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Chapter 1646 Glimmer Dark Scorpion

Lan Jue did not act rashly or for a suitable reason. His actions would only arouse the other party's vigilance. He is called a fool, but he is actually a rare smart person. It is better to discuss it with the main body.

The boundary of the cliff, the underground cave.

The underground cave is like a mysterious world, surrounded by spectacular stone walls. Stalactites of various shapes hang on the roof of the cave, like carefully carved gems, exuding charming brilliance.

In the depths of this cave, there is a faint light of ore shining. The air in the cave has a light earthy smell, which makes people feel relaxed.

And deep in the cave, out of sight, there seemed to be a mysterious aura permeating the air, making people feel awe. Lin Jiu signaled the team to slow down.

"If you go further, you will meet the creatures in the cave." Lin Jiu said that he sensed that there was some unknown creature deep in the cave. Ruiko and others also knew that Lin Jiu was a long-range archer and could attack him from a distance.

Distance perception doesn't seem strange either.

This is the benefit of well-assigned professions. Even if the team that Su Xiao sneaks into encounters the Boss Wailing Queen, Lin Jiu's team can easily defeat it. Unlike Su Xiao who needs to hide his strength and can only borrow Eminem's hand.

He used his sword skills to defeat the enemy, thus arousing suspicion.

"Do we want to continue?" Ruiko asked Lin Jiu. Because of the previous attack, they were all a little cautious at this time and felt quite frightened.

"Everyone is here, let's go and have a look." Lin Jiu used the "Everyone is here" method and let the team continue to explore the depths of the cave. He is now also very interested in the magnetic field here.


When he was perceiving just now, Lin Jiu clearly felt that the magnetic field here distorted his perception and had a huge impact. At least he was completely unable to perceive the life breath of the creatures in the cave, but the impact of this magnetic field on perception,

It seemed that the perception of the soul level did not work, so Lin Jiu used the power of sensing the soul to locate the unknown creature deep in the cave.

Walking into the depths of the cave, the light here was much weaker than outside. The group only saw countless fluorescent lights, shining in the darkness, just like the stars in the sky, twinkling.

Lin Jiu did not signal the team to continue moving forward. While creating a ball of sun flame in his hand to illuminate the surroundings, he said to several people: "Don't look, each of these fluorescent lights is a creature here and also our enemy."


As Lin Jiu finished speaking, the flames of the sun illuminated the surrounding environment, allowing Honglian, Isabella and others to see clearly the source of the fluorescent light, and at the same time alarming them.

The creature that lives here is in the shape of a scorpion. The mysterious crystals covering its tail and various parts of its body emit a coquettish blue light under the night light. A hard black-brown shell wraps around its body, with some unknown crystals covering it.

It has a long tail and 4 glowing red eyes. The claws, head, back and other parts of the body are covered with hard crystal stones, especially the crystal at the front of the tail is very large.

It can be seen that in addition to luring enemies, the crystals on the tail are also extremely important weapons. With its strong tail joints, the crystals can hit the intruder like a sledgehammer.

What Lin Jiu and the others couldn't tell with their naked eyes was that the crystals on the shell were actually the crystallization product of the luminous body fluid produced in this organism. This body fluid would solidify and turn into a crystalline object the moment it comes into contact with the air.

Scorpion creatures will spray this body fluid from the front end of their tails, crystallizing their carapace. If you can peel off their carapace, you can see that there are many repair marks from the past, and you can see the layers of layers inside at a glance.

Overlapping appearance.

"I think we have found the source of the magnetic field here." Lin Jiu sensed that the crystals on these scorpions did not emit that special magnetic field, interfering with his perception. However, the crystals on these scorpions were not the original source of the magnetic field.

The source should be the huge mineral vein underneath. These creatures evolved like this because they lived around this mineral vein.

The moment they discovered these crystallized scorpions, the team's side mission was also completed. This made Lin Jiu a little confused. Is this the difficulty of the mission in Apocalypse Paradise? I really love it. But the difficulty of this mission should include these

Including the siege of crystal scorpions, only by surviving can the side mission be truly completed.

This chapter has been completed!
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