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Chapter 1313 Free fall into the sea

 After Lin Jiu got the two knives "Blood Grudge" and "City Slaughter" before, he had the idea of ​​creating reincarnation clones and took over these two knives. However, after the ability of soul branding came out, Lin Jiu temporarily stopped doing this.

an idea.

Compared with relying on random placement in the Samsara Paradise before, Lin Jiu felt that he could find a suitable placement world in the native world he had experienced. Before doing this, Lin Jiu needed to experience several worlds first.

With his own understanding of that world as a foundation, the reincarnation clone will develop faster. So Lin Jiu temporarily put away the two knives and waited for the birth of the reincarnation clone.

Now that Lin Jiu is ready to enter the world of pirates, he still needs to be in the war period, so it is not easy to find the props to enter this world.

He does not have the master key to the world in Su Xiao's hands. Fortunately, the Samsara Chamber of Commerce controlled by Dashius can acquire the props he needs in a short period of time. Raise troops for a thousand days and use them for a while. That is to say

Current situation.

Of course, now is not the most appropriate time to use props. Naturally, he still needs to take a gamble on whether the team skills of the Sun Adventure Group can help him randomly enter the pirate world. In that case, this prop will be saved, and he can go back to the derivative world.

After you come back, you can also give it to Dashius and sell it to get your health back.

[Tip: The Hunter will enter the world in 3 minutes.]

[The team skill of the Sun Adventure Group "Revelation of Faith (Passive Lv.30)" has been activated, and the world randomly entered is the "Zerg Battlefield".]

[Zerg battlefield (Location: Void, the Zerg on this planet are intelligent creatures, with characteristics of a civilized race, biology has reached level six or above, normal negotiations are possible, some Zerg are relatively friendly)]

"Huh?!" Lin Jiu was a little disappointed at first not randomly arriving at the Pirate World. Then when he saw this world, he immediately realized, isn't this the world added by Su Xiao's adventure group skills? That means,

He only needs to contact Lidya Su now, and they can enter the same world.

But there was no need. Lin Jiu did not contact Su Xiao. They all had their own action plans. There was no need to make temporary changes when entering the world. That would only make their own progress more difficult.

[You have used the special world key item, Video Phone Bug, to enter the world of One Piece.]

[Due to the use of special props, hunters will ignore the prerequisites and lock the world progress to the top war event. ]

[Progress is being synchronized...]

[The current progress of the Hunter in the world is: no power disputes.]

[We are about to enter the world of pirates. Hunters, please be prepared. The location is being selected...]

[In order to protect the fourth-level and lower contractors who are about to enter the pirate world, the hunters will be teleported to 10 nautical miles outside the Shampoo Islands. Please prepare your ship in advance.]

"Look! I forgot about this!" Lin Jiu reacted after seeing the last prompt. Naturally, he would not deliberately remember such an insignificant thing.

The sea surface was the nemesis of Gungun, and Gungun could not swim with his weight. Lin Jiu put Gungun into the elf ball with his backhand to prevent it from sinking directly to the bottom of the sea.

Transfer begins.

"As expected." Lin Jiu opened his eyes and looked at the blue sky and white clouds around him. He knew that as a hunter, the treatment he received would not be much better than Su Xiao's.

Lin Jiu adjusted his posture in the air and looked around. He could vaguely see an island in the distance. There were towering trees on the island, and the tree crowns connected into a large area. That was the Chambord Islands.

According to the prompts from Samsara Paradise, he was teleported to a location at least ten nautical miles away from the Shampoo Islands. Now, he can overlook the Shampoo Islands in the distance, which shows his height.

The sea below you is blue. Although it is sea water, if you fall from a certain height, there will be no difference between the sea surface and the cement floor. No, the sea surface is more dangerous. The cement floor is just a flat surface, and after the sea surface is impacted, the moment it comes into contact with the human body

, the sea surface will change from cement to gravel road, causing terrible injuries to the human body.

But it wasn't a big problem, because Lin Jiu could fly. He didn't spread his golden flame wings now, he was just looking for Yin Sabella's figure. Gungun was taken into the elf ball by him, so he didn't have to worry about sinking into the sea.

Fortunately, Yin Sabella's teleportation position was near him, and she was also in free fall. Lin Jiu approached her, and after grabbing Yin Sabella, he spread his golden flame wings and pointed downward toward a small, temporarily capable

Fly away from the island where you landed.

After Lin Jiu landed, he put down Yin Sabella, released Gungun, and started to check the world introduction.

[The hunter has entered the derived world. There are no abnormalities in this world. A total of 0.19 ounces of space-time power has been consumed...]

[Based on the power of time and space consumed, the minimum comprehensive evaluation of the hunter in this world must reach B+ level (fifth level), the fourth to third level is C level, and the second to first level is D+ level. 】

[World Contact Platform is being activated (public platform for all levels).]

[Activated, remaining number of speeches 8/8.]

[Number of fifth-level contractors entering: 26, location: area around Shampoo Islands, Impel City, Nine Snakes Island. 】

[Number of fourth-level contractors entering: 250, location: Shampoo Islands.]

[Number of third-level contractors entering: 131, location: area around the Navy Headquarters (safer area). 】

[Number of second-level contractors entering: 188, location: islands surrounding the Navy Headquarters (safe area). 】

[Number of first-level contractors entering: 93, location: Navy Headquarters (Navy position has been awarded). 】

Seeing the "birthplace" of the fifth-level contractor, Lin Jiu suddenly had no objection to landing from the air. At least he didn't have to push forward the city and had a prison-type opening. He had experienced this Su Xiao-exclusive opening once or twice

That's enough, it's better not to "take the spotlight".

The events on the top battlefield can be described as a mixed bag. There are all first- to fifth-level contractors, but fortunately there are no sixth-level contractors. Even low-level contractors can actually go to the top battlefield to have fun, but they are experiencing the world normally.

The plot events on the top battlefield cannot be triggered, and the income is greatly reduced.

The One Piece world is an open world, and the probability of contractors dropping scarlet cards in this world is more than 60%, so this place is also called the hunting ground, the hunting ground for the strong, and the hell for the weak.

[Enter the World: One Piece·Stop War]

World difficulty: LV.3~???(open world, difficulty varies in different regions)

Source of the World:0%

Introduction to the world: Wealth, fame, power, the vast sea is filled with navies and pirates, domineering duels, battles between people with fruit abilities, games between strong men, and competition for hegemony.

Three-color domineering: an advanced technique for the development of the body.

Devil Fruit: A secret treasure from the sea. After eating it, you can gain magical abilities. You are afraid of sea water, seastones, etc.

World Government: The largest organization in the world, which has ruled the world for more than 800 years.

Navy: The largest military organization under the World Government, responsible for maritime security.

Pirates: adventurers on the sea, exploring the world, burning, killing and looting, and good and evil are uncertain.

Time: Ten days before the war on top.

Main mission: Join the force.

Hunting mission: None (the top battlefield is the highest reward event in the pirate world, and violators will not have permission to enter this time point).

This chapter has been completed!
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