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Chapter 339 Infiltrate the Dragon Prison

 In the spiritual realm, there is a terrifying ability called "Soul Searching Technique", which can invade one's own mental power into another person's mind and forcibly plunder the memory in their soul. However, Soul Searching Technique is not only very powerful to activate

It is not easy, and it can only be used on targets whose mental strength is far weaker than your own, or who are in an extremely mentally weak state. It is also accompanied by great dangers. Once the opponent takes the opportunity to backfire, the consequences will be disastrous.

Xuangang is not only a power body that can hurt the enemy, but can also turn into a pure soul body to invade a person's soul. Naturally, it can complete everything that the "soul search technique" can accomplish, but in terms of consumption and difficulty,

It is far lower than the Soul Searching Technique, and because Xuangang exists separately, even if it fails, there is definitely no danger of backlash.

Not only was the man in front of him mentally weaker than Yun Che, but he was also in a state of near-death. Xuan Gang's memory reading went very easily and smoothly. Xuan Gang was quickly taken back by Yun Che, and the man was lying on the bed with wide eyes.

There, there was no sound anymore.

This person's name is Fen Zizai, he is the leader of the 72nd Hall of Burning Heaven Clan, and he is under the command of the Eighth Elder. He is forty-five years old, and his body shape is similar to Yun Che. More importantly, his level of profound strength is similar to that of Yun Che now.

They are exactly the same, both are at the sixth level of the Earth Profound Realm. His purpose of going out in the middle of the night, as he said before, is to quietly enter Canghuo City and find out whether Yun Che is hiding in Canghuo City.

"What an unexpected gift." Yun Che frowned and sneered. He carefully observed Fen Zizai's face, then took off his coat and threw it into the Sky Poison Pearl.

They dug a pit, kicked their bodies in and buried them.

Standing there, Yun Che released Xuangang again, and then looked at the deep orange color in a daze.

Today, he is in the most normal state, and even the evil spirit has not been activated. In this state, the Xuangang he released was originally red, but at this time, the Xuangang released was clearly orange!!

He also remembered that when he was at the Burning Heaven Clan, he forcibly opened Purgatory and threw the Xuangang out in order to save Xiao Lingxi... The Xuangang at that time was the same cyan color as his grandfather Yun Canghai!

What's going on? Why does Xuan Gang advance in the same state?

Could it be because of... the marrow of the Dragon God?

Thinking of this, Yun Che immediately found the most likely answer. Half of the strength of Xuan Gang is related to blood and half is related to Xuan Veins. As the Evil God Realm is opened, the power of Xuan Veins increases sharply, and the color of Xuan Gang will appear.

Sublimation. And after receiving the Dragon God's Marrow, his bloodline also changed... The gift of the Dragon God's blood changed the composition of his bloodline, and the gift of the Dragon God's Marrow changed the essence of his bloodline!

Blood melts into blood, but marrow generates blood! The marrow of the Dragon God that enters his body will make his bloodline become more and more powerful. The bloodline of the Dragon God...

Then, it will naturally make Xuan Gang, whose power is connected with blood, become stronger and stronger!!

Now let Xuan Gang in its normal state change from red to orange. In the future, it may be far more than just sublimating to orange!

As his Evil God Xuan Vein and Dragon God Bloodline become more and more powerful, his Xuan Gang may evolve to an extremely high level!

When Yun Che returned to the cave, Xiao Lingxi rushed up to him and hugged him tightly: "Xiao Che, are you okay? Are you injured?"

"Haha, don't worry." Yun Che laughed easily: "Now the whole Blue Wind can count the number of people I can hurt with just one slap, and those two trash fish are not worthy enough. Come on, let's continue to enjoy our

It’s so delicious, don’t worry about what happened just now.”

Xiao Lingxi's heart calmed down. She looked at Yun Che and said softly: "My little Che has grown up completely and has become so powerful... But hey, it doesn't make me feel bad at all.


"Of course, no matter what happens, we are the closest people, how can we be strangers... Come on, open your mouth." Yun Che gently moved the spoon to Xiao Lingxi's lips, and the soup in the spoon was mixed.

Touching the gray powder that Yun Che quietly sprinkled in just now.

Xiao Lingxi drank it, and suddenly felt sleepy. Her eyes blinked slightly, and then they closed weakly: "Xiao Che, I suddenly... felt a little sleepy..."

"If you're sleepy, just sleep quietly. I'm here." Yun Che said softly.

"Well..." Xiao Lingxi responded softly, relaxed her whole body, and completely immersed herself in sleep.

