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Chapter 1961 Goddess joins the WTO

"Sister Caili." He quickly wiped away the phantom smoke that was hazy in his heart, and took a step forward with a smile: "My father God and the Hua Xin God have important matters to discuss face to face, so they brought me with them."

There was a trace of embarrassment in Dian Jiuzhi and Xi's voice and smile.

Although I have met her so many times, it seems that I can never go away... even though I have become the son of God.

And he is the first son of God.

And having such a person in your life is the best luck.

The girl's eyes blinked, as if the stars in a quiet night flickered for a moment: "It should be about another world that allows your father to come in person, right?"

"Well!" Dian Jiuzhi smiled and nodded, with the softest voice he could make: "The passage has been opened again. And this time, the Abyss Knight, as the pioneer, successfully set foot in that world."

"After determining the 'position', in another fifty years, the power to open the passage will be gathered again. By then, Emperor Yuan, the priests, and most likely our Father God, will all be able to enter that world."

Dian Jiuzhi raised his head, a trace of longing flashed in his eyes: "That world is called the 'Eternal Pure Land'."

Turning his eyes back, he immediately smiled and said: "This matter [should not be made public], otherwise it will cause turmoil in the world. Only we will know about it now. Sister Caili, remember not to mention it to anyone outside of you."

"Father God has already told me, of course I know." The girl smiled sweetly, but then her flawless starry eyes became slightly confused: "Since it is the 'Eternal Pure Land', it should be a very beautiful and peaceful world.

Wouldn't it be a...serious intrusion for us to set foot there?"

"Well, of course it's an intrusion." Dian Jiuzhi did not deny it. He knew that the girl's mind in front of him was as flawless as her starry eyes, and only she, like a goddess, would ask such a question: "But, the law of the jungle eats the strong."

, Survival of the fittest. They can resist for the sake of dignity, or surrender for the sake of survival. Our 'intrusion' is also for a better survival."

"None of this has anything to do with right or wrong, good or evil."

"If we must talk about sin, then weakness is the only original sin."

Realizing that what he said seemed a bit heavy, he immediately smiled and said: "I know what Sister Caili is worried about. Don't worry. Emperor Yuan has such a gentle and kind temperament. He hates bullying and killing. I heard from Father God, Emperor Yuan

I have repeatedly said that if you can successfully enter the 'Eternal Pure Land', you must not cause chaos or kill innocent creatures."

"What's more..." His eyes flashed with strange light: "That is originally our world."

"..." The girl pondered for a moment, then quickly changed her mind: "No matter what, this is what Father God cares about. Brother Big Tou, take a look at these colorful cloud branches, do they look good?"

"Of course it's beautiful." Dian Jiuzhi admired, but his eyes always fell on the girl, never stopping for more than a moment in the sea of ​​colorful clouds and flowers: "A branch of colorful clouds is a gift. Can you get such a sea of ​​flowers from the Pure Land?

, Hua Xin Shen Zun really dotes on sister Caili."

"Father God is the best!" The girl held the petals in her hands, and the colorful shimmer reflected in her starry eyes, which was even more shining: "It's called Caiyunzhi, and my name both has the word 'cai'.

As soon as I saw it, I felt like it was in my heart."

Pushing the petals in her hand softly towards Dian Jiuzhi: "Brother Datou, tell me, is it the flower of my destiny?"

The colorful clouds and flower petals that came before him still did not cause Dian Jiuzhi's sight to shift slightly. The dreamlike aura from the girl made his mind, which was as solid as the ice sea, feel trance-like and hazy, as if he had been hit by the most irresistible thing in the world.

phantom smoke.

He raised his arm, and with his vision so hazy that it was almost out of focus, he slowly touched the girl's hair that was slightly scattered in the fragrant wind of colorful clouds.

But when he was still half a foot away, his wrist suddenly bent, and finally his fingertips touched the petals of the colorful cloud seemingly naturally.

"It is Cai Yunzhi's honor to be so loved by you." He suppressed his increasingly disordered heartbeat and chuckled: "I can't say whether it is qualified to be your destined flower, but you must be it.

The destined person.”

He dared not touch it for fear of blasphemy.

Even if he is the First Son of God, even if... she is the fiancée whom Emperor Yuan personally granted marriage to.

As the son of Senluo God, his brothers, even nephews and grandnephews all have wives and concubines. But he alone, the most noble and noble son of Senluo God, has never had an affair with any woman.

Because he didn't allow his sincere heart towards her to be stained by any flaws or dirt.

And with her in his eyes, how could he possibly tolerate any other woman in the world?

At this time, a crisp wind suddenly passed through the sea of ​​colorful clouds and flowers.

