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Chapter 1568 Soul Research Society

Lin Jiu heard the door creak and a figure walked over. He felt no malice, so he didn't react.

"President, you're okay! That's great!" The guy who came in noticed the calm Lin Jiu and was overjoyed. However, he still kept calm and took a look at a machine next to him before unlocking Lin Jiu's hands and feet.


"How is the situation in the research association? Nothing happened, right?" Lin Jiu did not directly ask why he was imprisoned here. He can investigate later. He now has to act as the president of the soul research association and ask questions as soon as possible.

It's about the research association. Of course, Lin Jiu is really concerned about it. After all, this soul research association is his own force.

"There's no problem. It's just that several research projects are on hold and need to be chaired by President Chiyou." Young Lyric Bent looked at Lin Jiu with a hint of admiration.

Lin Jiu, the predecessor of the Soul Research Association, is not an ordinary character. A research association that can be named "soul" in this world is naturally not a simple force. The predecessor of the president has a strong talent in soul research, although he still has

No technological weapons using soul power as an energy source have been developed, but many soul devices have been developed.

For example, the machine that Lyric Bent checked just now is a testing device used to detect the stability of the soul. Lyric Bent saw that Lin Jiu's soul fluctuations remained stable on the machine, so he dared to remove his hands and feet.

The lock on is opened.

In addition, the president's predecessor also developed many other soul devices, some similar to radars, which are used to enhance the release of soul power. As a result, the Soul Research Association is a relatively special existence among many medium-sized forces. Because they have official relations with the empire.

A relatively close cooperative relationship, 70% of their research funds come from the imperial government.

The only shortcoming of the former president of the Soul Research Society was that his combat ability was at the bottom among the leaders of many forces. If he went out, he would need strong bodyguards to follow him. Now that Lin Jiu has replaced him, this shortcoming has become a hidden

Holding the trump card.

Lin Jiu will next try to contact other forces as a researcher to find intelligence information. He even hopes that some people will use force to find him.

Leaving the house, Lin Jiu discovered that the secret base prison of the Soul Research Society was actually a large manor, probably located on the outskirts of the capital Yuling City. The headquarters research institute of the Soul Research Society was inside Yuling City, located

It is also relatively close to the Imperial Palace, which shows the special status of the research association.

In fact, the official empire did recruit the predecessor, but was rejected. The predecessor did not like others to control the research direction and research projects. He only wanted to study what he wanted to study, so he established the Soul Research Association. And the predecessor

Since he was alone and had nothing to coerce, the imperial officials obtained the research results of his predecessor through cooperation.

The predecessor didn't seem to care much about where his research results were used. For him, what was more important was the process of the research project. The completed research was just a passing cloud. You can do whatever you want with it. Follow him

It doesn't matter.

Lin Jiu walked in the manor and noticed that many people who were locked in the house like him before had a machine monitoring the situation at any time. Lin Jiu's original perception could easily detect the situation of these people.

It seems that emotions stimulate the soul, causing uncontrollable changes in one's own soul power.

This made Lin Jiu a little confused. Are people in this world so glass-hearted? How can emotional stimulation lead to blackening. As expected, Lin Jiu's predecessor was imprisoned here because of this situation.


The equipment they wear on their heads is a device that suppresses soul fluctuations, which can gradually stabilize the mutated state of their souls. If this kind of soul mutation is normal for extraordinary people in this world, then this kind of soul mutation is normal.

Stabilizing equipment is indeed important, so it is not surprising why soul research is taken seriously by the empire.

The Heling Empire has been at war with the Valen Empire. The equipment that stabilizes soul fluctuations can ensure the growth of the number of extraordinary people in the empire. As mentioned before, the sources of power of the two empires are different. The Heling Empire is purification, while the Valen Empire is

It is devouring, so the overall strength of the extraordinary beings in the Valen Empire is stronger.

The Holy Spirit Church is like a doctor, purifying souls infected with soul mist and returning people to normal. The Soul-Eating Church is like an executioner, devouring infected souls directly to prevent crazy humans from harming others.

Because Soul Eater can obtain not only soul energy but also soul power more directly and quickly, the Soul Eater Church is much stronger than the Holy Spirit Church. However, the Holy Spirit Church is more trusted by people, so it has a large number of believers.

The number of believers is much greater than that of the Soul Eater Church.

Although the Soul-Eating Church was strong, it did not take any advantage in the confrontation. The main reason was that in the confrontation between the two archbishops and the two kings at the top level, the king of the Heling Empire had always suppressed the opponent.

The "purification" power controlled by this king seems to be specially used to suppress "devouring" and prevent the "devouring" power from getting out of control.

Lin Jiu followed Lyric back to Yuling City from the suburbs. Along the way, he could notice that people in this world consciously restrained their emotions, so that they all looked cold and unfriendly at all.

There were no accidents along the way, and conflicts were rarely seen. Because once a conflict occurs, there will definitely be anger, and the soul fluctuations will become larger and changes will occur. After Lin Jiu returned to the headquarters of the Soul Research Association, he did not pay attention to anything else.

The members dived into their own exclusive research room, where others are generally prohibited from entering.

The people remaining in the institute are basically researchers, and the combatants will not pay special attention to the situation inside. And these researchers have no objection to Lin Jiu's behavior, and they are even not surprised.

When Lyric, who brought Lin Jiu back, saw Lin Jiu like this, he couldn't help but sigh: "As expected of the president, only with such a research attitude can one become the strongest research master in the empire."

Lin Jiu's hurried behavior is not to establish his character, but to be really curious about the things in his predecessor's research room. As a top researcher, it is natural that his predecessor does not know how to restrain his emotions. This is something that even ordinary residents cannot do.

Things to know.

But the predecessor was still imprisoned there, which meant that he saw or discovered something that made it difficult for him to control his emotions. This is what Lin Jiu was curious about. He moved so quickly because he was worried that the things that stimulated the predecessor would not be where they were.

Got it.

Just after Lin Jiu entered the headquarters of the Soul Research Association, a small figure also entered here. You can see that this figure has bandages wrapped around his arms, extending under his clothes. His eyes are a little dull, but

When passing by some people, the researchers will also say hello to this person. Obviously, their status in the Soul Research Society is not low.

Lin Jiu didn't know yet that an old acquaintance of his had also appeared in this world.

This chapter has been completed!
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