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Chapter 113 Anger

 When Zhang Chulan saw the walking corpse controlled by Liu Yanyan, he knew that these people in front of him were the guys digging his ancestral graves, and immediately asked: "What on earth do you want to do! Where did you take my grandfather's body!"

Lu Liang raised his finger and smiled: "Don't worry, don't worry, we are just looking for something...the legacy left by your grandfather!"

"What inheritance? Why don't I know?" How does Zhang Chulan know what inheritance?

"Do you know that I will confirm it myself? I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Lu Liang. I can directly ask people's souls... Don't worry, I won't completely pull out your soul!" Lu Liang said, raising his head.

He was about to use the Bright Soul Technique on Zhang Chulan.

call out!

A flying stone came, interrupting Lu Liang's Bright Soul Technique. The three of them turned to look! Xu San, who had a stone suspended in his palm, and Feng Baobao, who was carefree, came over!

"Sister Bao'er! Save me!" Zhang Chulan, who was tied up like a worm, fell to the ground and shouted at the two of them.

"Baby, it's not going to be easy, we have a few people with us this time!" Xu San pretended to be saying as a group of people were ambush in the dark.

"Other matters can be resolved later... If you release Zhang Chulan today, you can leave!" Xu San tried to negotiate to rescue Zhang Chulan.

"No!" Xia He decisively refused.

Xu San and Feng Baobao attracted the attention of several people in the open, and when they were not prepared, they were able to rescue Zhang Chulan at the cost of a slap from Xia He. All the people who were secretly ambushing also came out of the forest.


"That's Xia He, the bone scraper!"

"These girls are so beautiful!"

"Shut up!"

"What a big scene!"

Naturally, many contractors of Nadutong Company chose to join. Some of them in this ambush operation were contractors.

Upon seeing this, Xia He got on his motorcycle and left. Lu Liang and Liu Yanyan also quickly drove a van to try to break out.

"I've received a side mission! Hunting down all-sexual monsters...the rewards are very generous. Let's work hard and keep them here?"

All the contractors present triggered the side mission of hunting down the all-sex monster, and some of them were immediately moved.

"There's no penalty for failure, so why wait!"

After discovering that there was no penalty for failure in this side mission, these contractors immediately seemed to be on steroids and tried their best to prevent them from leaving.

The rewards are generous, and there is no penalty for mission failure. It represents the difficulty of the mission and requires that all three of them be retained. After all, even the famous strangers and the beaten contractors failed to retain Xia He and Lu Liang.

Of all people, only Liu Yanyan, a fool, was abandoned and left behind as before.

Everything calmed down for the time being. The next day, Zhang Chulan also had a preliminary understanding of the alien world and the existence of Nadutong. Under Feng Baobao's forceful persuasion, he joined Nadutong.

Before Zhang Chulan could take a breath, he was put out in a sack by a stranger from the Tianxiahui that night. This was because Zhang Chulan was kidnapped deliberately. His anger had accumulated to a certain extent and he needed to vent it.

Speaking of which, it was thanks to the appearance of Zhang Lingyu and the three Tianshi Mansion that Zhang Chulan's anger was transferred. Otherwise, the two strangers brought by Feng Shayan would have beaten Zhang Chulan, who was really not angry enough!

No contractors came to join in the fun this time! As long as you are not a fool, you will not choose to enter the sight of these alien forces under such circumstances.

The newly promoted ten men, the old Yinbi Feng Zhenghao's Tianxiahui; the No. 1 Longhushan Tianshi Mansion in the righteous way; the relevant departments of the alien world are all connected! There is no fault!

"I just want to make a scene now!"

Zhang Chulan, whose golden light spell was far inferior to Zhang Lingyu's, used the thunder method without reservation. Using the thunder method, he successfully tore through Zhang Lingyu's protective golden light.

"Little Master Uncle, how are you? Jin Guang can't hold on anymore! Give up, otherwise you will be very embarrassed next!"


"Thunder in the Palm!" White lightning flashed between Zhang Chulan's palms and struck towards Zhang Lingyu.

Zhang Lingyu raised his hand, and the black Qi formed a move similar to Zhang Chulan's palm thunder, fighting against each other. The battle also ended with Feng Baobao's interception.

Zhang Lingyu looked at Zhang Chulan again and said: "You are indeed qualified! On behalf of the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain, I now invite you to participate in the Luotian Dajiao in Longhu Mountain in one month. During this ceremony, the next Tianshi will be publicly selected.

Master’s heir!”

The scene also came to an end when Zhang Lingyu and others left.

Zhang Chulan returned to his usual routine of going to class, but he himself didn’t know how long this peaceful life could last. He also gradually understood why his grandfather and father had taken him to hide around in the past. Wasn’t it just for this rare opportunity?


I didn't know how to cherish it before, but now that I have lost this kind of life, I understand how precious it is.

Originally, through Xu San's introduction, he learned about the existence of the alien world. There was a place where he, an alien among ordinary people, could go and have a group of similar people. But because of the unfounded Qi body source, he was still in the alien world.

An alien.

This is what makes Zhang Chulan feel so cold. There is no place in the world that can tolerate him!

Speaking of which, in Zhang Chulan's situation, the first thing he learned about was the Rebirth Cult, and he probably stayed there. An organization that did not distinguish between ordinary people and strangers would probably touch his heart.

But it's a pity that Lin Jiu didn't have time to consider these details. He happened to meet Zhang Chulan that day, so it was good to mention it.

The development of the Resurrection Church is gradually getting on the right track. Many of the young people in the past were born into wealthy families. The knowledge they learned from Lin Jiu made the parents of these young people feel that there is something good about this church.

The appearance of strangers makes them feel uneasy. This is a world that you cannot have access to if you have money. But now, through the Rebirth Religion, the mysterious veil has been unveiled to them.

These wealthy people fully support the development of their children in the Rebirth Cult, and even hope that they can be involved in the Rebirth Cult. Unfortunately, the principles of the Rebirth Cult prevent this kind of problem!

The inflow of a large amount of funds has allowed all aspects of the Rebirth Cult to develop in a good direction, except the number of people!

Joining the Rebirth Cult because of money or other reasons goes against Lin Jiu's original intention. Such people cannot be the nourishment for Lin Jiu to complete his mission, and there is no need to join the Cult.

Except for foreigners! In Lin Jiu's construction, ordinary "believers" are the core, and foreigners' military force is guaranteed. Foreigners can join the Rebirth Cult for other things, provided that Lin Jiu likes it. If you don't like it, please refer to Zuo Zhili!

This construction model makes the composition of the Rebirth Cult different from other alien institutions. The stimulation of the alien world and the knowledge of the Rebirth Cult made the original group of young people become hard-working and progressive. Some are talented and learn martial arts under Li Laiquan, while others are

Develop in various fields.

It is somewhat similar to Tianxia Group, in that there are ordinary people and aliens. But the difference is that ordinary people in Tianxia Group do not know the existence of aliens, and aliens will not interfere with ordinary people. They are still the existence of two worlds.

With the support of the Rebirth Cult, Li Laiquan reopened the martial arts gym. He just found a lot of apprentices from children in the members' homes, and the Rebirth Cult would not interfere with him. Wang Mingjian's life is getting better and better, and he likes it here more and more!

Huang Xiaohu, Zhong Heyuan, and Gu Jingjing, who did not have these needs, felt that they were getting farther and farther away from the pirate ship.

In the past few days, the Rebirth Cult has welcomed some rather special guests.

This chapter has been completed!
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