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Chapter 1695 Annihilation Impact

Chapter 1706 Annihilation Impact

Continuous explosions occurred one after another, and many mechanical Zerg warriors died under the explosion. Lin Jiu knew the trap set by these Apocalypse Contractors ahead, so naturally he would not go forward first, but sent the mechanical Zerg to test it.

The moment a mechanical Zerg force entered the trap range, various closed barriers and other sealing methods instantly blocked the area. Immediately, a series of explosions flooded the mechanical Zerg force.

If according to the assumptions of Yin and others, after Lin Jiu and his party were blocked inside, they would not only suffer damage from explosives, but also attacks from their remote contractors, as well as some one-time attacks that consume props. If it were not for the mechanical Zerg detectives,

Lu, Lin Jiu also knew about this trap, and if he fell into it, he would really die.

At this time, Lin Jiu and Jeanne beside him were standing on the back of a mechanical thunder beast, and Gungun was not brought with him. Because Gungun had eaten too much Liuyuan ore at the Liuyuan mine and accumulated enough energy.

A transformation is taking place. It is estimated that new power will be awakened, and it won't take long. Isabella and I may be on their way there now.

Approaching the temporary camp of the Apocalypse Contractors, Lin Jiu looked from a distance and saw the Apocalypse Contractors being teleported away from the world. He did not let the mechanical Zerg army surround them. At this distance, it was impossible to stop these.

The contractors left. And killing more of these contractors would not bring more benefits to himself. Lin Jiu would kill if he could, and would not force him if he could not, so he was not in a hurry.

Lin Jiu noticed a line of sight staring at him. Looking along the line of sight, a female contractor, no, it should be said to be a battle angel, was staring at him. It was Yin, the battle angel, who seemed to be remembering Lin Jiu's appearance in the future.

Looking for an opportunity to regain the situation, Lin Jiu looked at each other and smiled slightly. Under Lin Jiu's gaze, Yin's figure also became transparent, and she was transported away from this native world by Apocalypse Paradise.

At the same time, Lin Jiu also felt that Lan Jue and Anas had disappeared into this native world, and the relationship between them became blurred again.

The mechanical Zerg army flooded the temporary camp left by the Apocalypse Contractors. The temporary camp they chose was not too far from the entrance to the ancient ruins at the core of the Annihilation Zone, but it was not very close either. Because there was a stone monument standing at the entrance to the ancient ruins.

, the power of annihilation within a radius of one thousand meters is more intense, making people stay shorter.

That is the birthplace of the energy of the Land of Annihilation. Naturally, the contractors on the Apocalypse side will not get too close. Lin Jiu didn't think the contractors on the Apocalypse side would risk entering the ancient ruins, so he took his time before coming.

Yes, he has full confidence in the degree of danger within this ancient ruins.

When Lin Jiu entered the area near the stone monument, the mechanical Zerg army also blocked the surrounding area. It would not be easy for any target to get close to Lin Jiu without permission.

"Ouch~" Lin Jiu waited for a while at the stone monument, and soon the mechanical Zerg army moved out of the way, carrying Isabella and running towards Lin Jiu and Joan of Arc, letting out an excited roar.


Fortunately, Gungun hadn't forgotten that he was carrying a person on his back and didn't jump around randomly. He stopped steadily in front of Lin Jiu and switched back to his larval state. Lin Jiu could see that Gungun's hair was more shiny, and the hair on his body was even brighter. The breath is also much stronger, obviously it has been significantly improved.

Gungun (soul-eating iron-eating beast)


Mana: 4650

Strength: 110 (real attribute)

Agility: 90 (real attribute)

Physical strength: 105 (real attribute)

Intelligence: 80 (real attribute)


Skills Grow Up 50 (Active): Switch to adult form, increase in size, true strength attribute +5, true agility +3, true intelligence -10, charisma -20 (no consumption).

Skill National Treasure Mengwei (Active): Activate on the target to attract the target's attention. The success rate depends on the target's willpower, own intelligence, and charm attributes (can only be used in the larval state).

Skill Earth Roar 60 (Active): Slap the ground with your palm and roar at the enemy. Enemies within a radius of 20 meters will receive 410~500 points of damage. Enemies within a radius of 10 meters have a chance of being stunned for 1 second; enemies within a radius of 5 meters will be stunned for 2 seconds. /Stun (consumes 25% mana, cooling time: 3 hours).

Skill Soul Erosion (Passive): The soul strength and willpower of the touched creature are easily affected and reduced.

Skill Fallen Soul Hellfire 50 (Active): Releases Hellfire to burn the enemy, causing damage of 5% of the attack target's maximum health + 100 soul damage every second, lasting 20 seconds.

Skill Holy Fire Aura 45 (Passive)

Effect: Within 500 yards, the fire damage of all teammates is increased by 45%.

Skill Focus Aura 50 (Passive)

Effect: Increases resistance to negative effects by 25%.

Skill Charge 50 (active)

Effect: Consumes 200 mana, speed increased by 500%, duration 30 seconds, impact force +10, cooling time 4 hours.

Skill Ironeater Bloodline (Passive)

Effect: By swallowing special metals, you can absorb special energy and enhance your own attributes.

Skill Reversal 20 (Active)

Effect: Reverse all ability changes on the opponent and change them to the opposite state. Change all the target's ability changes to their opposite (consumes 1 minute/300 mana, cooling time: 12 hours)

Skill Steel Body (Passive): The body is as hard as steel, body strength +10, immune to knockback effects.

Skill Metal Fur 60 (Passive): The hair looks smooth, but is actually like metal, reducing damage taken by 30%.

Skills Exciting Battle Cry 50 (Active): Let out a roar, remove your abnormal status, and increase your attack power by 20% in the next 5 seconds (consuming 200 mana points, cooling time 12 hours).

Skill Beast Rush 40 (Passive): After entering the riding state, the movement speed is increased by 120%.

Skill ultimate pounce 50 (active): When an enemy is knocked down within 30 meters, you can release this skill to jump to the target and pounce, causing 300 (+20% physical attack, +8% health).

upper limit, +5% of the target's upper limit of health) points of physical damage and a 20% defense-breaking effect that lasts for 5 seconds, and causes 200 (+70% physical attack, +6% of the upper limit of health, +5% to enemies within 5 meters around the target)

The target's maximum health) points of physical damage, and at the same time, it gains a layer of shield that can absorb 300 (+6% of its maximum health) points of damage.

Skill Annihilation Impact 10 (Active): Consume mana, convert it into the power of annihilation, and impact an unknown number of targets in one direction, causing 200 points of physical damage + real damage of true strength attribute

Causing an uncertain degree of damage.

The improvement of basic attributes has made Gungun more outstanding in the fields he is good at. To put it simply, Gungun is better able to withstand damage. As Lin Jiu expected, Gungun also awakened a brand new skill "Annihilation Impact", which is both

An output skill that can be used for individual output or group damage, which raises the upper limit of Gungun's output ability.

In addition to physical damage, "Annihilation Impact" causes real damage that cannot be defended. It is also a good ability to destroy the enemy's body. For example, if the power of annihilation destroys the enemy's "Xiao Zuo", it will directly

Annihilating the flesh and bones of "Xiao Zuo", the effect is somewhat similar to Lin Jiu's gun skill - Disappearance.


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