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Chapter 1519 Gathering the remaining souls

Chapter 1530 Gathering the remaining souls

Su Xiao saw that the creatures in the insect nest could not accumulate much quickly, so he immediately used his skills as a spell-killer and planned to rob other insect nests. He planned to take action after Jila left the initial stage, Bubu

Wang has already made preparations for the investigation. He even plans to let Boo Boo Wang sneak into other insect nests to steal bioenergy.

After a busy night, Jila finally reached the promotion standard. When Jila was promoted to a higher level, the entire insect nest was closed and even shrunk in size to improve its defense.

Different from the explosive soldier, level promotion is a relatively long process. Obviously, Jila wants to be promoted to the second stage. Unlike when she exploded the soldier, this process is a bit slow. After all, if something goes wrong, she will fail to evolve and her evolution will fail.

There is only one outcome, and that is death.

At the same time as she was promoted, the Blight Seed began to take effect. Because Jira was not a pure plot character, the Blight Seed did not turn her into a child of the world (pseudo), but even so, Jira who absorbed the Blight Seed,

It is also a very special existence in this world. She has received the bonus of the power of destiny, although it is only a trace amount.

Just when Jianla was promoted, he seemed to be sensed by the natives of the Sun Tribe and searched for them. After Su Xiao killed these natives, he got a foot on them that could sense the location of the insect nest, which would allow him to follow up

The plan goes more smoothly.

The piece of armor in his hand is about 20 centimeters long, with a thick arm, and the fractures on both sides are uneven. Some places are very sharp. The color looks dark, but it glows red under the reflection of the sun. This is a fourth-level battle.

The genetic fragments left behind by the Zerg.

After being promoted to the second level, three new types of Zerg units were born in the Spiny Hive. Counting the previous two types, there are five types, but they are still too few. Previously, Bubo Wang entered a three-stage bug hive, and that

There are more than a dozen types of units in the Zerg Hive. If it is not that evolving to the third stage can unlock a large amount of genetic memory, then there are other ways to improve the Zerg units.

After learning from the promoted Jila that insect hives could devour each other, Su Xiao immediately no longer planned to rely on collecting resources to advance to the insect hive, it was better to grab them as quickly as possible.

"The target has been found!" Isabella quickly ran to Lin Jiu to report the situation. Isabella and Lin Jiu were both very sensitive to the breath of life, so they went together to look for the contractor in the jungle. And Gungun and

Joan of Arc stayed near the mechanical Zerg nest and paid attention to the situation here.

At one point, Isabella sensed that there seemed to be a person with strong vitality moving underground. In order not to make any mistakes, instead of detecting local creatures living underground, Isabella also deliberately expanded the scope of exploration.

Found the entrance to the mine.

After reporting to Lin Jiu, he took Lin Jiu to the entrance of the mine. Looking at the deep, dark entrance, which was very smooth, Lin Jiu couldn't help but sigh, the entrance of the mine made by professionals was different.

At this time, in the mine, there was a guy with a dark face and long eyes. His hair was disheveled, his clothes were ragged, he was almost naked, and he was sweating. He was wearing a safety helmet and had a bucket, shovel, pickaxe handle and shovel beside him. He was very professional. His hands were

Shang Zheng was holding a gleaming pickaxe and wrestling with the ore in front of him.


"What's the point of fighting? If so many people have to die, it would be a good thing to hide here secretly and mine. Grow secretly and then amaze everyone..." The words of the black-faced miner were accompanied by the clanking sound of the pickaxe.

, echoing in the mine.

The black-faced miner suddenly stopped moving, with a strong sense of danger lingering in his heart. When he turned around, a white light flashed in front of his eyes, and a long sword had penetrated his throat. At the same time, a punch hit his temple.

Under Lin Jiu's sneak attack, such a contractor of Apocalypse Paradise died suddenly on the spot. He would not make any noise and have an open and honest fight with the other party.

After killing the contractor, one of the lamps in the soul-dwelling lamp chain behind Lin Jiu flickered, gathering the remaining souls on the corpse into the lamp. The corpse was not wasted, Lin Jiu took out its blood

, took out a light white mask-like mask from the storage space, and then dropped the extracted blood on the light white mask.

The mask suddenly changed, with blood-red lines all over it. Lin Jiu put the mask on his face, and his whole person suddenly changed, becoming a black-faced miner. Both appearance and breath were exactly the same. But Lin Jiu was different.

We will rely on this to penetrate into the enemy, because the most critical paradise brand cannot be modified with a mask prop alone.

"The main force has been found." Isabella is equipped with a monitor, connected to the mechanical mosquitoes sent out by Lin Jiu. These mechanical mosquitoes are looking for the location of the main force in Apocalypse Paradise. There are no special circumstances. In the battle for the world,

Most of the contractors will gather together just to exert the power of the team. In other words, Samsara Paradise never cares about this, it is good if they don't fight with each other.

Mechanical mosquitoes are small insects that are simply not suitable for jungle terrain. When the two were looking for the contractors of Apocalypse Paradise, they sent out a large number of mechanical mosquitoes to conduct a street stall-style search.

It is not difficult for a large force to find them, but it is difficult to find such a lone contractor. After all, dig a small mine and hide it underground, and it is difficult for mechanical mosquitoes to find it. You can only rely on the two people.

Sensory abilities are explored.

And if Apocalypse Paradise has a large group of contractors gathered together, it is impossible for them not to mine. If they want to mine, it is necessary for most of the contractors to gather together, so they can only find a large mine to allow so many people to dig together.


The noise created in this way was much larger than Su Xiao's early-development bug nest, and easier to find. Not long after solving the lone contractor, the mechanical mosquito fed back to the terminal used by Isabella and found the group of contractors.


To divert misfortune, you only need to lure the mechanical Zerg to Apocalypse Paradise. Putting on the skin of a contractor of Apocalypse Paradise and using his breath is to prevent the mechanical Zerg from remembering his breath in the future.

to oneself.

Before setting out to "dig", Lin Jiu focused on the soul-dwelling lamp chain on his body. A light shone in a dark lamp, indicating that this guy's remnant soul had been gathered together. This was also the soul-dwelling lamp chain.

His first kill, he had killed so many contractors in the melee before, but none of them triggered the soul-dwelling lamp chain.

Lin Jiu felt that it was not a matter of luck, but because of the way of killing. Most of those guys died in the dark realm of the "Throne of Fire". The "darkness" of the dark realm eroded the bodies and souls of the contractors.

, the soul dwelling lamp chain cannot gather the remaining souls at all.

Now under normal killing conditions, there is a high probability of success. So Lin Jiu is going to see what the "wish" of this remnant soul is first. If it is difficult to realize, then Lin Jiu can only send this remnant soul to the soul source.

Tree, and then enter the Soul Jar. I hope this guy will not be the first to experience the soul crystal artificial manufacturing assembly line process created by Lin Jiu.


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