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Chapter 1435 Lizard Sculpture

 Qing teleported to a garden, and in front of the garden was a huge palace. According to the overall building complex given by the main body, the palace closer to the main hall of Nia Angel has a wider area, so

He said that the palace where he is now is probably near the main hall.

"If we find a way to leave this palace, we should be able to reach the main palace soon." Qing Shang didn't know what the situation was like with the others, but he felt that this difficulty probably couldn't stop them. He only needed to think about how to leave on his own side.


Qing suddenly smelled the fragrance of flowers and glanced around. He saw that this garden that had existed for an unknown number of years was still blooming with all kinds of flowers. These flowers were arranged in patches according to different colors, like a rainbow in the sky.

, like colorful brocade, like the rays of the setting sun. However, because no one took care of it, the flowers in the garden grew extremely messy, and they were all close to the palace stairs.

The flowers were in full bloom, laying out a beautiful picture, dyeing the garden and forming a gorgeous sea of ​​flowers. The fragrance of the flowers came to the nostrils, and Qing's eyes suddenly became blurred. If there were other people present, they would see Qing standing there.

Among the flowers, he looked in a trance.

They all know that there is a high possibility that there are invaders from the Dark Abyss or assimilated people in these buildings. Especially in such a large palace near the main hall. But in such a large garden, if there are invaders from the Dark Abyss,

Existence, how could it be possible that I have not been here before?

But this garden looks like a sign that no one has been there for a long time, so the answer comes to the surface. In the eyes of the Dark Abyss invaders, this place is very dangerous, so naturally they will not come close. This explains why.

, why there are no traces of damage.

The picture in front of Qing Qing was no longer the garden in the palace, but a wall with its upper, lower, left and right edges completely hidden in the fog. The wall moved towards the distance, gradually accelerating, and went away. It gradually emerged from the blood mist

More features were revealed, first the hands, then the feet.

It wasn't until the "wall" was far to the other side of the horizon that the clouds cleared and the fog dispersed. Only from this distance could Qing clearly see its entirety. It was not a huge wall, but a strange piece of armor!

A huge and incredible armor. The lower part of the armor is a spread skirt, which looks like the base of a huge castle.

The upper part of the armor skirt gradually converges up like a spire, and the whole looks like a connected mask, solemn and majestic, as if overlooking all life in the world. And in the spire-like position

, there are countless faces densely packed, arranged very neatly. These faces all have a common feature: their eyes are closed tightly.

Qing felt a strong sense of mental oppression. If he looked at him from the outside, he could see that his face was pale and he looked like he was overdrawn. The flowers in the surrounding flowers were swaying, and a little bit of pollen was floating in the air.

Just when Qing's body was trembling, he suddenly felt a coolness pouring into his brain. He suddenly woke up, noticed his abnormal situation, and quickly approached the palace and away from the garden.

"Damn, I almost got tricked." Qing's face turned pale, and he didn't expect that he almost capsized in the gutter. I originally thought that there would be a lot of unknown dangers in such a large palace, so I needed to be more cautious, and didn't immediately

He broke into it. But he didn't expect that this garden contained hidden murderous intent.

Qing recalled the feeling of mental oppression just now. If it continued, even if he survived, he would probably lose his fighting ability. However, the hunt for Qing in this garden was unsuccessful. It can only be said that he succeeded and failed.

The sea of ​​flowers in the garden has such a strange effect, but it is also a type of plant. Qing has natural affinity and is also the guardian of the wood element. The cool feeling that awakened him just now comes from the wood element.

"Was that an illusion just now?" Qing couldn't help but think of the scene he saw during mental oppression, that huge armor. It was not worn by normal people. I'm afraid it wasn't worn by Pangu. But Pangu's image was wearing animal skins.

Not even close.

Qing probably thought that the sea of ​​flowers in the garden did have the ability to make people fall into illusions, and that this effect was silent and impossible to prevent. But just that, it was not the sea of ​​flowers that oppressed him mentally, but the huge armor in the illusion.

The flower sea is an illusion constructed based on this, which makes this garden a "forbidden zone". Otherwise, how could it be so dangerous as a flower patch for ornamental purposes.

"Wait a minute, the main body also triggered an illusion before. It was an eye like a planet..." Qing instantly thought of the illusion Lin Jiu had encountered before. It had to be said that after entering the underground palace, it frequently brought danger to them.

It turned out to be an illusion. Then, Qing also ruled out the connection between the armor and the illusion seen by the main body. The armor he saw was indeed very big, but compared to the guy with eyes like planets, it was still small.

, does not match.

Qing shook his head and stopped thinking about these things. There was no point in thinking about them. It was better to do something practical. He plucked the flowers from the edge of the garden with his backhand and stored them in the storage space. This kind of powerful hallucinogenic pollen is a good thing.

Even if you don't use it to develop medicine, throwing it out during battle is a simple and crude way of using it.

After collecting a batch of flowers, Qing walked in from a small side door behind the palace. What caught his eye was a long walkway supported by thick pillars, and the pillars in the main hall were supported by multiple giant red pillars.

, there is a twisting and lifelike "big lizard" hanging on each pillar, which is particularly spectacular.

"Huh? The atmosphere in this native world is quite open." Qing couldn't help but sigh when he saw these hovering "big lizards". What kind of big lizards were they? They clearly looked like the ancient dragon clan.

You, a loyal subordinate of Nia Angel, do something like this in your own palace. How is this different from Obai showing the emperor a big plaque saying "Reverse the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty" in his own home? Maybe this is what Fah said.

Qing doesn’t understand the unique customs of the German mainland.

Dong Dong Dong... The ten ancient dragon sculptures hovering on the pillars suddenly made a movement. When Qing saw this scene, the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched, good guy, he finally understood, this thing is for guarding the home.

Qing immediately glanced around. He couldn't fight ten ancient dragons at once. He had to find an advantageous position and try to face a small number of ancient dragon sculptures head-on.

Now he doesn't know whether the sculpture came to life and turned into an ancient dragon, or whether the ancient dragon was subject to some restrictions and became the sculpture that looks after the home here.

Roar... The continuous roars made Qing's ears numb. When he raised his head, he saw ten pairs of scarlet eyes, looking at him eagerly, as if they were looking at a big piece of fat, ready to pounce on him and tear him into pieces.

Qing's face showed a mocking look and he said to himself: "Why are you yelling? I'll treat you to pollen later."

After saying that, he turned around and ran towards the backyard garden. He would not be stupid enough to fight these ten ancient dragons. There are obviously advantages that can be used, and giving up would be a fool's behavior. If you dare to chase these ancient dragons, then just wait for death.


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