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Chapter 1638: Turning against guests

After Lin Jiu waited there for a while, he saw Isabella riding Gungun and quickly emerging from the forest. It seemed that she had no time to explore the surrounding situation and came directly.

"Why did you call me out at the beginning this time?" Hong Lian appeared beside Lin Jiu with some surprise. He naturally received Lin Jiu's call and asked: "Are you free to move?"

"No." Lin Jiu shook his head with a smile and said, "Let's form a team. Gungun is still a servant, Isabella and you are all team members."

Lin Jiu's team here refers to the team of contractors in Apocalypse Paradise. He just thought about it. He doesn't have to choose to join a temporary team. He can also form a team by himself, and then recruit the contractors of Apocalypse to join his team. That way, he will be

The probability of discovering problems is instantly reduced to a minimum.

Even if he is discovered, he is within his control. Most of the team is mine. What can you do to fight me? So now Lin Jiu and Honglian, who is 90% similar to him, are this.

The twin brothers in the team, Isabella is the necromancer of the team, and Gungun is Isabella's contract beast. He is a squishy necromancer, and it makes sense to have a tank beast.

In this way, most of the temporary team will be formed. At that time, Lin Jiu can use the reason that there are few people in the team to form two or three more people into the team.

Even if you don't meet scattered contractors, it's not impossible to form a temporary team with another one. Just like in the original world of Holy Light Paradise, Tyride's team is a team made up of a permanent team and a temporary team.

When he was in the Holy Light Team, Lin Jiu had already observed the behavior of this type of team. Basically, they were two small groups within a large group, which did not interfere with each other. It was equivalent to acting together, and the temporary team would not explore too much.

In the case of the resident team, the resident team will not pay attention to the activities of the temporary team. Of course, the premise is that no abnormalities are exposed.

But now Lin Jiu has "formed" a team in advance, and then recruits other contractors, which is to take the initiative in his own hands. Do you suspect that I have a problem? I also question whether you want to be a gangster? Let's be a counter-attacker.


The number of fellow servants around Su Xiao is no less than that of Lin Jiu, but he can't do this. Because he can't tell the Apocalypse Contractors that Bubo Wang, Baha, and Amu all became because of their special abilities.

In an inhuman state, it would be an insult to the intelligence of the Apocalypse Contractor.

Lin Jiu's side is Gungun, who is in the form of a beast. Although Isabella's race is not human, at least her appearance is human. In various paradises, there are many contractors who use bloodline props to change their bloodline in order to gain power.

"From now on, Isabella is the necromancer, Gungun is the war beast, you have the melee skills, and I am the long-range archer." Lin Jiu assigned positions to the team, mage, front-row tank, melee skills, and long-range bow and arrow.

The hands are in various positions, very reasonable.

If he also took out the Shuque sword, it would be a bit strange to have two melee skills in a team. It is very common in multi-person teams, but in a team with about five members, it seems a bit strange.

The categories of contractors in Samsara Paradise are not very detailed. There are a wide range of mages, melee combatants, and auxiliaries. But no matter which type they are, at least they have strong combat effectiveness, even wet nurses.

Different from Samsara Paradise, in Apocalypse Paradise, the division of contractors is more detailed, divided into auxiliary type, combat type, functional type, etc. If it is auxiliary type, then it is really only the auxiliary ability, combat type, etc.

Just focus on combat. For example, if you are a wet nurse, you are only good at healing; if you are a perception type, you are only good at detecting situations.

The functional category is rather special. This is a category born because of the miners per capita in Apocalypse Paradise. They are only good at one thing, and that is accurately finding mineral sources. This type of contractor has almost no combat ability, and is not even as good as the auxiliary system. With the current

Take the fifth-level native world as an example. The fifth-level functional contractors here may not be able to defeat the third-level contractors.

But this type of contractor has a special and very important status in Apocalypse Paradise. Their status is no less than that of the Forging Master in the paradise. Among the group of contractors Lin Jiu just killed, there was such a contractor. He could

Under the influence of the magnetic field in the cliff boundary, it can also roughly determine the location of the mineral source, which shows its ability.

Lin Jiu's current team has all types of contractors, but within the division of Apocalypse Paradise, they are all combat contractors. They lack auxiliary contractors. This is a good reason for Lin Jiu to recruit two auxiliaries.

Contractor-like joins the team.

"I'm afraid the only ones who can move outside are neat teams of contractors. How can we find two auxiliary contractors?" Honglian asked after hearing Lin Jiu's thoughts.

Lin Jiu rolled his eyes at Honglian and asked, "Did your brain get damaged in the last world?"


"What the captain means is that if there are no scattered contractors, we can take the initiative to create them." Isabella became Lin Jiu's mouthpiece and said to Honglian.

"No... when you were designing this strategy, didn't you generate any negative energy in your body?" Hong Lian wasn't out of his mind, but he didn't feel any negative energy from Lin Jiu, so he didn't go into this direction at all.


Lin Jiu heard this, glanced at Honglian with dissatisfaction, and said seriously: "My heart and actions are as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is righteous!"

Gungun: "Ouch~" The master is right.

Honglian: "...As long as you are happy!"

The mountains and forests are full of greenery, with towering trees and luxuriant branches. The breeze blows and the leaves rustle, like a wonderful symphony. The sun shines through the treetops and shines on the ground in variegated colors.

But inside this beautiful green mountain, there is a huge natural mine. The cold in the cave is so cold that you can't feel the heat of summer at all. The large and small caves in the cave are connected one after another, and the small cave is only big enough for one person to lower his head.

You have to bend down to pass. If you are a little fat, you have to hold your breath and tighten your abdomen to pass. The large cave is like a dome-shaped theater, as high as three or four stories.

The shapes of the stones here are truly miraculous. Colorful stalactite pillars, stone towers, stone mantles, and stone waterfalls with different images form a variety of karst wonders.

"Hiss~ It's too cold here!"

"The reconnaissance is correct. It is a rare mineral source with cold attributes. We can notify the mining team to come over and dig."

"How about we exit first? There is a mining team anyway, so there is no need to freeze ourselves here."

The members of their team are all wearing thick protective clothing to insulate the cold air here as much as possible. However, many members still feel the cold, which shows that the quality of the ore here is very high, which is something to be happy about.

It is true that the vast majority of Apocalypse contractors have mining capabilities, but they have specializations in the industry. Those contractors in the mining team are even more experts in mining. When they finish digging the mines here, part of the income will come to them.

They have it on hand, so there is no need to stay in the mine all the time.

More than half of the ten-member team agreed to the proposal, so the team retreated out of the cold mine. Little did they know that a greater danger would be waiting for them outside.

This chapter has been completed!
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