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Chapter 1064: Securely Win

"Edward, you're lucky." Massimo was one of the gathered mages. In his opinion, this thing was already in their possession.

"This is not luck, this is called persistence. The mages in our country are becoming more and more addicted to power and status, and they are getting worse and worse." Yin O'Fleming, one of Edward's friends, clearly showed his disapproval in his words.

Many mages were dissatisfied, especially those who initially stayed in the camp and those who were greedy for life and afraid of death.

"The development of modern magic is not known to be good or bad. In our time, only the most intelligent and self-disciplined apprentices can embark on the path of mage. Arcane magic is both powerful and dangerous, so it is only revealed to those who are the most loyal.

Practitioners of...

The current environment for learning magic is much better, but the mage born is...sigh~" said the old-school mage Joachim Cole. He is considered the older one in this small team and has witnessed the era of magic.

of change.

In the era when he first debuted, learning magic was dangerous, boring, and very likely to result in nothing. Nowadays, the difficulty of learning magic has been greatly reduced with the development, but most of the existing magic can resist foreign enemies.

Projects are the legacy of the outstanding mages of the previous era. There are also many outstanding mages in the new era, but most of them are embarrassingly useless.

"What is that thing?" Cole looked up at the sky and found a strange thing that seemed to have been following them. A fireball hit it and the strange flying object landed. The expressions of the people who saw it suddenly changed.

"This is those guys' gadgets." Seeing these mechanical structures, Edward and others knew that they most likely came from the Cesar Empire, which was developing technology with half of its power.

Lin Jiu, who discovered his target through the mechanical bird, was standing on a boulder at this time. A mechanical bird was shot down, it didn't matter, he had a lot of them. After removing the wall clock hanging from his waist, Lin Jiu put on a thorny hand.


A pale golden spear condenses in the hand, and the special equipment's locking ability is activated. Lock one of the targets, no matter who it is, and directly throw the spear of the sun in the hand.


The golden light cut through the sky, and the locked mage's perception went crazy. But he only had time to put a layer of shield on himself, and before he could warn others, a golden ray of light penetrated the shield, and its power was not weakened much.

Penetrated his brain.

Then, the spears of the sun dispersed, turned into solar fireworks, and burned. In the blink of an eye, one of the five mage squads turned into a pile of ashes under the eyes of the other four.

The solar fireworks that burned people into ashes did not go out, but ignited the combustible materials around them and spread.

"Frost Nova." Cole immediately took action, activating frost magic to suppress the flames, and the other three people alerted the enemy. The spreading flames were much worse than the original solar fireworks, and they were instantly covered in frost.

"Ice Armor!" After Cole extinguished the flames, he did not stop and continued to use magic. He put an ice armor on himself and his companions to strengthen their defense.

"Detect the barrier." Edward released his magic power, pressed his hand on the ground, and a large barrier suddenly opened. As long as an enemy steps into this barrier, he will sense it.

"There is no trace of the enemy. The opponent is attacking from a distance." Edward did not find the enemy in the perception barrier, indicating that this was a long-range attack.

"Transformation." Yin Ou cast a transformation on himself. A normal transformation is to transform a lamb or other animal into a small magic trick. But in Yin Ou's hands, it took a new level.

He turned himself into a giant dragon and flew into the air, looking for enemies hidden around him.

Lin Jiu was not blind. He stood quite tall, so naturally he saw the black dragon flying in mid-air at the first sight. Yin Ou, who turned into a dragon, also saw Lin Jiu without concealing it and confirmed that it was an attack.

their guy.

Yin Ou did not take action rashly, because the dragon he turned into only had some abilities and did not have the body of a real dragon. He should be glad that Lin Jiu is a sword master, not the sword master Su Xiao. Although there are two types of swords

Technique masters are all interested in killing large creatures, but sword skills are more sensitive, especially when it comes to slaying dragons. If Su Xiao were here, he would have already found a way to kill them.

"We found the enemy, on the boulder about one kilometer away to the east." Yin Ou landed, changed back to his human form, and said to several people.

But Edward's expression changed and he quickly said: "An enemy is approaching!"

"Damn, there's more than one enemy." Massimo's face was gloomy, and he didn't move slowly. He held the staff and applied buff spells to several people around him. Of course, the main purpose was to increase spell strength and increase intelligence attributes. But this kind of buffs

He doesn't have many mastery, but more buffs for melee combat. No matter how many of these buffs they use, they won't be able to let the mage use them for melee combat.

Death Lightning!

The first one to attack was Yin Sabella, and it was she and Honglian who sneaked over. If the other party had not had members with strong reconnaissance abilities, one or two of them would have been instantly attacked by the two of them.

However, in a head-on battle with strength, Lin Jiu's side would definitely win.

"Anti-magic!" Massimo waved his staff, and a ray of light shone on the death lightning cast by Yin Sabella.

Anti-magic: 30% chance to resist enemy magic and prevent the opponent from casting the same spell again within 10 seconds.

Although Edward's mage team is not as good as a complete supporting team, it still has its merits. For example, he himself is good at reconnaissance and detection, and it is precisely because of this that he has the opportunity to find foreign objects.

Cole, an ice mage, has a comprehensive range of skills, and is proficient in long-range, defense, attack, and debuffs. Massimo is a typical buff mage. Yin Ou is unique, using some unpopular and weird spells.

.There was another member of their mage team who was good at applying defensive magic, but he was killed first.

Lin Jiu didn't know that he was very lucky to kill the opponent's mage who was good at defensive magic, which made the battle much more difficult.

Yin Sabella's death lightning was blocked. She did not choose to attack forcefully. Instead, she summoned three undead servants to cover Honglian and close the distance to several mages.

"Ouch~" Gungun carried Lin Jiu and rushed from a distance. Gungun, who was charging and riding, had a speed that was completely inconsistent with his appearance. At this charging speed, Lin Jiu was holding a spear in his hand.

Shuque. The penetrating power given by the kinetic energy at this speed is definitely something that even a master of swordsmanship cannot release.

On one side are a few fragile mages, and their firepower is not too strong. Only Cole and Yin Ou can deal damage. On the other side are two skills, one in the front row, and an assassin type mage. Which of the two sides can win?

These are things that don’t require much thought.

"Who are you!? We are the mages of Indeho Royal Academy of Magic. We can discuss anything." Edward is not a fool. In this situation, they will definitely lose, so they can only move out of Indeho and take a gamble.

"Commander of the Fourth Army of the Wandering Ghost Cavalry Legion, I would like to say hello to the royal mages." Lin Jiu replied smoothly.

"How is it possible! You are not... you!" Several people were frightened, and the smart ones realized that the previous actions were all a cover, and the enemy's real purpose was also what they were pursuing.

The source of the world provided by several mages was firmly won by Lin Jiu, and he also obtained two golden treasure chests. One came from Cole and the other came from Yin Ou.

This chapter has been completed!
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