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Chapter 107 Hair Thief

 The battle began, Lin Jiu kicked off the ground and rushed forward. Xi Ying appeared in his hand, and silver-gray light surged on the surface of Xi Ying's sword blade.

The mechanically transformed man skillfully raised his arm, and a sudden change occurred. A mechanical muzzle was aimed at Lin Jiu, who was approaching quickly, and the fire was radiating.

Lin Jiu deflected the direction and avoided the ballistic trajectory. The mechanically modified man turned his arm and followed Lin Jiu's position. But just as he deflected his arm, Lin Jiu was already close to him, and a silver-gray light magnified in front of his eyes.

[The personal battle is over, nineteen consecutive wins!]

[The hunter’s ranking has been improved, from 6734 to 4643 (first level). 】

The battle in the arena continues...

When Lin Jiu ran out of time in the park, his ranking reached 89th. He also had an astonishing 72 consecutive wins. After experiencing another derivative world, he would have the strength to advance into the top ten.

[The Hunters are about to return to the real world, please remember the regulations of the Reincarnation Paradise.]

[You are not allowed to reveal anything about the Reincarnation Paradise in the real world in any way, otherwise you will be given a warning. If the warning is ineffective, the hunter will be forcibly executed.]

[Except for abilities, personal attributes, and passive skills that hunters cannot obtain in the real-life reincarnation paradise.]

[Most of the equipment or items obtained in Samsara Paradise cannot be taken out in the real world and are in a locked state. They will be restored after returning to Samsara Paradise. 】

[Transmission starts, location: real world.]

In a rural mansion far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, make yourself a pot of tea. If you can't rest, you can go out to fish. Lin Jiu felt that at this time, he was not a hunter fighting in a derivative world, but a hunter who was ahead of schedule.

An idler who has been retired for decades.

This is a good way to relax. The nerves that have been tense during the battle in the Samsara Paradise can also be relaxed. Maybe this is why the contractors have a few days of rest in the real world!


Lin Jiu, who was making up for his mistakes in the room, heard slight footsteps crossing the wall and entering the yard.

Lin Jiu's first reaction was that a contractor discovered his whereabouts in reality. After all, when Su Xiao returned to reality from Samsara Paradise for the first time, he encountered a contractor who used the spiritual mage's notice to cause trouble.

He immediately picked up the sword hanging on the wall and climbed onto the roof from the window. Unlike Xiying in Samsara Paradise, this custom-made sword in the real world is a standard three-foot Qingfeng!

With the long sword in his hand, Lin Jiu could feel that although he was not as handy as Xi Ying, he could obviously give full play to his swordsmanship expertise. He understood that Xi Ying's sword style like a horizontal sword was indeed more suitable for the hand, but it could not fully

To take advantage of your swordsmanship expertise, it seems you need to find a more suitable weapon!

We have to wait until we get back to the paradise to discuss this matter. Now we need to deal with the guys who have intruded into our territory.

The environment far away from the city is indeed much better, and the moon is sparse! The moonlight allows Lin Jiu, whose physical attributes far exceed those of ordinary people, to clearly see the situation in the yard.

There were two figures in the yard. They were not the contractors who Lin Jiu had guessed had discovered his identity as a contractor and came to test them. He knew these two people, streetwalkers wandering around in nearby villages!

When these hooligans were running rampant in this village, he had already left the village. It was also when he came back that he heard the old man in the village say it.

Lin Jiu couldn't help but smile when he saw the two people tiptoeing closer to the house. He was laughing at the fact that these two guys were really unlucky. It was not a good time to come to "fight the autumn breeze", but it happened to be when Lin Jiu came back.

There is another possibility. Maybe I guessed the other person's thoughts wrongly. Maybe I saw a light in the house and someone came back and came here specifically to cause trouble.

"Brother, is it really okay? I seem to see light in the room. Is there someone there?" The young man with yellow hair following behind was obviously the younger brother, and he was still a little flustered by this illegal behavior.

"What's the problem! Even if someone is here, if you meet me, Ding Wenqiang, brother Qiang! Why won't you obediently pay the protection fee!" Ding Wenqiang said to Huang Mao with a fierce look on his face.

In fact, his original name was not that, it was Ding Dachang! After seeing Shanghai Beach, he changed his name to Ding Wenqiang!

"I heard that the owner of this new house is a young man who has made a fortune! Since he has made a fortune, it is reasonable to help us with some funds!" Ding Wenqiang was talking to himself, not noticing Lin Jiu's figure quietly falling towards them



Ding Wenqiang, who was about to check what was going on inside the house, was startled when Huang Mao screamed.

"What are you calling! I'm going to die...you!"

Ding Wenqiang turned his head to curse, only to find a figure with his back to the moonlight, whose appearance could not be clearly seen. But he could see that Huang Mao was pinching the opponent's hand, and the arm was twisted to an exaggerated angle. You didn't need to look closely to know that it was broken!

You can also slightly see Huang Mao's distorted facial expression due to pain, and his tears and nose could not stop flowing down.

Before he could speak, his vision went dark and he felt severe pain in his chest. Ding Wenqiang opened his eyes with no difficulty and felt that all his ribs were broken. He was leaning against a wooden stake in the yard at the moment.

Lin Jiu let go of Huang Mao and threw it aside. He had withdrawn a lot of strength and no one was killed.

They knocked the two men unconscious and tied them up with ropes. After asking the leading gangster to leave his fingerprints on a hatchet, Lin Jiu called the police directly.

Lin Jiu spent most of the next day drinking tea at the police station. After testing, it was found that Huang Mao and Ding Wenqiang were both seriously injured, but they were not overly defensive, because home robbery is a felony.

Although it is an attempt to break into a house with a sharp weapon, according to Article 263 of the "Criminal Law", the crime of robbery stipulates that if someone commits a house robbery, he will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of more than ten years, life imprisonment or death, and shall also be fined or have his property confiscated!

For attempted offenders, taking into account the extent of the criminal act, the extent of the damage caused, the reasons for the failure of the crime, etc., the base sentence can be reduced by less than 50% compared to the completed offender!

That is to say, at least five years and less than ten years in prison. Mr. Luo, yyds!

Ding Wenqiang and other local ruffians only bullied the old people left in the village. The peasants did not understand this and gradually became more and more arrogant. As a result, they were killed by Lin Jiu.

There is another very important reason why the case was almost closed so quickly. Once Lin Jiu's information was uploaded to the official file, and compared with the previous ones, it was easy for the scavenger to confirm that he was the contractor.

Such kind of contractors who keep their integrity and obey the law and go back to the countryside to retreat into the mountains and forests are really rare. They are replaced by those contractors who have just survived the paradise and returned to reality and think they are destined to be their destiny, as well as the powerful fanatics

The scavenger, who had a big head due to plastic surgery, felt very friendly when he saw contractors like Lin Jiu.

Since the other party has solved real-world problems through judicial means, their official response must be as quick as possible. Otherwise, it will make people think that judicial means are not enough and they will solve it by themselves next time, which will cause even greater trouble!

Except for their parents, everyone else applauded the results of these two ruffians. These had nothing to do with Lin Jiu, and they soon isolated themselves from the outside world and lived their own leisurely lives.

Time in the real world has passed in a blink of an eye, and the mission of Samsara Paradise has arrived.

[Hey, a new derivative world is about to open, and the hunters will return to the reincarnation paradise. Please make sure there are no witnesses around you. 】

[Transmitting..., transmission completed.]

This chapter has been completed!
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