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Chapter 213

 The night is dark and windy, the moon is dark and the stars are sparse. It’s the perfect time to steal something... oh no, it’s a good time to steal something.

Tomorrow is the last day of the second round of the group stage. Yun Che, who has won ten matches, has firmly entered the top 100. Yun Che himself doesn't feel anything yet, but Qin Wushang is very happy. From afternoon to evening

Her mouth never closed in laughter. Cang Yue was naturally filled with joy, and it was naturally much easier to strike while the beauty was happy.

Maybe I'll just follow myself tonight.

As soon as he thought of this, Yun Che suddenly laughed lewdly. He jumped out of the bed and was about to go out to Cang Yue's room when his door was suddenly knocked and Xia Yuanba's voice came from outside: "Brother-in-law,

Are you asleep?"

It was not very late yet, but it was already quiet outside. Because they were afraid of disturbing him, Qin Wushang and Xia Yuanba never looked for him at night unless they had something important to do.

Yun Che went over and opened the door: "Yuanba, what's going on?"

"Oh, it's sister. She came here just now and asked me to give this thing to you." Xia Yuanba took out a small space ring and handed it to Yun Che.

"Your sister? Qingyue, she came here just now?" Yun Che took the ring and said in surprise.

"Yes." Xia Yuanba nodded: "Sister said that you don't actually need these things anymore, but it's useless for her to keep them on her body, so she asked me to give them to you."

What did Qingyue’s wife give me? What could it be?

Yun Che picked up the ring and turned on the inner view... There were only three things placed in the empty space ring...

A mysterious elixir with a rich and mellow aura, clearly the mysterious elixir of the Earth Mysterious Beast! A fist-sized treasure crystal that looks like a purple ice crystal... is surprisingly a purple-veined sky crystal! There is also one planted in a transparent jade bottle with a rhizome

A twisted, exotic herb with seven pointed leaves and a faint glow of colorful light flowing all over its body...

Qixuan exquisite grass!!

Yun Che's heart suddenly shook.

The Seven Mysterious Exquisite Grass, the Purple Veined Sky Crystal, and the Mysterious Pill from the Earth Mysterious Beast... these were clearly the three things that he accidentally mentioned to Xia Qingyue that could be used to heal his disabled profound veins at that time!

Yun Che raised his head and asked eagerly: "How long has Qingyue been gone?"

"Um, I just left for a while, brother-in-law, you want to..."

Before Xia Yuanba could finish speaking, Yun Che rushed out like a gust of wind and disappeared in front of Xia Yuanba's eyes in the blink of an eye.

Xia Yuanba stood at the door of the room, scratched his head with an innocent face, and whispered softly: "Should I tell my brother-in-law when my sister comes..."

After leaving the courtyard, Yun Che paused for a moment, and used his extremely keen spiritual sense to sense the remnants of the cold breath. Following the direction of these cold breaths, Yun Che went at full speed and chased away. It didn't take long.

, under the dark night, a graceful figure with fluttering snow clothes appeared in sight. He slowed down and shouted quickly: "Qingyue!"

The sound behind her made Xia Qingyue stop. She turned around quietly and met the eyes of Yun Che who was chasing her. She didn't seem to be very surprised by Yun Che's pursuit. Her beautiful eyes were calm and her voice was calm.

Rouhuan: "What does Master Yun have to do with Qingyue?"

The title "Master Yun" made Yun Che's lips twitch slightly, and he asked: "Wife Qingyue, I want to ask you a question... is our marriage certificate that I gave you that day... still there?"

Xia Qingyue raised her snowy hand and lightly touched the ring. She took out a flat and neat marriage document carefully protected in colorless crystal. She raised her hand and the paper marriage document flew towards Yun Che and landed on it.

fell into his hands...and this one was the marriage certificate between him and Xia Qingyue, intact!

A silent feeling arose in Yun Che's heart. The existence of this marriage certificate may not prove that Xia Qingyue really had any feelings for him, but it proved that after he left that day, she protected her with all her strength.

His last bit of dignity.

At least, when her husband was in trouble from all sides, as a wife, she did not take the opportunity to abandon him, but fulfilled the most sacred responsibility of a wife.

The existence of this paper marriage certificate also declares that they have always been husband and wife, including now.

"At that time, you didn't have the ability to protect this marriage document, so you gave it to me. Now, I believe you have the power to protect it, so it's time to give it back to you." Xia Qingyue said softly.

"Then do you still remember what I said when I gave you the marriage document?" Yun Che carefully put away the marriage document and said in a very soft voice.

Xia Qingyue: "..."

"I said at that time: 'If you still want to continue to be my wife, then keep it. If you want to gain complete freedom, destroy it'..." At this point, Yun Che laughed at himself: "Actually,

, after leaving that day, I always thought that your choice would be to destroy the marriage contract, because, whether for your father's promise or to repay uncle Xiao Ying, the one you marry should be Xiao Ying's son, but

, you already knew at that time that I was not Xiao Ying's son at all, but a 'picked-up bastard' as they called it. You could justifiably destroy the marriage certificate and the name of the couple, and then enter the Bingyun Immortal innocuous.

