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Chapter 1344 Eye-opening

"You were kidnapped." Lin Jiu simply responded to this guy and did not consider his feelings again.

"Is that so? How many Baileys do you want to ask for?" The green-haired Celestial Dragon was relatively calm, and surprisingly, he did not shout that I was a Celestial Dragon.

Lin Jiu waved his hand and asked Isabella to imprison him in the Sun. His current bounty is more than three billion beli, but just because he killed three Tianlong people, it is definitely more than that.

Based on some information he obtained from the outside world, the killing of the Celestial Dragons has been suppressed by the World Government. Except for a few forces, most people do not know this news.

The wanted notice published by the World Government and the Navy describes the destruction of the Shampoo Islands, wanton massacre, and serious injury to the admiral. Under normal circumstances, the news that the admiral was seriously injured would not be announced, as it would shake the morale of the navy.

But in order to suppress the impact of the killing of the Tianlong people, the world government still insisted on making the news public. As a result, the outside world knew more about Lin Jiu and his Sun Pirates. They were a powerful pirate group, and even the navy admiral

Don't take it lightly. Only forces at the level of the Four Emperors, the Revolutionary Army, etc. know the inside information.

As for the public execution of three Celestial Dragons in the Chambord Islands a few days ago, it seems that those who saw the execution scene may not end well.

Morgans wanted to spread the news, but he had no choice, except for the threat of the World Government on the one hand, and on the other hand, he only knew the inside information and could not confirm the authenticity of this matter to the outside world.

Lin Jiu also knew that it would be best to have a public live broadcast of the execution of the Tianlong people, but he did not have the means to do so. Moreover, he had no foundation in the pirate world. He would not have time to contact Morgans within three days, so he could only

Make the decision to execute on the spot.

"Damn it, I forgot that there is a way." Lin Jiu suddenly slapped his thigh, wailing. This movement attracted Isabella, Joan of Arc and others to stop.

"It's all Su Xiao's fault. If you follow him badly, you know how to kill. We should kidnap those three Tianlong people and threaten the world government to give us a sky-high bounty." Lin Jiu regretted, this special

What is the true usage of Tianlong people.

If you threaten the other party to open a bounty, then you can decide the amount yourself. There must be an upper limit, but it is definitely much higher than it is now. And this method is much better than asking Morgans to publicly broadcast the execution of the Celestial Dragon.

Public execution of three Celestial Dragons would definitely cause an uproar on the sea and make the bounty of the Sun Pirates very high. What is undeniable is that this would definitely make the World Government and Navy kill him at all costs.

In the face of war, the execution of Ace may no longer be important. No matter how important Ace is, it is only because of his special status as Roger's son. To publicly execute the Celestial Dragons in front of the whole world, this is what Roger did back then.

Nothing I've ever done.

If you do this, the war on the top may cease to exist. It will have a great impact on the world, and Lin Jiu will definitely gain huge profits, but he is not sure of surviving the encirclement and suppression by the world government and navy.

Therefore, using coercion from the Celestial Dragons was the best solution. But now he realized that it was too late, and increasing the bounty now would be of no use to him.

"Sir, there is something very important that I want to explain in advance. My surname is Don Quixote. If you are a pirate, you should have heard of this surname. If you want to ask for a ransom, please contact Doflamingo Shichibukai

It's the best choice. I can't die, at least not now." The cry of the Celestial Dragon came to Lin Jiu's ears, reminding him of this guy who was somewhat out of tune with the other Celestial Dragons.

"Don Quixote... is also a weird family." Lin Jiu sighed with emotion. The Don Quixote is not the underground force Doflamingo has formed now, but refers to this branch of the Draco clan.

Looking back, the ancestors of the Celestial Dragons were all heroes. Among these heroes, the first generation Don Quixote was like a saint. He had noble moral principles, fearless spirit, heroic behavior, belief in justice and love.

Loyalty, etc.

Even after years of corruption, most of the heroes' descendants have now become wastes who only know how to eat, drink and have fun. Only a few freaks appear in the Don Quixote family from time to time, and they are incompatible with other Dracos.

Even under their leadership, some moderates emerged among the Celestial Dragons. It was just that Doflamingo's father, Don Quixote Huo Minggu, was too gentle, and had committed a crime with the Neferutari family.

Same error.

Therefore, it is not too surprising that this seemingly calm Tianlong who does not only eat, drink, play, and yell comes from this family.

"Contractor..." Lin Jiu sensed that there was someone secretly staring at them here. There was no malice, but there was no goodwill either. All the CP agents on this island were almost dead, and those who dared to stare at him, except for the contractor,

Besides, Lin Jiu couldn't think of anyone else.

Lin Jiu only sensed that someone was staring at him, but the sensing field expanded and no suspicious person was found. Then there are only two possibilities. This guy has no vitality and no soul power, or he can cover up these two auras.

The other possibility is that he is outside his range of perception. Lin Jiu feels that the second possibility is more likely.

On the other side of the island, on a cliff, a man wearing a dark green suede jacket silently stared in Lin Jiu's direction. There was a broken bandage wrapped around the man's chest. The center of the chest was also the source of the broken bandage.

The scarlet eyes blinked.

The eyes on his chest are just uncomfortable, but the scarlet eye growing on his right cheek is terrifying. It is not a round eye, but a red phoenix eye growing diagonally on his cheek. The man's right

His eyes are closed tightly, and his left eye looks normal. There is a scarlet red phoenix eye on the palm of his left hand.

The image of this man is frightening to ordinary people. No one knows where on his body there are eyes, which is an eye-opener. If Lin Jiu had seen this man, if Samsara Paradise hadn't specially reminded this derivative world to be special, violators would not be able to

Upon entering, the person he immediately suspected was the violator.

After eliminating the identity of the violators, the first suspect is the brigade members. Su Xiao has a disgusting brigade member who went astray later and was executed by other members of the brigade. But if you think about it carefully, reincarnation

Well, it’s not surprising that a guy like this appears in a paradise. There are also a bunch of weirdos from the Mingmen Adventure Group.

"Danger level, high. No conflict yet..." The man with eyes looked in Lin Jiu's direction, whispered a few words, and looked thoughtful, as if he was judging the purpose of Lin Jiu's actions.

If Lin Jiu could see the appearance of the man with the eyes, it would not be surprising that the other party could see him from such a distance, beyond his range of perception. After all, those eyes are not in vain.

"The sight disappeared... If you don't show up, forget it." Lin Jiu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked in the direction of the sight.

This chapter has been completed!
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