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Chapter 1475 Black Light Bulb

 Seeing the power of the Black King, Su Xiao did not give up. Since he chose to deal with the Black King, of course he had something to rely on. He could not make himself stronger in a short period of time, so he would weaken the enemy and the Black King.

The king is obviously still unable to move, which is the key to victory.

"Go back and ask that guy if he has the ability to predict the future." Su Xiao thought of a certain prop in his hand. After seeing the Black King, he immediately understood that it was used in this place. But before entering this native world, he handed it over to

He explained that he had anticipated the current situation.

It is not that Su Xiao has never heard of prophecy abilities, but Lin Jiu's operation was obviously beyond his expectation. He would not be surprised if he could make prophecies and know the future in his native world. But this

But before entering the native world, it means that you need to involve the reincarnation paradise.

Although Su Xiao didn't know the effect of Void's strongest prophecy ability, he could probably guess that the situation in Samsara Paradise could not be predicted by just trying to predict it, so there should be other sources of information.

The props in hand were sent by the Samsara Chamber of Commerce, but Su Xiao knew in her heart that they were no different from those sent by Lin Jiu. Lin Jiu got the one-time scroll of [Soul Shackles] that Su Xiao got, but he did not forget about him.

To deal with the Black King, after the Soul Mist Continent returned, Dashius began to pay special attention to such props.

Finally, before heading to the Black Throne Continent, he handed it over to Su Xiao. Lin Jiu also knew that because of the presence of an "outsider" like him, Su Xiao had mastered skills that he had never been exposed to before, such as "sword genius".

Compared with the original strength at the same time period, his strength will definitely be stronger, but not much stronger. It is impossible that because of his appearance, his strength, which was originally at the mid-to-upper level of the fifth level, has become capable of killing a sixth level boss.

Lin Jiu couldn't do it himself, let alone Su Xiao, who was only slightly affected. He asked Dashius to find such props and send them to Su Xiao. On the one hand, he wanted to minimize his influence as much as possible and ensure that he

There will not be much discrepancy in the information he knows. On the other hand, he is worried that Su Xiaozhe is in Dead Silence City. Lin Jiu feels that it is too mysterious to be favored by people in any era. The other person is his real friend, but

I don't want any accidents to happen and opportunities lost because of him.

As for the fact that there is no [Soul Shackles] to weaken the Black King, Su Xiao may not necessarily fight against him. Lin Jiu doesn't believe a word of this kind of thing. He has known Su Xiao for so long, and he still doesn't understand his style. He will definitely A

If you go up, the probability of death will only increase greatly.

To be honest, make sure that the information you know is not too different. This kind of thing is all false. Most of the worlds Lin Jiu has experienced are not the same as Su Xiao. Only the information about the reincarnation paradise and the void is of some use.

.And this information will not change much due to the death of a person.

That is to say, after the initial contact, Lin Jiu found that he got along well with Su Xiao and gradually became good friends. If he were an unattractive protagonist, Lin Jiu would intercept all opportunities in minutes and let him eat his shit.

"Next time we spar, let him go." Su Xiao was naturally aware of Lin Jiu's help. The corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he decided to put some water in the next time they spar.

Lin Jiu: What the hell do I want you to do?

"I, are we going to deal with that?" Veroni said in a trembling voice. She looked at Su Xiao with longing eyes. She was going crazy now. She could feel the oppression brought by the Black King from a long distance away.

Feeling, the guy next to him actually smiled, maybe he was afraid that he wouldn't die quickly enough.

"That's right, what suggestions do you have?" Su Xiao's tone was calm. Although he didn't know whether he could win, if he didn't even dare to try, then he would not risk entering the Dead City, a ghost place with simple folk customs.

"My suggestion is to run away immediately. Staying alive is more important."

"That's a good suggestion. Don't suggest it next time."

"..." Veroni had a pulled face, wanting to cry but not having any tears. She had no idea whether there would be a next time or not.

With a mournful expression, Veroni clasped her hands together and began to block out the nearby sounds. She seemed to be timid along the way, but in fact, this girl had a lot of fierceness in her bones.

Su Xiao signaled everyone to step back, and he walked toward the main entrance of the Birth Hall alone, while Eminem and Bubuwang ran away, not knowing what to do.

Standing in front of the main entrance, the Black King in the Birth Hall was only a few dozen meters away from Su Xiao. The eyes under the crown were opened, and they were white-gray eyes with dark pupils, so black that they seemed to be able to swallow everything.

Su Xiao greeted him warmly, and an old light bulb appeared in his hand. There seemed to be some oil stains on the glass that were difficult to wipe off. This was the most ordinary light bulb. The filament was located in the center of the light bulb and was supported by a glass.

The wire and filament are enclosed in a glass bulb filled with inert gas.

【O'Connor's light bulb】

Origin: Black Light World

Quality: Epic

Type: Consumables

Effect of use: Light up the light, illuminate the target, ignore judgment, illuminate the target for 15 seconds, and when the full time is reached, the target enters the "life extinguished" state. During this period, the target cannot move, and the bulb itself is extremely fragile and is subject to external damage.

power, will stop the lighting.

Tip: When the target enters the "extinguished life" state, the maximum health is permanently reduced by 50%, the physical activity is reduced by 30% for 3 minutes, the life recovery ability is reduced by 30% for 3 minutes, and in this state, it is affected by light elements.

Damage increased by 50%.

Special effect: In the "extinguished life" state, when touching the light source, the blinding state will be triggered, lasting 1 to 3 seconds, and can be triggered 3 times.

Rating: 700 (epic items have a rating of 530 to 700 points.)

Introduction: Light is often dazzling, but can the dark light really illuminate the world?

A consumable prop with an epic level and full rating, a light bulb that looks ordinary and a bit shabby, but actually has a rating ten points higher than the "Soul Shackles".

The standard was based on "Soul Shackles". The props found turned out to be more effective, but Dashius paid a high price. However, the nature was different. It was obvious that "Soul Shackles" was more suitable for Lin Jiu. If he could master it,

With this ability, the value of this consumable scroll is far from what it appears.

Although this item does not have the effect of weakening the target, it reduces recovery ability, reduces physical activity, and can also produce a blinding effect. In addition, it permanently reduces the upper limit of life, which is enough to increase Su Xiao's winning rate.

In fact, whether it is the "Soul Shackles" or the light bulb acquired by Dashius, the most critical effect is the "ignorance of judgment". Without this, even if the Black King is in the seal, there will be no

The props must be able to produce effects.

Su Xiao did not hesitate to use the props in her hands. In the old glass cover of the light bulb, a swaying, weak black light appeared. The light bulb fell in front of the Black King, and the weak black light shrouded the Black King.

The body makes the Black King, who is already wearing black armor, look even darker.

Of course, this is only an external manifestation. In fact, in invisible places, black light penetrates pervasively into the Black King's black armor, skin, flesh, and even soul.


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