After a while, Xiao Lingxi's breathing became steady, and her sleep was particularly sweet. Yun Che took out a blanket and spread it on the ground, gently put Xiao Lingxi on it, looked at her sleeping peacefully and said, "I'm sorry, little aunt.

...But don’t worry, I will be back soon. I promise you, when you wake up and open your eyes, you will be able to see me and grandpa immediately."

Although Xiao Lingxi was rescued, her grandfather Xiao Lie was still in the hands of the Burning Heaven Clan.

Every second he stays there, Xiao Lie will suffer more misery and be more dangerous. So he must do everything he can to rescue him as quickly as possible, without waiting even a second for his rescuer.

The method had already been formed in his mind at this moment, but naturally he couldn't bring Xiao Lingxi with him, and if she was left here alone, she would definitely be worried and scared, so he could only choose to let her fall asleep.

Yun Che came out of the cave and spent half an hour to cover up the entrance. After thinking for a while, he took out five drops of the King Dragon's blood from the Sky Poison Pearl, mixed it with more than a dozen medicinal materials, and quickly tempered five drops of ice.

Xuanyu liquid.

He summoned the Snow Phoenix Beast and fed it all five drops of the Ice Mysterious Jade Liquid. Suddenly, the Snow Phoenix Beast, which was extremely depressed, let out a low cry and raised its wings high shortly after drinking the Ice Mysterious Jade Liquid.

Show off.

"Chan'er, I'm going to have to work hard for you again in a short period of time. But this time it won't be too long. You must hold on." Yun Che stroked the feathers of the Snow Phoenix Beast and said with some guilt. The Ice Mysterious Jade Liquid can

Letting the Snow Phoenix Beast recover part of its strength quickly, but it cannot restore its vitality. Using external power to fly at high speed again will cause further damage to its vitality... But Yun Che can only rely on it again today.

After collecting the Snow Phoenix Beast into the Mysterious Seal, Yun Che put on Fen Zizi's clothes, arranged his hair, put on his space ring, stretched out his hand and wiped it on his face. Soon, a face exactly like Fen Zi appeared.

On Yun Che's face. Then, Yun Che adjusted his walking posture and walked in the direction of Burning Heaven Clan in a swagger.

It's late at night, and the Burning Heaven Clan is still in a mess. It has not recovered from yesterday's disaster. The once majestic main gate has disappeared, replaced by ruins. Above the ruins, more than a dozen people are still guarding the front.

At the guard's position, someone yawned from time to time.

At this time, a figure trotted over in a hurry. The Fentian disciple who was guarding the "door" suddenly became energetic and said sharply: "Who!"

"Me!" The visitor slowed down and his voice was a bit arrogant and stern.

"It turns out to be the Seventy-Two Hall Master, sorry!" Seeing the person clearly, the Fentian disciple who was guarding the door quickly stepped aside and bowed his head.

Another Fentian disciple said: "Hall Master Seventy-Two, didn't you just leave for Canghuo City with Hall Master Seventy-three? Why are you back so soon?"

"Of course I got the important news and came quickly to report to the elders." "Fen Zizai" said half hastily and half impatiently: "You guys should guard this place well. This is a moment of crisis for the sect. We must not let any outsiders get close.


After saying that, he hurriedly entered and went straight to the eighth elder's residence.

The people of the Burning Heaven Clan all practice the Burning Heaven Art with the fire attribute, so there will be more or less fire elements oscillating around their bodies. This is easy for Yun Che, who has the evil god's fire in his body. Although in Xuan

In terms of power aura, it cannot be exactly the same as Fen Tianjue, but unless one concentrates on identifying it carefully, it is difficult to distinguish. In addition, the intensity of Yun Che's mysterious power aura in his normal state is exactly the same as that of Fen Zizai, almost

It can be said that there are no flaws.

Although it was late at night, there were many disciples patrolling the Burning Heaven Clan, but none of them suspected that Fen Zizai who passed by him had been transferred.

Yun Che entered the pavilion where the Eighth Elder lived without any obstruction. After claiming that he had important news to report, he met the Eighth Elder Fen Mochi as he wished.

Fen Mochi did not fall asleep. When he saw "Fen Zizai", he said solemnly: "What's going on? Didn't you and Zhengzhi sneak into Canghuo City at night to find out if Yun Che had escaped? What did you do?

You're back so soon? You said you had something important to report, but what was it?"