The breeze stirred the girl's eyes, and she turned her eyes happily, shouting with infinite joy: "Auntie!"

The breeze approaches, and a slender green shadow appears.

What catches the eye is a green dress that reaches down to the ankles. The green silk is like water, and the green skirt around the waist is the only decoration. Other than that, there are no extraneous things, and there is no pink or pink.

The woman's eyebrows are as green as feathers, her skin is as white as snow, and her face is almost as beautiful as a painted glass.

But as beautiful as a dream, no one dares to look at her.

Because her blue eyes were as cold as an endless pool of ice.

The sea of ​​colorful clouds and flowers stopped dancing, and even Dian Jiuzhi quickly lowered his eyes, because the moment he touched her eyes, it was as if a cold sword passed through his heart and soul.

"Junior, the ninth magistrate of Senluo Divine Kingdom, pays homage to senior Sword Immortal."

He bowed and bowed, his posture no less respectful than when he had just met the painting-centered deity.

Her famous painting is Qingying, and she is the "Sword Fairy" that the world knows all about.

In the eyes of the world, she is like a lonely lotus in the Tianshan Mountains, or an immortal in an ancient painting. She was born in a world of deep dust, but she emerged from the dust, proud of the snow, and clear and frosty.

The word "immortal" is interpreted to the extreme in her.

When people in the world touch the word "immortal", what appears in their hearts will always be the immortal in the sword who seems to be hovering in the clouds, with clear eyes and proud eyes.


Hua Caili took a slight step, bent down, and pounced directly on the sword immortal who no one in the world even dared to look at. She was so intimate that she didn't want to leave.

Eyes like thousands of green eyes fell on the body of Dian Jiu Zhi, and left in a moment. In the ears of Dian Jiu Zhi, a fairy voice that was as clear as water and as cold as cold crystals came: "Enter this country, the descendants are really formidable.


"The seniors are full of praise and the juniors are frightened."

Dian Jiuzhi responded humbly. In front of Hua Qingying, he was obviously more reserved than when he was facing Hua Xin Shenzun.

"Auntie, look! This is my sea of ​​colorful clouds and flowers."

Painting colored glass is like a little girl immersed in joy, eager to share the beautiful treasure she just got.

Hua Qingying stretched out her hand to hold Hua Caili's Hao wrist, and when she looked at her, the clear pool in her eyes was filled with cold light: "Your father God brought you a sea of ​​colorful clouds and flowers from the Pure Land, and I happened to bring you a sea of ​​colorful clouds and flowers from the Pure Land.

From Priest Wandao, I have obtained the sword box that you have been longing for."

"Grandpa Wandao...ah!"

With an exclamation, there seemed to be thousands of stars shining simultaneously in her beautiful painted eyes.

"It's in the sword pavilion right now. It's just that the sword box hasn't been opened yet, so I don't know which sword it is." He slightly tilted his eyes in the direction of Dian Jiuzhi: "Are you going to see it now, or later..."

"Of course I'm going now!"

Hua Caili couldn't wait to grab her aunt's wrist. Just as she was about to move away, she suddenly remembered that Dian Jiuzhi was still on the side. She immediately looked back and said, "Brother Datou, I'll go with my aunt to open the sword box.

You can enjoy this sea of ​​colorful clouds and flowers at will, but you must be careful and don't touch it too hard, hehe."

"Uh, please excuse me, Senior Jianxian and Sister Caili, I'm about to go..."

Before she finished speaking, Hua Caili grabbed Hua Qingying and hurried away... She had longed for the Sword of the Pure Land for many, many years.

Especially the sword named "Liyun".

Dian Jiuzhi's eyes were fixed and he looked at the direction she was leaving for a long time. His eyes were half happy and half disappointed.

Zhetian Sword Pavilion.

The long sword box was gently pushed open by a hand like suet.

In an instant, a jade-like sword light shined out, and the colored glass reflected in it closed its eyes... When the star eyes opened, what came into view was a sword that was as white as jade, with a faint fairy mist lingering in it.

Long sword.

Hua Caili pursed her lips and held her breath, and nervously and lightly stretched her snowy hand into the sword box, holding it in her hand.

The hand is like jade, the sword is like jade, and the heart is like jade.

The mysterious energy was slightly exhaled, and the sword suddenly glowed with jade light.

Where the hilt and body of the sword connect, its sword name slowly appears:


She held the Liyun Sword across her chest, the brilliance lingering in her eyes for a long time. She liked this sword, and she liked its name even more.

"This sword is really suitable for you." Hua Qingying's eyes also showed a bit of strange color: "It's also possible that the old man Wandao did it intentionally. After all, the old man also likes you very much, otherwise this

I will never make an exception for you."

Among the swords of the Pure Land, this sword is the one she likes and desires the most.

