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Chapter 197 Victor's Notes

【Glimmer Potion Prescription】

Requirements for use: Alchemy and Pharmacy Lv. 10 or above, Intelligence 30 points.

Effect: After use, you can master the production of shimmering potions.

【Glimmer Potion】

Quality: blue

Category: Bloodline Potion

Requirements for use: 10 points of physical strength.

Effect: 0.5% chance of perfectly acquiring Shimmer bloodline; 10% chance of recovering 70% health; 40% chance of becoming Shimmer mutant; 49.5% chance of death.

Note: This potion is notarized and cannot be taken out of the derived world.

"Oh? You seem to be quite interested in alchemy?" Xingjid noticed that Lin Jiu's eyes were much more intense when he looked at the recipe for the Glimmer Potion than when he looked at the potion.

This makes Singed feel a little strange. After all, the bottom city of Silko has built a shimmering potion factory and knows how to make this kind of potion. Although there is no high-quality product from his side, the manufacturing process is similar, and it shouldn't be so novel.


"I studied mechanism science, and now it seems that alchemy is very interesting." Lin Jiu said bluntly. What's more important is that the potion is an uncertified item and cannot be taken out at all, but the prescription is not.

Lin Jiu didn't turn his back and grab it because there was something more important than the prescription.

"Mechanism science..." Xingjid seemed to think of a gifted child who studied mechanism science with him for a period of time many years ago. However, because of the concepts he couldn't figure out, although they didn't completely part ways, the relationship was not the same.

So intimate.

"check it out!"

Xingjid stopped what he was doing, walked to the side, pulled out a notebook-like notebook in a corner and threw it to Lin Jiu.

Lin Jiu smiled and took the notebook. He did not use violence because there was something more valuable than that prescription, and that was the developer of the prescription in front of him!

Most of the characters who join the League of Legends are basically neither good nor bad. Some have miserable life experiences and are displaced; some have suffered from war; some are combatants with different stances; and some are researchers like Singed.

In the end, whether this kind of person is good or bad depends on where the bottom line is for research. Inventors like Heimerdinger belong to the lawful side and have their own belief in law. But Singed is obviously the opposite. In his heart, except for his own research, he has nothing to do.


For Lin Jiu, the latter is easier to deal with than the former, because the latter can do whatever they want. The former is easy to communicate with, but they also have many things to consider.

For example, Heimerdinger, who has experienced Rune Wars, is afraid of the birth of Hex Technology.

When Xingjid heard about mechanics, he thought of Victor, a young man who had studied mechanics with him, so he took out his notes and threw them to Lin Jiu.

Lin Jiu flipped through it and was a little surprised. Because these were not Xingjid's records, but Victor's notes. Many of the opinions in it made Lin Jiu gain a lot, and he couldn't help feeling that people have been jealous of talented people since ancient times!

【Victor's Notes】

Origin: Battle of Two Cities

Quality: blue

Category: Knowledge Scroll

Requirements for use: 20 points of intelligence.

Effect: Increase the level of Mechanism by 5 levels (Below Mechanism lv.10)

These are the notes that Victor studied many years ago. It is normal to improve mechanics below level 10.

How else to call this world a paradise for alchemy and mechanics? There are inventors and alchemists everywhere, and wealth everywhere.

"What a genius!" Lin Jiu was not stingy with his praise.

"Heroes think alike!" Singed never doubted Victor's talent.

Lin Jiu decisively chose to use this scroll to immediately improve his level of mechanics.

[Fixed mechanism manufacturing level increased by lv.10.]

First level, fixed mechanism manufacturing: lv.10 (Proficiency: 0/200)

1: Low-level trap mechanism (each production consumes 15 mana points, a small amount of refined iron, ferocious wood...)

2: Intermediate trap mechanism (each production consumes 30 mana points, a small amount of refined iron, energy closed loop, ferocious wood...)

3: Advanced sinking mechanism (each production consumes 50 mana points, a small amount of bluestone, energy closed loop, ferocious wood, Yangu stone...)

[Fixed mechanism manufacturing has been upgraded to lv.10, and the second level of portable mechanism manufacturing has been unlocked.]

[Unlocking blueprint: Shenji Tianshu.]

1: Divine Machine Tianshu (each production consumes 60 mana, a small amount of red copper, red scales, Xu Lun, and energy return array.)

Finally, he finally unlocked the opportunity to make a portable mechanism, but Lin Jiu suffered from lack of raw materials and could not immediately make one to feel the effect.

"It seems that you have some understanding?" Xingjid knew what was going on when he saw Lin Jiu's expression, because he was similar when he had inspiration.

"I have some inspiration for a mechanism, but unfortunately I don't have the materials." Lin Jiu sighed and shook his head.

"As long as you have some understanding, do me a favor..." Xingjid did not follow Lin Jiu's words. He had dealt with Silko, so he could naturally see what Lin Jiu meant.

"I still have things to do. I'll come back to visit another day!" How could Lin Jiu give Xingidla the opportunity to work as a labor force? He bought a scroll for nothing. Lin Jiu looked at the other person's ugly face. He didn't like it no matter how he looked at it. Another day

Must come and visit again.


Singed originally wanted to sneer and let the other party know that his things were not so easy to get. When he was about to threaten him, he suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis from the other party. It was like an ordinary person encountering a group of hungry people in the wild.


Looking up, Xingjid couldn't see any murderous intent in Lin Jiu. His eyes were more eager, like a devout apprentice.

As an old Jianghu, Xingjid decided to believe what he felt in his heart and quickly sent Lin Jiu away. If he had followed his original thoughts, he would have had a bad feeling!

"What a good man!" Lin Jiu smiled and prepared to leave here, appreciating his newly acquired knowledge of machine learning.

"I can understand now... uh, sorry!" A thin and lame figure walked in on crutches. I thought it was only Singed himself, so he spoke naturally. Halfway through, he suddenly realized that there was a stranger here.

"Let's get to know the genius you call him!" Xingid sent Lin Jiu to Victor. This behavior became more and more cute in Lin Jiu's eyes, and gave up Lin Jiu's idea of ​​killing people and exploding the treasure chest.

"Chi, a machine engineer. I have read your research notes and they are very inspiring." Lin Jiu stretched out his hand and shook Victor's hand.

Victor's arrival was an unexpected surprise. Lin Jiu stopped and didn't plan to leave now. In the end, he left at the same time as Victor.

Lin Jiu's purpose was very clear, he wanted to see the core of Hex. After all, this thing was on his list of suspected mutations, and it occupied a large proportion.

After thinking about it carefully again, Piltover and Zaun didn't have much support. Heroes such as mages, Lin Jiu felt that if there was any accident, they could still escape unscathed.

Who doesn’t know that the assistants who are beaten every day in the game are all very strong in the derivative world of Runeterra, especially the soft assistants. The same is true for mages. The Dragon King who makes balls with his hands in the game is the best in the derivative world of Runeterra.

no problem!

Please remember the first domain name of this book: ._

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