Wang Zhuoyue followed Zhou Yuan to the playground without saying a word. Only then did Zhou Yuan stop and turned around to look at Wang Zhuoyue: "Actually, in this world, dreams do not distinguish between rich and poor. Besides, who told
Are you very poor in Tianhe? Can I say that Tianhe is the richest place in our country?"
Wang Zhuohuo replied: "Don't lie to me, I'm not a fool. Tianhe has fought thousands of wars in history, and how many generations of people have died. Can a place where wars often happen be rich?"
Zhou Yuan was amused for a while. It seemed that Wang Zhuozhou was quite proficient in history.
Zhou Yuan said with a smile: "Sometimes being rich in money is not really rich. But being rich in spirit is the real wealth."
"What is spiritual wealth? I don't understand!" Wang Zhuoyue shook his head.
"Spiritual wealth actually comes from your heart. People must have dreams. Without dreams, are they still human?"
Wang Zhuoyue thought for a while and replied: "I know what you mean. My dream is to become a rich man. I don't have to look for food in the trash can anymore, and I don't have to worry about money for tomorrow's meal!"
"If you study just for this, then what's the point of studying? What's the point of your efforts?" Zhou Yuan asked.
"If you want to become a rich man, honestly studying is not the best way. As long as you do what you are interested in, you will make a lot of money soon."
"Studying actually limits your abilities."
Wang Zhuoyue was amused for a while: "This is the first time I have heard someone say that there is no future in studying."
Zhou Yuan smiled, but didn't say much.
But after a long delay, he added: "If you go to Tianhe Military Academy, you will find that the dream you have now is actually not a dream at all. You have read many books and you should have seen such a sentence. A
The greater the person's ability, the greater the responsibility."
"If you just want to become rich, don't you think that the knowledge you have learned is wasted?"
Wang Zhuoyue didn't understand what Zhou Yuan's words meant.
Maybe he's not old enough to understand yet.
Wang Zhuoyue opened his mouth: "I have never thought about going to Tianhe. That is not my dream. My dream is to become a rich man."
After hearing what Wang Zhuoyue said, Zhou Yuan sat down on the lawn of the playground.
He gestured to Wang Zhuomo and said, "Come, sit down too. I'll tell you a story. You will feel that the world in your eyes will become much more cheerful."
Wang Zhuomo sat down on the grass.
Wang Xiaoman sat far away, quietly watching Zhou Yuan and her brother lecture.
Zhou Yuan said: "Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl. She was about sixteen years old. Her parents had just passed away, and she had a ten-year-old brother at home who needed to be taken care of. But suddenly one day, this girl was kidnapped. She was kidnapped.
They took her abroad and forced her to train every day, training her to become a female killer."
"She thought about running away countless times abroad, but she couldn't escape. She cried every night and didn't know what happened to her brother, but she couldn't do anything about it. Because she was locked up, where
I can’t go either.”
Zhou Yuan's story is very short and ends here.
Not far away, Wang Xiaoman lowered her head and wiped her tears. She knew that Zhou Yuan was talking about her.
When Wang Zhuoyue heard this, he turned his head and glanced at Wang Xiaoman who was not far away. He asked: "Is this story you are telling about my sister and me?"
Zhou Yuan smiled and nodded: "Yes, the girl in the story is your sister, and you are the younger brother."
"My sister was kidnapped?" Wang Zhuoyue asked in surprise.
"Yes, she was kidnapped."
"She was trained to be a killer?" Wang Zhuoyue asked next.
Zhou Yuan nodded again.
Wang Zhuochuo stood up with a roar and shouted: "Who did it? Who did it?"
Zhou Yuan looked at him and replied: "Now, in this world, there are many girls like your sister who were captured and imprisoned by those people, forcing them to train so that they can kill people one day. You want to stop them
"Do you want to do something meaningful when you grow up?"