"Fen Zizai" quickly said: "Back to the elder, there is no need to investigate at Canghuo City... Halfway through, I sent a message to several old friends in Canghuo City, and they told me that just yesterday afternoon, they all saw

A big bird covered in snow and white with extraordinary momentum flew over Canghuo City, and then landed roughly in the north of the city... Since then, the big bird has not been seen flying away. It can be concluded that Yun Che is currently hiding in Canghuo City.

In the city.”

"As expected!" Fen Mochi stood up with a cry, and an angry look appeared on his face: "Huh! To fall into Canghuo City so blatantly, this is a sign of contempt for us, Fentian Clan, thinking that we dare not take the initiative to pursue you.

Have you passed? Now that the Supreme Sect Master and the Supreme Elder are here, I see how arrogant he is still!"

"Fen Zizai" sneered silently, and then continued: "Elder, although I am sure that Yun Che is hiding in Canghuo City, Canghuo City is too big after all, and Yun Che must be very cautious and want to confirm where he is hiding.

It’s not an easy situation to deal with. After discussing with Zhengzhi, he will continue to Canghuo City first, and the disciple will rush back as quickly as possible to ask the elder for instructions."

"What's the matter?" Fen Mochi asked sideways.

"Fen Zizai" swallowed hard and looked nervous: "A relative of Yun Che is still in the Dragon Prison. It is said that he is on the lowest level. The disciple wants to get something from this person.

...Be it clothes or pendants, we immediately rush to Canghuo City overnight and hang them in a conspicuous position, which may attract Yun Che to appear. And once he comes into our sight, we can use this to know his identity.

The whereabouts and hiding place... these are just some useless ideas of the disciples, please ask the elders for instructions."

"Hmm..." Fen Mochi lowered his head and muttered, and after a long time, he slowly said: "This method is too obvious and it is extremely difficult for people to fall for the bait. However, although Yun Che is extremely powerful, he is still young, energetic and impulsive.

Extreme, maybe it will be very effective for him... Okay! That's up to you. However, although Yun Che is injured now, he is definitely not something you and Zhengzhi can deal with, and his alertness will definitely not be low. You must be extremely careful.

If you find his whereabouts, be sure to send a message to me immediately."


"This is my token. With this token, you can freely enter and exit Dragon Prison. Go quickly." Fen Mochi threw a red token to Yun Che and said calmly.

And this token is what Yun Che wants to get most. Under his perfect disguise, everything went smoother than expected. Yun Che picked up the token, resigned, and went straight to

Prisoner of the Dragon.

Fen Mochi stood there and pondered for a while, vaguely feeling that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong. After a while, he picked up the sound transmission jade and said loudly: "Sect Master, we have confirmed that Yun Che is here.

Hiding in Canghuo City..."

Prison Dragon Prison is the internal prison of the Burning Heaven Clan. It contains disciples who have committed serious mistakes or serious crimes, and there are also enemies and people with grudges. Naturally, there are also some Burning Heaven Clan who simply restrict their freedom or hide them secretly.

The people in it. There are seven floors in Dragon Prison. The further down, the darker and more sinister it becomes, and the more important and serious people are imprisoned.

"This is an important area of ​​the Dragon Prison, no unauthorized entry is allowed!" As soon as Yun Che approached the gate of the Dragon Prison, he was sternly stopped by a guard disciple.

Yun Che took out the token, raised his head and said: "On the order of the Eighth Elder, go to the seventh floor of Prison Dragon Prison to collect something from a prisoner."

The guarding disciple glanced at the token, then nodded and led the way personally: "Please follow me."

With Fen Mochi's token, Yun Che got his wish and stepped into the Dragon Prison without any danger. Although he held the token, when he entered, there were still four guards with swords following closely behind him.

After all, places like Prison Dragon Prison will house some "special characters" who, once known to outsiders, will attract hatred and even be despised and reviled by the world. For example, those who want to seize the mysterious skills or secrets of a large sect.

The core figure of the sect who was quietly kidnapped...

Or maybe Xiao Lie is a "bait" that is enough to destroy the dignity of the Burning Heaven Clan.

Entering Dragon Prison, a pungent putrid smell hit his face. The further down he went, the stronger the putrid smell became, which made Yun Che frown. Thinking that his grandfather was imprisoned in such a place,

The anger in his heart suddenly arose. He endured his anger and eagerness and followed the guard disciples down in a leisurely manner. After a while, he finally arrived at the seventh floor of the Dragon Prison.

When he reached the seventh floor, Yun Che saw Xiao Lie at a glance, because he was imprisoned in the prison cage directly opposite the prison door on the seventh floor.

This chapter has been completed!
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