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Chapter 1921 Chasing the Shadow of Light

Chapter 1932 Chasing the Shadow of Light

If these are weapons and equipment, then this Shadow Chaser Weiss is too rich. This made Lin Jiu's eyes brighter.

"Sister, do you need the Shadow Stone? I don't want much, just give me some benefits." Lin Jiu boldly approached Weiss, squeezed his shoulders, and said softly.

"..." Weiss was also stunned for a moment, wondering if there was something wrong with his ability judgment just now. Why can such a guy have up to standard soul strength and willpower?

Winnie approached the table and looked at the paper on it. It also recorded some information about Weiss's native world.

The page begins with a sentence: Dusk separates day and night, order and chaos.

The native world where Weiss lives is called Draenor, a world that belongs to humans during the day and all kinds of terrifying monsters at night. During the day, people live and work here in peace and harmony, and you can really feel the sun in every corner.

Warmth, and as dusk falls and day and night begin to alternate, the warm sunlight gradually begins to be replaced by the cold moonlight, and similarly, humans as the masters are also replaced.

The masters of the night belong to various terrifying and nameless creatures. The night is their paradise, and humans in the darkness can only tremble in the shadow of these creatures.

It can be said that the vast majority of human beings face these monsters in the dark and have no power to resist. Every time night falls, human beings will face a disaster.

Human beings have been able to survive because of the very unique time cycle in this world. The alternation of day and night lasts for more than ten years, or even decades, which leaves time for the inheritance and reproduction of human beings. Even so, every day

When dawn comes, while human beings are making a comeback, they still have this desperate thought: the fall of night is the prelude to destruction.

Daytime is the time for human development and expansion. When night falls, the continent of Draenor will become a hunting ground for monsters. Until the next sun rises, the remaining humans will continue to work hard to survive and develop.

This cycle goes on and on, and one day and night is an alternation of reincarnations. Until the seventh reincarnation, someone found a way to control the power of the night and gained the ability to fight against the night.

These people haunt the darkness, wear long clothes and hold sharp blades, fighting to protect mankind. They call themselves "Shadow Chasers" and gradually gather into an organization called the Order of the Trackers.

The emergence of the Shadow Chaser group is still not enough to allow humans to fight against the night. It only has a slight ability to fight back, but it has no power to reverse the situation.

In the ninth reincarnation, also known as the ninth era of mankind, Weiss appeared. At the same time, the Tracker Order also discovered a sacred object called the "Seal of Night", which can end the night and make the day last forever.


The Shadow Chasers of the Tracer Order of the Ninth Age started their activities around activating the Seal of Night. But there were bad guys among the crowd. A Shadow Chaser named Eric betrayed humanity and threw himself into the embrace of the night, destroying

The Holy Seal of Night.

And Weiss is Eric's daughter. With the purpose of recovering the fragments of the Holy Seal of Night, Weiss embarks on a journey, constantly getting stronger, and then passes five levels to kill six generals and regain the fragments of the Holy Seal of Night.

Winnie posted the record on the page in the team communication channel. When Lin Jiu saw this message, he realized that Weiss was the Child of the World template in the native world.

Weiss was indeed the Child of the World in that native world, but it was also an existence that almost destroyed mankind. When she was chasing the fragments of the Seal of Night, the time for nightfall was also approaching.

As the dark night of the ninth era, it is more powerful than the dark night in any previous reincarnation. Even the shadow chasers cannot resist the erosion and assimilation of the dark night, and they are all associated with the dark night. Weiss was also corroded by the dark night, and his spirit was with him.

Every bit of it is infected.


Even though Weiss is a master of swordsmanship and is immune to energy erosion, night erosion and energy erosion are completely different things. What's more, the group Shadow Chasers originally obtained their power from the power of the night, which is equivalent to Kamen Rider's enemies and friends coming from the same source, assimilating and corroding.

is more efficient.

Weiss raced against time, while resisting the assimilation of the night, while searching for the fragments of the Seal of Night. In the end, she did recover the fragments of the Seal of Night, but the Seal of Night was a scam, and its real function was to remove the fragments of the Seal of Night.

The world turns into eternal night.

Faced with such a desperate situation, Weiss, who was already standing on the ceiling of his native world, launched a massacre against the night monsters and his former Shadow Chaser companions.

When the Holy Seal of Night failed, she used force to clean up the night, and then when she still had some sense of autonomy, she exiled herself from the continent of Draenor and wandered into the void.

Weiss was out of control when she entered the void and slaughtered many living beings before being restricted here by the Death House. She was one of the few dead people who did not enter the Death House on her own initiative.

After Lin Jiu read the story of Weiss's transformation from a lawful and good son of the world to a chaotic and evil son of the unknown captain, he knew that the many chains on Weiss were not all caused by the visitors. More

They were killed during the period when they were out of control, that's when they would die one by one.

"A story about chasing light in the dark night, and still being with the night in the end, is very cliché. Chasing the shadow of light is still just a shadow." Weiss glanced at Lin Jiu with a half-smile, although Lin Jiu did not approach the page.

, but Weiss could probably guess that the girl saw it, which meant that Lin Jiu also saw it.

Weiss was sealed in the Death Room and relied on willpower to reversely assimilate the power of the night. It can be said that she is stronger now than when she cleared the night, and she also regained consciousness.

However, Lin Jiu suspected that it was the consciousness from the source of the "dark night" that originally occupied Weiss's body. After entering the death house, he was sealed in the wooden house, and when he killed the visitors, the division of the spiritual level according to the rules was also maintained by the control.

Weiss's consciousness was borne by him. After killing too many visitors, that consciousness was divided many times, and Weiss's consciousness also reversely assimilated to the source of the "dark night".

This also explains why Weiss is now conscious, able to communicate normally, and has a relatively complete memory. Otherwise, Weiss would not be able to resist the rules and punishments of the Death House with his own strength. After all, if he can resist, he will not be imprisoned.

Here it is.

As for the cliche that Weiss said, Lin Jiu didn't think that this kind of chaotic evil son of the world was extremely rare. It's just that Weiss was transformed from lawful good, unlike the unknown captain who had a firm stance from the beginning.

So the "evil" aspect is not too strong.

"Sister, do you want to trade?" Lin Jiu glanced at the weapons hanging on the wall. Although he didn't need them, they were valuable.

"Okay, except for my weapons, the trophies are all yours." Weiss naturally had no reason not to agree to the deal, and she also longed for freedom. But after she regained consciousness, her eyes killed many visitors. Soul strength, will

A guy with average strength is probably not much stronger, and the probability of having a Shadow Stone on his body is not high.

Lin Jiu pondered for a moment. Weiss was now so powerful that if he was released and the other party turned against him, he would have no power to resist. But the profit was worth the gamble, and a pure black shadow appeared in his hand.


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