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Chapter 110: Afterlife Teaching



"Last name?"

"Just call it Chi."

"Huh?" The police officer in front of him clicked in front of the computer. He called up the information database and saw that there was indeed only Chi as his name. The file stated that because he was an orphan, he had no surname, and he was adopted by a walking monk. He did not have a Buddhist name, only a name.

A single name.

Lin Jiu sat calmly opposite the police officer. Since he had been given an identity, there was no problem with the file decision.

"Age?" the police officer continued to ask according to the procedure.

"twenty two."



"Someone reported you for promoting a cult organization and brainwashing people. Do you admit it?" The police officer stared seriously at the person in front of him, trying to put pressure on him.

Lin Jiu's heart was calm and he even wanted to make a pot of tea. Faced with this question, he simply denied it and said, "How is that possible! What is the definition of a cult?"

"Illegal organizations that use religion, qigong or other names to establish and deify their chief elements, use means such as creating and spreading fallacies to confuse and deceive others, develop and control members, and endanger society.

Most of them spread rumors under the guise of spreading religious teachings and saving mankind, and usually have a leader who claims to have supernatural powers. He controls the masses in the form of a secret society, and generally has the main purpose of collecting money by any means." The policeman said.

The staff seemed to be specifically responsible for this aspect of work and spoke out very smoothly.

Lin Jiu nodded approvingly and said slowly: "To be precise, it is a group that uses science, religion or medical treatment as a guise to cover up its power, mental control and exploitation of believers, in order to ultimately obtain the unconditional loyalty and loyalty of its believers.


And making them abandon the common values ​​of society including ethics, science, citizenship, education, etc., thus causing harm to society, personal freedom, health, education and democratic systems, is a cult.”

The police officer's face darkened immediately and he said to Lin Jiu: "I don't need you to teach me. Don't forget, you are a suspect now!"

"Officer, do you think I am qualified?" Lin Jiu asked without any panic.

"This..." Although this police officer has a bit of a bad temper, he is still a very qualified police officer. The current investigation results show that the young man in front of him does not meet the above definition.

Just when the police officer couldn't answer, Lin Jiu couldn't help but raised his head and chuckled. He gently covered half of his face with one palm, his eyes filled with compassion, and said softly: "Everyone in the world is suffering... only reincarnation can save us."


"And you said you are not a cult!"

At the same time, on the other side of the police station, in a hall, dozens of young people were being questioned by police officers.

Behind him was a photo of Lin Jiu, led by the middle-aged police officer. Officer Zhang pointed at the photo and asked the people below: "Is this person brainwashing you, teaching you to believe in some gods and ghosts, or who he is?"

Reincarnation of gods?

Or is it that the world is facing a catastrophe and only he knows how to save the world or his own believers? I said you are all a group of young people, how could you still be fooled by such nonsense!

That Miss Liao Xiaobing over there, I remember you are still a student at a prestigious university, how could you be deceived!"

Liao Xiaobing, who was named, couldn't help but frown, stood up and said: "Officer, you don't suspect that we have joined a cult, right? Leader Chi has never said these things!"

Police officers: They all called the leader, and they said they were not deceived into joining the religion!

"Sister Liao, you can't say that. The leader allows us to have faith, okay?" a young man retorted.

Officer Zhang's eyes lit up, and he immediately felt that this young man was pleasing to his eye.

"Chief Leader Chi said that no one else can be trusted, only yourself is the most trustworthy. He said that fate is in your own hands, either you control life, or life controls you!

He said that faith is not a dogma written for outsiders to copy, but a way of life that always yearns for a better life. Happiness is victory! When we believe in ourselves, we don’t even need to substitute reality, and our realm will actively improve ourselves!"

The young man who spoke became more and more excited as he spoke.

The companions on the side were led to take the initiative to speak: "That's right! Belief in oneself does not mean self-confidence, but having a pious heart for oneself! Humility, kindness, bravery, and justice are what you need to be pious!"

"..." Officer Zhang thought there was some breakthrough, but it turned out that he was overthinking.

They changed their thinking and began to ask about the specific content of what their "Red Leader" taught! Instead of keeping silent as they thought, these young people enthusiastically shared many of Lin Jiu's classic quotes with them.

for example:

"No matter when the time comes, you must always firmly believe in this belief, that is - believe in yourself!"

"Fate cannot be fought, but luck can be created. The weak accept fate, the strong resist fate, the capable seek fate, and the wise create fate."

Wait for these inspirational words of successful learning. These are only part of them, and more of them are analysis of current social employment prospects and predictions of economic development trends.

Finally, these young people also told the police officers that this is extremely valuable knowledge. If you say this, you will take advantage!

The current time is probably around 2016. Lin Jiu's real world is already halfway through 2017, and it was 2020 before the time travel. If he hadn't died too quickly, he would have noticed that something was wrong with the time.

Except for the alien world, the world of ordinary people does not change much. Various predictions are reasonable and some are even happening now.

These police officers felt that they had learned something real. But when they realized it, this was a large-scale training center for the future development of young people, plus some motivational lectures on success! No wonder the audience is a group of young people!

"I understand the truth! But why is it called the Rebirth Cult?" Officer Zhang complained with a wry smile.

Dozens of people looked at each other, and almost at the same time, they gently covered their cheeks with one hand and said in unison: "Everyone in the world is suffering... only reincarnation can save us!"

"Afterlife, afterlife, is the rest of your life, a life where you have to work hard no matter what! This is the meaning of our church!"

"..." No wonder others reported it! It makes sense, but with the name and slogan of your organization! You will definitely be reported less in the future.

"Let's go! Let's go!" After finding out what the Rebirth Cult established by Lin Jiu was, these police officers saw that his head was big, so they could only ask him to register with the relevant departments!



These young guys were very enthusiastic when they saw Lin Jiu's appearance. This was their mentor in life, allowing them to see hope for future development.

Lin Jiu left the police station with a smile. He had just entered this place in the real world, and entered the derivative world again a few days ago. This is a great place!

The Rebirth Education is an inspirational lecture organization. The people Lin Jiu is looking for are young people who are somewhat confused, so that they can gather together as quickly as possible!

Successful learning quotes can only be used as chicken soup. It is Lin Jiu's foresight that is one year ahead of time. It makes these young people feel that he, the leader, has a long-term vision. They are right to believe his words!

The emergence of the Religion of the Past has also increased the completion rate of the [Faith Predator] mission by 1%.

After Lin Jiu and others left, the police file was recorded and uploaded. After being uploaded, it was noticed by a special department delivering express delivery. After calling up the traveling monk's information and checking it, it was marked after the name of the leader of the Rebirth Cult, Chi:

There is a high probability that he is a strange person, with unknown abilities, unique personal charm, strong foresight, and no record of bad behavior.

"I've been focusing on the Rebirth Cult these past few days, and I don't know what's going on with the plot!" Lin Jiu dismissed the followers and returned to his residence. After experimenting with the Establishment Sect plan, it was time to consider getting involved in the alien world.

This chapter has been completed!
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