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Chapter 1218 Are you envious? It’s due to luck

 Lin Jiu and his party used the teleportation array to go to the city near the Country of the Poor without any hindrance. Who asked him to have someone on top of him? Elder Musis of the Mir Church and Queen Kelly of the Venus Country.

, these two elders hinted that he was leaving, how could he be stuck in a teleportation array.

"Ouch~" As soon as they left the teleportation array, the city's strong "malice" threatened Lin Jiu and his party. The indescribable mixed stench kept getting into everyone's noses, and they wailed loudly.

This is the border city of Costa, which is closest to the country of the poor and has an environment close to it. There are few people in this city, and most of them are skinny and ragged poor people. On the basis of these people, they go to extremes and commit crimes and destruction.

People will be sent to the country of the poor. Compared with direct execution, being sent to the country of the poor is a more terrible punishment.

"Ouch~" Can you not take this path?

Gungun is just too lazy to think, he is not stupid. This Costa city is just because it is the closest to the country of the poor, and the environment is like this. If you really enter the country of the poor, it will be even more tortured.

"Okay, it's not like I haven't experienced it before." Back in the Land of Decay, Lin Jiu and Gungun had already experienced a similar environment. You could see the cute girl next to them, with a bandage on her body that moved autonomously, covering her mouth and nose.


The smell here was just mixed, very unpleasant, and it was not to the point where it was unbearable, so Lin Jiu did not take out a gas mask. If he used a gas mask so early, he might not be able to survive entering the country of the poor. Now, let’s start with

Get used to the environment here, strengthen your endurance, and then you can use the gas mask for a while longer.

What can I say about this city... To a certain extent, it has been left to its own devices, with no troops stationed and no managers. It is a city completely controlled by the poor. Even if the environment is bad, many poor people are still willing to stay because there is no oppression here.

it's here.

However, due to environmental problems, the poor are not in good health and are easily infected with diseases, so they cannot live long. Therefore, there are still many poor people staying in other cities.

The environmental pollution situation in Costa City is different in different areas. In some areas, there are rivers of garbage; in some areas, the stench rushes into the nose and is nauseating; in some areas, colorful waste is piled up. Garbage is all over the floor and can be seen everywhere.

The sewage flows, the smell is high, and the colorful garbage makes the chaotic city even more chaotic.

Everywhere in the city, you can experience flies flying up from all directions mixed with the stench, making people suffocate.

"The enhanced version is different." The feeling Lin Jiu experienced in Costa City was almost more than what he had experienced in the Land of Decay, which made him have the idea of ​​burning down the entire city. In the main world, among the poor,

The country was an enhanced version of a place of decay, and Lin felt a little uneasy thinking about that environment for a long time.

Lin Jiu was not afraid at all when encountering powerful enemies, but the torture in this environment... Lin Jiu was really a little weak.

There is a lot of yellow dirt on the walls of this city, and flies are flying around on it. After being exposed to the sun, it emits bursts of odor that can be smelled from a long distance away.

There are not only poor people here, but also some extremely vicious guys. Normally, they would be sent and driven into the Country of the Poor. The Country of the Poor plays a similar role to the gathering place for the dead in the shallows of the Black Abyss. Only

However, when a demonic disaster broke out, each country had no time to take care of these villains unless they took the initiative to provoke them.

As a result, they occupied an unnoticed city like Costa City. They definitely didn't dare to move the teleportation array. As the proud work of the Venus Kingdom, they moved the teleportation array, and Venus

It doesn't make any difference if the country declares war. Those magicians in the Venus Kingdom won't even ignore the demons first and come over to kill them first.

Not all the forces in the Kingdom of Venus have gone to the front line. Many magicians who have no intention of becoming soul mages are still hiding in their own homes. The small army stationed beside the teleportation array can destroy them without even using the magicians.

The more vicious the villain is, the clearer he is about who he can offend and who he cannot afford to offend.

And this strange combination that just walked out of the teleportation array is obviously someone they can't afford to offend. Being able to freely enter and exit the teleportation array during wartime is naturally something they can't afford to offend.

Naturally, Lin Jiu and the others had no intention of staying here for a long time. They left Costa City and headed towards the country of the poor in the north. Not long after they left the city, they saw a big river blocking the road. If it were a normal river, it would be nothing, even eight hundred

He recognized the Liusha River in the river, but it was a turbid river with rolling waves, colorful colors on the water, a foul smell, and all kinds of unknown objects drifting with the current.

"As expected..." It didn't take long for them to approach the country of the poor. Lin Jiu wore half of the red lenses on his eyes, sharing the field of vision with his mechanical bird, and saw the situation ahead.

I don't know where the yellowish gas comes from and floats everywhere with the cold wind. Without experiencing it, you can tell from the appearance that this gas contains unknown toxins. Lin Jiu has seen such environmental conditions in the decaying land.

But the Land of Decay is only a second-order small world, and this is the main world of the fifth level. If the yellow mist here was placed in the Land of Decay, he would have died suddenly on the spot if he entered it.

Although the poisonous mist here far exceeds that of the Land of Decay, his strength at this time is also far greater than before. After entering the country of the poor, everyone was surrounded by a layer of sun flames, and the poisonous mist could not get close to him.

In addition, along the way, his original perception noticed that there were many creatures hidden in the surrounding environment, probably carrying viruses. There was a strange smell here, and there was a sense of depression in the air, which was suffocating.

The group also put on gas masks, and the flames of the sun cut off the poisonous fog. But it seemed that the flames reacted with the environment here, and the smell they smelled was even more disgusting. Unless Lin Jiu used the flames of the sun with all his strength, all the filth was eliminated.

Evaporate completely. That is a complete loss of one's own strength. It is not necessary. It is enough to maintain the status quo.

Lin Jiu, who had been paying attention to the surrounding situation, immediately noticed the cute girl's figure, and the group stopped.

Before Lin Jiu could ask, the cute girl took the initiative and said, "It's new news. The Spirit King Du is in the ancient temple."

This was the second day after they came to this native world. Lin Jiu spent half the day in the underground cell of the Mir Church. Later, he was released and almost a day passed after understanding the current situation. It was impossible to see Queen Kelly at night. He

I went to the palace this morning.

Lin Jiu and others who set off in the afternoon were all glad that they had eaten before setting off, otherwise eating in this environment would be more disgusting than eating in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

The information that the cute girl got on the first day in the Soul Mist Continent is her goal. The Spirit King Du needs to enter the Temple of the Wedge. This is also the basis for her cooperation with Lin Jiu. Their current destination is the same. Now

What the cute girl gets is more detailed and specific location information.

"Trading luck in exchange for information, I'm envious." Lin Jiu was also envious of the cute girl's ability. The biggest shortcoming of Samsara Paradise is that the information provided by Samsara Paradise is basically just one sentence, and he has to explore it by himself. But cute girl doesn't have this aspect at all.

question. As for luck, as long as you are strong enough, it doesn't matter at all.

Lin Jiu said that he has made this friend. The main thing is that the personality is compatible, and the ability is secondary.

This chapter has been completed!
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