She has seen it several times, but only learned its name today.

"Well! Next time I go to the Pure Land, I will definitely thank Grandpa Wandao."

His jade fingers flicked the sword body, and he couldn't bear to let go. Hua Caili chuckled and said: "Caiyunzhi, Liyun Sword... there is a word in my name in them, and they all have..."

"The word 'cloud'...?"

With strange waves in her heart, she blurted out naturally: "It's a pity that my future husband's name does not have the word 'Yun' in it. Otherwise... it would be really weird."

As a goddess of colored glass, she retains the childish and beautiful romantic heart of a girl so deeply.

Hua Qingying's jade eyebrows slightly condensed, and she suddenly asked: "Cai Li, do you really like...Dian Jiu, do you know?"

"Huh?" Hua Caili was slightly startled, then said without hesitation: "Of course I like it."

"What do you like about him?" Hua Qingying looked into her eyes.

Hua Caili thought for a moment and replied: "He... is very gentle and good-looking. He has always been very kind to me since I was a child. His identity and achievements are all so amazing. Father God always

It means that there is no man in this world who is more suitable for me than him."

"He is indeed the most suitable for you." Hua Qingying said: "But if you really like him, why was your first reaction not to take him to open the Pure Land Sword Box together?"

"...?" Hua Caili's beautiful eyes blinked, and she made a confused voice: "Is it the most appropriate etiquette to invite us together...?"

"It has nothing to do with etiquette." Hua Qingying shook her head: "Do you have any sincere thoughts before you meet him?"

"..." The girl's eyes became more confused: "He is the divine son of Senluo Kingdom, so naturally everything is fine, so why do you miss him? But... I miss my aunt so much every time she travels far away.



Hua Qingying turned around and said, "Caili, please retreat for a short period of time to reach an agreement with the Liyun Sword."

"I'm going to see your Father God."


"Qingying, you're here."

Rahu had just been sent away from the palace, and his face was as elegant as the gentle wind. There was no joy or sorrow, and there was no trace of any discussion of "big things".

Without asking about the major events discussed by the two great gods, Hua Qingying said directly: "I am going to let Caili enter the mortal world to experience."

"..." Hua Fushen slowly shook his head: "No."

"I'm here to inform you, not to ask for your approval."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qingying turned around.

"I don't want the stained glass to be contaminated by the dirt of the world."

The sound of the painting rising and falling reached her ears, with a rare solemnity in these years. Then, his voice slowed down slightly, with a slight sigh: "If she hadn't accidentally awakened her godhead, I don't even want her to become

Goddess, I just wish her a safe and worry-free life."

"So, you would rather she become a caged bird imprisoned by your own hands?" Hua Qingying said coldly: "If you are really good for her, why would you let her marry a man she doesn't love.


"You are the most sincere about the word love. Whether she really likes Dian Jiuzhi, you can't see clearly. Even...she still doesn't understand what the love between a man and a woman is."

"Isn't this great?" He looked ahead, his eyes seemed slightly startled: "Having the status of a goddess, marrying the best and most suitable man for her, inheriting the divine throne in the future, the two gods will unite and spend their whole lives together.

Above all sentient beings... there is no disaster or harm."

"Ha!" She seemed to be smiling, but her eyes became colder: "Are you worthy of saying these words?"

"The madman-like 'Zhetian God Son' has become the elegant and uncontroversial 'Hua Xin God Lord' now... How wild and unruly you were back then, the world has forgotten it, but I will never forget it."

"..." Hua Fushen shook his head slowly, his eyes dimmed: "Thousands of calamities in this world, only love is the most soul-destroying thing. I don't want Caili to go through..."

"That's her life!"

She is the only one in the world who can interrupt the painting's ups and downs with such cold words: "Cai Li is your daughter, but she is an independent person. She will inherit your divine power in the future, as well as Cai Li of the entire divine kingdom.

Glass Goddess!"

"Even though you are her father, you have no right to imprison her life!"

"There's more!" Before Hua Fushen could speak, Hua Qingying continued: "Among the five divine sons and two goddesses of the Six Divine Kingdoms, only Caili's cultivation has not reached the state of divine destruction."

"The time to meet Emperor Yuan is approaching. You don't care about her cultivation, but at least you have to care about her appearance as a goddess."

"This entry into the world is also an opportunity for her to seek a breakthrough on her own. Therefore, I may guide her into the sea of ​​fog."

He didn't say anything for a long time about the ups and downs of the painting. I don't know whether it was because he was touched by emotion or because he knew that he could not change his determination to paint a clear shadow.

The clear shadow left, but a slow voice overflowed into his ears:

"Don't worry, I will protect her secretly."


This chapter has been completed!
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