew up, she gradually awakened the power of the True God. As a True God, she should have had a long life in this life, but she would come at any time, and a fierce battle would break out.

, she died in infancy in the sixth thousand years."

"In the second life, she was born into the demon clan. For the same reason, she only lived for four thousand years."

"In the third life, she was a princess of the sea tribe... She was not among the gods and demons, but she suffered a similar fate, and finally died in the aftermath of the fierce battle between gods and demons."

"In the fourth life, she was a phantom colored bird. With a completely different pair of eyes, she re-viewed a different world... And the end of this life was also caused by the battle between gods and demons, together with the phantom colored bird.

The sparrow race is completely extinct from heaven and earth."

Yun Che could not imagine just how powerful the true gods and true demons were. But he could imagine that the fierce battle between the two races that was completely out of control would be a huge disaster for all living beings.

"Every new life and death that obeys fate is a complete reincarnation."

"She may be a human, a dragon, a phoenix, an eagle, a butterfly, a flying insect, or a flower of vegetation..."

"And in each reincarnation, no matter what she becomes, she has the complete memory and will of her ancestor, and she witnesses, experiences and witnesses everything soberly."

"Later, the demons who were forced into a desperate situation unlocked the seal of the Evil Infant, and the fierce battle between the two clans ended with the annihilation of the two clans. From then on, there were no more gods and demons in the world, and the remaining mortal beings

While entering the former realm of gods to search for the remnants of the true god, we are beginning a godless era."

"That is, it continues to the present era."

"And the reincarnation of the ancestor god continues."

"The breath of chaos is getting thinner and thinner, and it is spreading slower and slower. It seems to have basically stopped at a certain moment. Without God, the change of times has accelerated significantly. In just a million years, there have been countless changes.

Ebb and flow.”

"The average lifespan of living beings has also been much shorter. On the contrary, this has accelerated the reincarnation of the ancestor god."

Ten lives...a hundred lives...three hundred lives...six hundred lives...nine hundred lives...

Finally, she completed her nine hundred and ninety-ninth reincarnation...but the time was less than 10% of what she originally expected.

"The shorter the time, the lower the risk of the abyss losing control. This is undoubtedly an excellent result."

"Next, the Ancestral God will start her last and most important reincarnation."

"After completing this reincarnation, her ancestor's divine power and ancestor's holy body can be completely reborn."

"Moreover, she was reborn bit by bit with the help of the breath of the world. When she existed again, she was by no means the original ancestor god. Instead, she became an independent individual, close to chaos, without causing any harm to the existing order and laws.

of twisting and impact.”

"And this reincarnation must be a truly complete reincarnation. Different from the previous nine hundred and ninety-nine reincarnations, in this life she will not be able to inherit the will and memory of her ancestors, but will be a completely pure new individual.

As she grows, a new independent will emerges."

"As for her ancestor's will and memory, they are sealed in her ancestor's soul and will not awaken until the end of her life."

Yun Che listened quietly, with a long-lasting turmoil in his heart.

After completing the final reincarnation, the ancestor god can be reborn. In the last reincarnation, the ancestor's will will fall into "sleep", but the sound at this moment clearly comes from the ancestor's will.

The awakened will of the ancestors undoubtedly shows that...the reincarnation of the ancestor god's last life has been completed!?

In today’s world, there is a reborn ancestor god!?

"The ancestor god's first thousand reincarnations were born in an ordinary small town on a lower planet."

"Shortly after she was born, her mother died of depression. Her father raised her. There were many relatives around her, but when they turned their backs, they all looked at her coldly."

"However, her childhood was by no means bleak. Her father was very good to her, and there was even someone who stayed with her since she was a child. They were inseparable and grew up together."

"That's her nephew. Although he is a nephew, he is one year older than her."

"..." Yun Che's soul string trembled violently.


"Getting along day and night made their relationship deep to the bone, and they were intimate. Later, as they grew up and approached the age of cultivation, her nephew revealed the incompleteness of his profound veins and became a person despised and pitied by everyone.

useless person."

"!!!" This time, every fiber of Yun Che's soul was completely stirred.

"When he was young, he would not allow her to suffer any injustice. If anyone dared to bully her, no matter who the other person was, he would fight for her with his weak arms. At that time, he had the brightest eyes in the world.


The woman's voice slowed down unconsciously: "But after knowing that he was a cripple, his eyes were never as bright as before."

"So, before she reached the age, she started practicing early. Because, in the future life, it will be her turn to protect him... She made a vow in her heart, and she would cling closer to him on weekdays, even if he was just

If she leaves her sight for a short time, she will feel uneasy and panicking..."

"Her desire to protect him is not only an extremely deep feeling, but also another extremely deep dependence."

"Slowly, they grew up inseparable and never changed. That year, she was fifteen and he was sixteen... That day was his wedding day."

"Wait...wait!" At this moment, Yun Che could no longer stay awake and quiet. His soul strings were trembling, and his consciousness was confused in the chaos: "The last life of the ancestor god...she is...she


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