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Chapter 1525 This is not random eating

Chapter 1536 This is not random eating

Under the coordination of Yakeluo, Death Paradise has decided on the candidates for the strategy after several discussions. It is not the priests of some branch tribes that were thought of before, because most of the branch tribes are not strong. Even after the strategy is completed, they can give them

The help provided won't be great.

In the end, they set their sights on the priestesses of the main tribe. There were young priestesses, but their status was often not high enough to mobilize sufficient combat power for them.

So, they focused on a priestess in her fifties. After analyzing various abilities, they found that this priestess had never had a man and had always closed off her emotions. Therefore, the people they sent out to attack normally were extremely difficult.

, but as long as you have sex, lust will soon arise.

Then there is only one strategy left, and that is to administer the medicine. Before that, they must first select a lucky person among themselves. This lucky person also needs to be someone whom Arklow trusts, so they can only choose from his trusted subordinates.

It was decided by drawing lots.

Just as the contractors of Death Paradise were moving to "get married", Holy Light Paradise was also working hard to find the core of the world. The original contractors of Apocalypse Paradise, led by the leader Mu Yushi, remained intact after the melee.

There is still a lot of power.

After leaving the melee area, they immediately looked for a large mining area for mining. They even hoped to exchange rare minerals for Death Paradise to lead the charge. But whoever was unlucky encountered the mechanical Zerg.

The mechanical Zerg use various minerals as development resources. After discovering that they were mining, they immediately regarded these people as a thorn in their side and kept a close eye on them. Most of them had their breath captured by the mechanical Zerg, except for some of them.

Hidden in a special way, the others are constantly being hunted by the mechanical Zerg.

Now let alone contributing to the world war, I don’t even have time to mine, and I am tired of dealing with the mechanical Zerg all day long. Fortunately, this continent is big enough, and the mechanical Zerg force is not the only one. The contract of Apocalypse Paradise

Under the leadership of Mu Yushi, they used the Totem Tribe and other Zerg forces to entangle with the mechanical Zerg.

Lin Jiu didn't know that the mechanical Zerg he had attracted would have such a serious impact on the contractors of Apocalypse Paradise. Their number had been greatly reduced, and they were almost approaching the number of survivors in Samsara Paradise at this time.

The mechanical Zerg belongs to the biotechnology side. They know big data analysis and have already analyzed their situation after landing on the Spiny Worm Planet. After the two major forces accepted their existence, they were ready to find the Zerg to join forces to deal with the Totem Tribe. Defeat the Totem Tribe.

Backwards, the mechanical Zerg and the war Zerg, one divides the biological energy, and the other collects minerals and transforms them into zero energy, which is just right.

Bioenergy comes from living things. The insect nest can raise wild beasts by itself and develop slowly, which is a renewable energy source. Those minerals are non-renewable energy sources and will be mined out one day, but the mechanical zerg species don't care. They are outsiders themselves, etc.

After you've mined the resources, just leave.

Originally, in this world, the Sun Tribe had a relatively large demand for metal minerals, and there were not many competitors for the resources needed by the Mechanical Zerg. However, after discovering the contractors of Apocalypse Paradise, through technological big data analysis, each of them was mining.

Experts, in such a short period of time, the resources they have mined have almost caught up with the minerals mined by the Totem Tribe in several years.

If we let them live and secretly attack them where they can't see them, we don't know how many resources they will take away. To the mechanical Zerg, the contractors of Apocalypse Paradise are enemies who snatch resources, and they will naturally have to continue to hunt them down.


The contractors of Apocalypse Paradise who were being hunted couldn't help but think of a certain bald "contractor" who controlled mechanical insects. If he were in this world, their situation would be much better.

Lan Jue: Huh?

But it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter how many people die at this time. Anyway, they will all die when Su Xiao grows up.

Two days have passed since the melee period, and the number of contractors in each paradise has been damaged. However, except for Apocalypse Paradise, which was calculated, there will not be too many casualties in other camps. After all, what contractors are best at is survival and joining a certain party.


There are only 520 demonic beasts in Jira's insect nest so far, which is still far from tens of thousands. However, there are still many insect nests in the area near them. If all these insect nests are destroyed, what will be gained

Creatures can breed thousands of demonic beasts. If that doesn't work, just go deeper into the jungle.

Anyway, as the number of demon beasts accumulates, Su Xiao's efficiency in attacking other insect nests will become higher and higher. When there are thousands of demon beasts, he can even consider attacking several second-stage insect nests at the same time.

Spinela's insect nest has developed to the third stage, and it is not that easy to advance to the fourth stage. It cannot be done simply by relying on the number of biomass, so their current development focus has shifted to explosive troops and accumulating the number of demonic beasts.

.Devil Beast is one of the best units even among the fourth-level Zerg units. As long as the number is accumulated, the third-stage insect nest of Spinela can compete with the fourth-stage Mother Queen.

On the east side of the continent, there are continuous mountains. It was the morning, and there were flocks of birds in the mountains and forests.

Just below this mountain range, in a huge cave, several contractors were looking up at a large transparent crystal layer above.

"Finally found."

"The contractors of Samsara Paradise are indeed crazy, but this time they failed. Today is the third day after entering this world. It is impossible for them to rely on the power of the Hasaro tribe."

"Is the information from Death Paradise accurate? Can they really mobilize 2,500 members of the Sun Tribe?"

Several girls from Holy Light Paradise were talking about something. Their clothes were all stained with drops of blood, which were left behind when their teammates covered their retreat.

"Aklo is very reliable. It is said that his confidant married a fire priest from the Sun Tribe. The priestess is almost fifty years old."

"Huh? How did you do it? The iron tree blooms? Spring | Heart buds? Love at first sight?"


"The person who is covering our retreat seems to be going to the Sun Tribe. She said that the guy from Samsara Paradise will definitely appear in the Sun Tribe."


"Taking any kind of CP will only harm you." A more mature-looking girl patted Ai Lianguo on the shoulder and said.

"I'm not just messing around. That person is usually aloof, even indifferent. It's not like you haven't seen her change when she met the man from Samsara Paradise... Yandere... Hmm~" The love-minded girl whispered to herself

Speech, cheeks flushed.

Others shook their heads when they saw this, knowing that Tyride and Lin Jiu must have had disputes in the past, but it was definitely not what the love brain thought. If two people had a chance, they would definitely not mind piercing each other's throat with their own weapons.

These are not what they should consider. The core of the world in front of them is more important. The crystal layer above them gradually cracked as time went by. With a click, the crystal layer shattered, and a white hand stretched out, grabbing

Living in the core of the world.


This chapter has been completed!
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