Palace, why did you choose to protect this marriage certificate?"

Xia Qingyue's beautiful eyes looked at Yun Che, with no intention of avoiding them at all, and her eyes were calm. During the year and a half in Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace, Yun Che could clearly feel that Xia Qingyue's whole person was

Her temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes. In the few days after getting married to her, her eyes were dull, cold, and slightly arrogant and immature. But now, the coolness in Xia Qingyue's eyes has been completely replaced by dullness.

, as plain as a still water without any ripples. But the aura of power became bitingly cold.

The core mystical skills of Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace include the Bingyun Art and the Bingxin Art. The latter can make people calm down and make their hearts empty. To the extreme, they can truly have no desires and seek nothing, and be indifferent to all life and death in the world.

Victory and defeat, desire, good and evil...

But, can a person without desires and pursuits still be called a "human"?

"Qingyue cannot answer this question."

"Why can't you answer?"

Xia Qingyue said quietly: "Because Qingyue couldn't remember what she was thinking at that time. Maybe it's because our fate as husband and wife has not yet ended."

She said the four words "fate between husband and wife". This word should have an ambiguous atmosphere, but she said it in a plain and flat way, without any emotion. This kind of flatness gave Yun Che an uncomfortable suffocation.

Feeling. Xia Qingyue used to be like a proud ice lotus on the snow mountain. Although he was crippled and small at that time, he still had endless thoughts to test and tease her, thinking about conquering her and picking her. If it hadn't happened later

Due to the unexpected changes, given him enough time and spent time together day and night, he firmly believed that he could succeed.

But now Xia Qingyue felt to him like the bright moon hanging high in the sky, still perfect, but far away from him, too far away to be touched.

This place, Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace, is really harmful!!

Thinking about Chu Yuechan who had been together for five months and had sex but still decided to leave, thinking about the changes in Xia Qingyue... Yun Che's heart suddenly surged with the urge to destroy Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace.

Collecting so many peerless beauties, but turning them one by one into infernal beings, unstained by the mundane world... It is simply a place where men and gods are indignant!

Yun Che's chest rose and fell, and he calmed down and said calmly: "Thank you for finding the Seven Mysterious Exquisite Grass, the Earth Mysterious Beast Mysterious Pill and the Purple Veined Sky Crystal for me. I know that even for Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace, it will take another year and a half.

It’s not that easy to collect all three of them in a short period of time, not to mention that you are just a disciple who has just entered the palace.”

"You're welcome," Xia Qingyue's voice was light and elegant: "Compared to your favors for opening all the entrances, these are not insignificant."

"I opened the entrance for you with just a few drops of sweat. You found these things for me with more than just a few drops of sweat. However, I really shouldn't say thank you to you because we are husband and wife." Yun

Che smiled slightly.

Xia Qingyue: "..."

"Can I ask you three questions?"

"Excuse me." Xia Qingyue did not refuse.

The night is getting deeper and deeper. Although there are only a few sporadic stars in the sky, the full moon is exceptionally bright, shining bright light without hesitation. But when it shines on Xia Qingyue, these beautiful and flawless moonlight,

But it can only be reduced to an unnoticed foil. Under the moonlight, Xia Qingyue is like a fallen goddess, exuding an indescribable beauty that takes people's breath away. Looking at the figure in front of him that is so beautiful that it is almost unreal, if Yun Che has no

It was impossible for his heartbeat to accelerate. He took a breath slowly and asked, "How are you doing in Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace?"

"Very good. Palace Master, Master, Master, Uncle, and all the sisters are very good to me." Xia Qingyue answered briefly.

"Well, that's good." Yun Che nodded: "The second question, I wanted to get the answer to it a long time ago, but you didn't tell me at that time... I want to know, when we got married, you

What state has your profound strength reached?"

At that time, Yun Che was extremely sure that Xia Qingyue's profound strength was definitely more than the tenth level of the Elementary Profound Realm shown on the surface. However, her profound strength level of the tenth level of the Elementary Profound Realm was known to the whole city, and no one had ever

Questioning, even those elders whose strength far exceeded the Elementary Xuan Realm thought that she was only at the tenth level of the Elementary Xuan Realm. It seemed that her true profound power was hidden by some special method. As for the reason for hiding,

Yun Che can understand very well. In the small place of Liuyun City, the 16-year-old at the peak of the Elementary Profound Realm is already recognized as the number one talent. If the profound power she displays is that of the Nascent Xuan Realm, or even the peak of the Nascent Xuan Realm, it will inevitably cause difficulty.

Anticipated sensation.

This time, Xia Qingyue did not refuse and answered directly: "When I was twelve years old, I met my master; when I was thirteen years old, I broke through the Elementary Mystery and entered the realm of the Nascent Xuan; when I was fourteen, I broke through the Nascent Xuan and entered the realm of the Xuan Xuan.

In the realm of Zhenxuan, when I married you at the age of sixteen, I was at the peak of the realm of Zhenxuan, just like you are now."

Yun Che: "...!!!"

[I was locked up in a dark room and just came out!!]

This chapter has been completed!
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