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Chapter 1321 The huge profits are exciting

 No. 1 Mangrove Area, the auction house owned by the Don Quijote family. This is the same as most auction houses. The inside is a stage, which is used for pre-opening performances and "merchandise" display, and the outer position is stepped.

There are seats, and on the outside is the entrance.

Most of the time, this auction house is packed with seats. Because from time to time there are news about the auctions of various rare "commodities", which will attract a large number of customers. This auction house is one of the important sources of funds for the Don Quixote family.

"Hello everyone, we have prepared high-quality slaves for you today. You are very lucky today. This hot item..." The auction started in a warm atmosphere.

But this atmosphere did not last long, and one incident after another soon broke out. First, the murloc they kidnapped was rescued by the Straw Hats, and more importantly, the three Celestial Dragons who came to the auction house were also kidnapped by the Straw Hats.

Then it was discovered that one of their auction items actually included Rayleigh, the vice-captain of the Roger Pirates. The auction was interrupted, and Navy Admiral Kizaru was also attracted, and the three Celestial Dragons were escorted by the navy.

But what was unexpected was that a terrifying pirate suddenly appeared and killed Kizaru, the naval admiral, until he screamed and fled in embarrassment. Not only that, the pirate's accomplices also kidnapped three Celestial Dragons.

Kill in public.

All these events started from the auction of the Don Quixote family. Although there is no precise connection, there is certainly no escape from the relationship. The series of events that broke out in the Chambord Islands were also exposed by the various informants here.

Doflamingo, one of the Shichibukai recruited by the navy, learned the news and was stunned for a moment. He, Doflamingo, was once a member of the Celestial Dragons and knew about the Celestial Dragons' rule over the world.

, I didn’t expect that there would be such a reckless man in the world.

The kidnapping and beating of the Celestial Dragons by the Straw Hats was already a jaw-dropping event, but I didn't expect that there would be even bigger guys.

Adhering to the principle that the fewer words, the greater the impact, the five words "Celestial Dragons were killed" quickly spread throughout the sea with the help of some forces.

As for the pirates and bidders nearby, they have turned into birds and beasts. The smarter pirate group directly left the Shampoo Islands by boat. As for coating the ship and heading to Fish-Man Island, don’t be kidding. All the Celestial Dragons died here. Who can

Are you still interested in ship film coating?

There are no absolutes in the world, and some of the more upright pirate groups have not left the Chambord Islands, but are preparing to dive into the sea and head for Fish-Man Island after the ship's coating is plated.

"Let's leave here first and drift on the sea for a few days before we consider the coating." Fishman Hachi looked anxious. Although they successfully rescued Kemi, Luffy didn't seem to realize the seriousness of the matter.

However, he is not stupid either, as can be seen quickly from Hachi's reaction. He immediately left, and some contractors were eyeing the Straw Hats. They were not plotting evil, but were ready to help. Luffy is the true son of the world in the pirate world.

, the general contractor will not go against him.

Lin Jiu and his party didn't care much. They took the eternal pointer purchased on the island and drove the Sun into the ocean. As for the most dangerous place, it is the safest place. Don't be kidding. The Shampoo Islands are too close to the World Government.

It is almost under the World Government, and the World Government will definitely dig the Chambord Islands into the ground.

In the original work, the three Celestial Dragons were only beaten up, and Kizaru came to the island to suppress them. Now they still send a general over? Of course it is impossible. To kill the Celestial Dragons is to directly challenge the world government.

Lin Jiu was not in a hurry to return to the Sun, because the World Government would definitely be fully prepared before sending people to deal with him. Because he not only killed three Tianlong people, but also beat a naval admiral half to death. There was no complete preparation.

, the world government and navy will not easily mobilize, and at most let the intelligence and spy agencies lock his location.

Navy Headquarters.

"Damn it!" With a bang, Sengoku smashed the desk in front of him. His face was extremely gloomy. He applied to the World Government to disclose the news that Fire Fist Ace was about to be executed. Once this news came out, it was equivalent to talking to Whitebeard.

The pirates declared war, and it was the navy that was responsible for executing Ace, and the location was in Marin Fendo.

As soon as they declared war with the Whitebeard Pirates, news came that the Celestial Dragons had been killed, and a total of three people died. What’s even more deceiving is that these three Celestial Dragons were direct relatives. And they were still under the rank of Navy Admiral.

Killed while nearby.

The three Celestial Dragons were all direct members of the same family. This family was not very prosperous to begin with. After the father, son and daughter died at the same time, Warring States was surprised to find that the bloodline of this Celestial Dragon family was cut off.

Although the two male Celestial Dragons left their offspring everywhere, the children they had with their slaves and descendants were not considered direct lineage, and other Celestial Dragon families would not recognize them at all. This meant that this line of Celestial Dragons was extinct.

The World Government scolded the Warring States Period bloody, but who could the Warring States Period blame? Kizaru? After looking at the half-dead Kizaru carried back by Ao Pheasant, how could he blame him?

The World Government naturally knows about Kizaru's situation, but they still have to scold them. As for the follow-up arrangements, they still have to discuss with Sengoku separately, and randomly send people to hunt down the Sun Pirates who suddenly appeared, but

It's just a pointless death.

But now the Navy is busy executing Ace and confronting the Whitebeard Pirates, and they don't know how much trouble is waiting for them in the future. They simply can't spare the energy to chase down the Sun Pirates who have the strength to seriously injure the Navy Admiral.

.In the end, they could only reluctantly announce high bounties.

[You have killed Saint Roswader, and you have obtained 8.8% of the Source of the World.]

[You have killed Saint Charros, and you have obtained 6.9% of the Source of the World.]

[You have killed Shalulia Palace, and you have obtained 6.2% of the Source of the World.]

[Tip: Your actions have caused the severance of the direct bloodline of the twenty kings and the Yingnaz family. You will gain 15% of the source of the world.]

[Your relationship with the world government has been locked as a mortal enemy.]

[Your relationship with the Navy has been locked as enemies.]

The reward for killing the three Celestial Dragons is very generous, but while the reward is rich, it also comes with risks. Now his relationship with the World Government and the Navy has reached a point where it cannot be eased. Once they fall into the hands of the Navy or the World Government,

The other party will not imprison him at all, and more than 90% of the time he will be executed on the spot, without even a trial process.

Of course, Lin Jiu didn't care about this. Looking at his harvest, he obtained more than thirty world sources so easily. This made Lin Jiu quite excited. If he could kill more Tianlong people, what would happen in the pirate world? The source of the world will probably exceed 100 soon. However, if the movement is too big, the whole world will go crazy, and the source of the world will not be obtained much.

The World Government is also trying to control public opinion. The Celestial Dragons have been aloof for too long, and people have swallowed their anger because it will attract the navy. But suddenly three Celestial Dragons were killed in public, and the murderers were still at large. This will make many people feel sad. A spark ignites.

If public opinion cannot be controlled, more and more guys will join the revolutionary army. There may also be guys who crazily worship the Sun Pirates, imitate them, and kill the Celestial Dragons risklessly.

But the existence of Morgans, the president of the World Economic News Agency, means that the actions of the World Government will be useless.

This chapter has been completed!
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