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Chapter 1761 Bone Harbor

Chapter 1772 Bone Harbor

【Enlightenment Potion】

Origin: Wizards' Guild

Quality: white


Effect: After drinking this potion under the guidance of special rituals, formations, and energy, your potential will be amplified and you will become a gray wizard.

Tip: During the drinking process, the drinker will bear a huge mental burden and physical mutation. If the mind or body collapses during the period, the drinker will die.

Rating: 10 points

Introduction: It is a very difficult potion to prepare. It has side effects that cannot be eliminated after drinking it, and the spirit will gradually become crazy. This characteristic has caused the quality and score of this potion to be greatly reduced, and it has fallen six grades.

"Enlightenment potion" is a way, or a shortcut, for an ordinary person to transform into a wizard. This thing is also extremely precious. Even a second-class potion requires nearly three hundred silver coins. I have encountered it before, in this world

, Silver is the most sacred metal and the currency with the strongest purchasing power. Three hundred silver coins are enough for a person's normal expenses for a lifetime, and there may be some leftover.

The effect of enlightenment potions is very powerful, comparable to bloodline props, but the side effects are also shocking, and it will make the mind continue to become crazy. This process is still irreversible. Therefore, enlightenment potions, a consumable item in the sixth-order world

, the quality dropped directly to white.

Knowing the existence of this kind of thing, Su Xiao quickly formulated a plan to gain reputation. What they need to do now is to obtain a "start-up capital" for the plan.

It was also because Caesar was here that Su Xiao was able to come up with such a plan based on his knowledge of alchemy. Caesar's ability was eye-opening. His combat power was very poor, but he had a lot of authority to take advantage of loopholes.

Under the abnormal situation that the speed of gaining reputation has been greatly increased, it would be very dangerous for Su Xiao to exchange the reputation of the Wizards for items, and Caesar can change the exchange nature of some items to exchange them with silver coins of the same value. Taking advantage of the change in the exchange nature

, they can gain reputation and make profits in the store.

Lin Jiu and others walked through several blocks and finally arrived at the border of Shengyin District. Here, whether in narrow alleys or busy streets, you can see groups of people wearing rough linen clothes and covered with sweat.

Men. They are all coolies engaged in heavy manual labor. They work hard every day, but their income is meager, they can only earn 3 to 7 copper coins.

1 silver coin = 2159 copper coins. This exaggerated exchange ratio shows that the currency mechanism of wizards is separated from that of civilians. In other words, silver coins are the currency of wizards, and civilians who obtain extraordinary items and exchange them for silver coins are equivalent to winning the lottery.

An enhanced version of Jackpot.

As soon as he stepped outside the boundary of the Holy Silver District, Lin Jiu immediately noticed subtle changes in the surrounding environment. He felt that there seemed to be countless pairs of eyes peering at him in the dark. Most of the eyes just glanced away, but there were still a few eyes.

She seemed extremely persistent and locked onto him tightly.

"Ouch." After Gungun arrived at Bone Harbor, he was disgusted with the poor environment here.

"Why don't you feel dirty when you are covered in mud from playing?" Lin Jiu complained. This made Isabella's smile disappear, because every time Gungun came back dirty from playing, it was

She's in charge of cleaning up.

Of course, Isabella's prefix is ​​"Disaster Maid", but she is a combat unit, not a real maid. During her cleaning process, Gungun will not feel uncomfortable. But Gungun's photo is correct, it's fun!

Love to play!

"Hmm." Gungun shook his head and said, "Can this be the same? The mud on its body is hundreds of times cleaner than here."

The sewers of Helu City are all distributed in Bone Harbor. The so-called sewers are super-large water channels in low areas in the city, used for drainage on rainy days. And Bone Harbor is the most chaotic area among the three major areas of Helu City. The environment here

As you can imagine, the description of "gungun" is really not an exaggeration.

The streets were extremely muddy. During Lin Jiu's journey, he had to use the flames of the sun to dry out the road, otherwise it would be extremely uncomfortable to walk on. This environment is not surprising at all. The sun in this world has always been blocked, and the sky remains gray.

After the rain, there is no sunlight at all, and the road has remained like this for a long time.

Lin Jiu can still mobilize the power of the sun in this world. The way the ruler Sotos deprives the sun is to create a gray sky and block it, rather than clearing out all the power of the sun. Lin Jiu cannot feel the sun's power.

Temperature, that's because the world is being sucked by the ancient gods.

The source of the sun's power that the Sun Star projects to each world is not the Sun Star. It is only responsible for the initial projection. If the sun's power in every world comes from the Sun Star, then Lin Jiu can't imagine what power can make the Sun Star

None of them have fallen, even the erosion of the abyss can't do it.

In fact, after the Sun Star completes its projection, the sun projected into this world will be associated with the world and become a part of the world. Then the power of the sun naturally comes from the power of the world. And the existence of the sun also makes the world more prosperous.

In the Wizarding Continent, the ancient gods were sucking the world, and the whole world was heading towards destruction, and the sun of this world was no exception. The feeling that finally fed back to Lin Jiu was that it was so rotten.

As they marched on the street, the houses on both sides of the street opened their doors one after another, and the civilians left their homes with a sigh of relief. If they did not work for a day, their whole family would starve. This is the city of Helu.

The aroma of food spreads on the streets, and the city seems to be more alive. There is no look of despair on the faces of the civilians. In fact, after getting used to this environment, it doesn't matter. Human beings are the most adaptable people.

a race.

No matter how difficult the environment is, people will find ways to survive, and through hard work and wisdom, they can advance from "survival" to "life". There is an essential difference between the two. The former is the way of life for beasts, and the latter is the life of human beings.


Bone Harbor, the most simple and honest episode. Lin Jiu and the others saw a man click on the street and be killed. The pedestrians who witnessed this scene were very calm and continued to do their own things. This kind of

Things happen dozens of times every day in Bone Port. If it was quiet that day, these people would be surprised.

A carriage came from a distance. When he saw the carriage, the perpetrator threw the body to the ground and left. This carriage comes once every morning and is responsible for disposing of the corpses of unknown origin. This is the Bone Harbor.

The port of burial.

"Hey, are you new here? Do you have any..."

Before the guy who was looking for trouble could finish his words, Isabella next to Lin Jiu pointed her little hand, and lightning of death struck the guy on the head, turning him into a charred corpse.

When Lin Jiu saw someone coming up to look for trouble, he felt like he was right. His kind temperament made him easy to bully at first glance. It was only right that someone was looking for trouble. After all, not everyone was as full of blood and spirit as Su Xiao. Although things developed

It's right, but if you should die, you still have to die. He came straight to the boss this time, so naturally he didn't have time to deal with these small characters.

He glanced at the main drainage channel on the side. It was a ditch about thirty meters wide and fifty meters deep. Both sides of the ditch were piled with square stones, and there were many iron ladders leading down. The carriage did not come to collect the corpses, so Lin

Jiujiu thoughtfully kicked the guy's body into the drainage ditch so that it would not be in the way.


Sewage was splashing everywhere, because the rainy season had just begun, and the water in the sewer was only a dozen centimeters high. In addition, it had just rained, so the air in the sewer was still fresh, so the body should not have rotted so quickly.


This chapter has been completed!
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