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Chapter 1353 Fortunately, he ran fast

 Chapter 1364 Fortunately, he ran fast

Sengoku returned to the naval base to aid. Although there were no navy officers inside, half of the naval headquarters would have collapsed if the explosion was allowed to spread. The naval headquarters base collapsed during the battle with the pirates. If it was broadcast live, it would make the world

Laughing your ass off.

Moonlight Moria, who was about to attack Lin Jiu, was stunned when he saw Warring States disappearing.

"Tsk...you are quite brave." Lin Jiu had a smile on his lips, but his eyes were extremely cold as he looked at Moonlight Moria. If you attack him, you will have to pay a corresponding price.

Moonlight Moria's greed was only amplified by his contractor. When he saw a profitable opportunity, the greed in his heart would cause him to develop a serious gambler's mentality. But it was not that he had no control over his mind and was responsible for the main pressure of the Warring States Period.

, the fear in Moonlight Moria's heart suddenly soared, and her greed was instantly suppressed.

If he didn't run, it would be too late. Moria turned into a large black bat. An afterimage flashed past. Several blazing sword energy slashed through the black bats, and part of the black bat exploded.

"Bastard!" Moria's voice came from inside the bat. But he was not scolding Lin Jiu, but Seng Guo, who "escaped from battle".

Facing the scattered swarms of black bats, 10 golden haloes appeared around Lin Jiu. This was a ring of sunshine formed by skills, sweeping towards the surroundings. Not only did the black bats included, but he also had no time to run away.

The navy was affected.

At the same time, Lin Jiu condensed a fireball with dazzling light above his head. When facing shadow ability users, he had to use strong light. Even if the shadow did not dissipate in the strong light, it would become more conspicuous.

Lin Jiu saw a black shadow among the black bats. The figure disappeared on the spot and ran towards the shadow. The next moment, a scarlet mark that only Lin Jiu could see appeared on the black shadow transformed by Moonlight Moria.


Intention of killing

Effect: After entering the combat state, mark the enemy. After completing the marking, 10 seconds later, there will be 5 seconds to increase the damage to the marked target by 30%.

Note: This mark is extremely concealed.

Note: When there are more than two combat targets, the target with the highest overall strength will be marked.

Lin Jiu followed the shadow of Moria, waving the Dawn Bird in his hand at will, and streaks of blazing sword energy flew out. The shadow twisted and deformed, constantly dodging Lin Jiu's attacks.

Moria didn't dare to reveal his true form now, for fear that he would be killed by Lin Jiu in the next moment. He had some brains and ran frantically towards the place where the navy gathered. Warring States temporarily evacuated, which lured Lin Jiu to where the navy gathered.

In the past, there would always be navy admirals who would intercept Lin Jiu.

"three two……"

Lin Jiu's countdown voice came from behind. Although he didn't know what it meant, Yueguang Moria felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

The sound of breaking wind came from behind him, and a chain grabbed him. The black shadow under Moonlight Moria's feet merged into his body, forcibly increasing his strength and trying to break free of the chain. Although he failed to completely break free of the chain of heaven, Lin Jiu also rushed towards him.

The sword that went to the throat pierced his shoulder.

But even so, the piercing damage to the soul and the increase in killing intent were not something that a courageous pirate like him could bear. The severe pain distracted Moria's attention, so that the silver sword light

He didn't notice until it flashed before his eyes.

At this time, he noticed that it was already too late. The sword edge passed across his neck very quickly, and a head flew up. Lin Jiu walked past Yueguang Moria's blood-spurting body. A king under the Qiwuhai, or...

The weakest one among them, Lin Jiu had nothing to care about.

At this time, on the battlefield on Whitebeard's side, magma and ice were spreading everywhere, strong light suddenly appeared, and vibrating roars were heard endlessly. A large ice wall isolated the area, making it difficult to see what was happening inside.


Magma splashed, and the knife in Whitebeard's hand slashed at Akainu head-on. The ice beneath Akainu's feet cracked. He couldn't understand why the 72-year-old Whitebeard still had such monster-like power.

"Sakaski, hold on first. Someone has rescued the prisoner." The place was created by Qing Pheasant. Qing Pheasant saw all the movements on Lin Jiu's side. Among the three generals of the navy, the one who is in the best condition is now

The good one is Kizaru.

Before Akainu arrived, half of his arm was cut off by Lin Jiu, and he spent a lot of strength shaping the battlefield. Now that he had the opportunity to not face the terrifying Whitebeard, Aoki decided to leave.

"?" Akainu's eyes widened. The next moment, a powerful and heavy knife struck at him. In desperation, Akainu could only roll around like a lazy ass without any grace. With a roar, the knife struck the ice.

, Akainu faced Whitebeard alone.

As soon as Akainu rolled away, Whitebeard thrust the knife into the ice beside him, making a fist with one hand and crossing his arm across his chest.


One side of the fist hammered down, the air split open, and a shock hit Akainu. Akainu quickly transformed into elements, and his body turned into magma to avoid the shock damage.

Akainu squatted on the ground, his right arm turned into magma, and a fist made of magma flew out and attacked Whitebeard. Whitebeard, who was striding forward, did not dodge. This is also Whitebeard's weakness. Due to his size,

, his speed can only be considered average. But it is only because he is old and frail that he can catch this flaw. If he were younger, he would not have to dodge any attack, he could just shatter it with one punch.

Magma fists hit Whitebeard one after another, and the coat behind him caught fire, and several patches of blackness appeared on his chest.

Although Whitebeard was severely hit by the magma fist, he did not stop even a step, which made up for his speed disadvantage. As Whitebeard's right fist clenched, a spherical halo appeared on his fist, and he hit Akainu directly.


Akainu is very tall, three meters tall, but his height can only reach Whitebeard's abdomen. When Whitebeard punches him, he has no chance to dodge sideways. The punch comes from above.

Akainu leaned back as hard as he could, but his head inevitably touched the white ball of light on Whitebeard's fist. With just a slight touch, Akainu felt the scene in front of him vibrate. His mind was so muddled that he could only move part of his body.



Whitebeard pinned Akainu to the ground with a punch. Akainu leaned on his side, his head in close contact with the ice. The surrounding ice cracked rapidly, and water vapor evaporated from the high temperature.

Blood gushed out from Akainu's mouth, and his head was beaten to the point of deformation. Fortunately, this was caused by elementalization and not broken bones, otherwise he would have been dead.

Oh my god, luckily I can run fast!

Aokiji was not Kizaru, so he left immediately, and Akainu had not run far when he was beaten. When he saw his miserable colleagues, he sympathized with him, and at the same time he was glad that he escaped first. Although the pirate named Akayu was equally dangerous,

But facing Whitebeard, the feeling of oppression was really too strong.

"The medicine Marco brought back is pretty good. I feel like I'm back to the top." Whitebeard praised Marco in his heart. He can suppress Akainu and beat him. Naturally, it can't be done by being in a slightly better state.


Instead, he took the medicine that Lin Jiu gave to Marco, and his body was filled with vitality, which forcibly lifted him up. At this time, Whitebeard's body was still in dilapidated condition, with serious problems in his lungs, spine and other places.

Therefore, they both had a power close to its peak, but the actual situation of the white beards on Lin Jiu and Su Xiao was quite different.


This chapter has been completed!
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