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Chapter 2033 He is almost undercover and becomes the boss.

Chapter 2044 He’s almost undercover and becomes the boss.

"Let us use that thing in your hand that can withstand heavy armored troops." Lin Jiu was upright and asked Taide for the fragment of the black iron bell in his hand as a matter of course.

Telde, who was already a little hunched over, looked at Lin Jiu in surprise. He didn't know how this guy knew so much information. After staring for a moment, he pulled off a small round clock from his waist. Rust could still be seen on it.

[Tip: You have obtained the Black Iron Shock Bell (fake). Carrying this item can exempt you from the effects of some concussive abilities. The Black Iron Shock Bell can absorb shocks and break after reaching a certain limit. 】

"The real black iron bell is broken. This is a replica made from the fragments. It can last for about 4 minutes." Taild explained to Lin Jiu. Although Lin Jiujiu occupied the magpie's nest, he still used them for fun.

, but to them, as long as you are willing to deal with alien species, you are a good companion.

"The location has been determined over there." Su Xiao handed the creeping spirit in his hand to Lin Jiu. Beini and Bubu Wang had found the location of the strange king, and they could leave now.

At that time, Lin Jiu will sneak into the alien base camp with the Creeping Spirit and the Black Iron Zhenzhong. Su Xiao will try his best to help other contractors of his own to contain the alien commander, and then Bubu Wang will use the teleportation ability of the wolf totem.

Pull Su Xiao directly to King Yi.

Winnie and Isabella are not with Lin Jiu at the moment. They are looking for someone. The fat black demon who originally lost control in the alien fortress near the Fall Zone has now suppressed the black demon and regained his senses. Winnie and

Isabella was responsible for sending him to the alien base camp as quickly as possible.

When Lin Jiu and Su Xiao walked to the doorway, the rotten man gave a kind reminder. There were only two relatively kind people in the mission field, one was a little girl and the other was the rotten man.

As for the seemingly well-intentioned Dorothea, this woman will trick anyone into joining the Muguang Mission, and then induce them to attack alien species. Hatred and despair make Dorothea's heart ferocious. Otherwise, she would not be able to follow her.

Su Xiao and Lin Jiu, who were like blood beasts, because the number of alien species they killed was astonishing.

The base camp of the alien species, Warsinger City, is more than ten kilometers away. Through the war channel, we can know that the number of alien species in Warsinger City is over one million. Killing them directly is seeking death. The infiltration route has been planned, and the immediate problem is to be solved.

Several hidden dangers.

The first problem is that the members of the sect are not dead yet. The temporary spatial coordinates of the Sanctuary Paradise have obviously been destroyed, but there are still members of the sect, the shepherd, who is also the leader of the sect this time, still remaining in this world.

The dean discovered the other party. This guy is a time bomb, and he doesn’t know when he will jump out to disrupt the situation.

In order to prevent this guy from causing any accidents, Lin Jiu also asked the Sun Army under Joan of Arc to hunt down this guy. If the shepherd wants to cause trouble, he must get close to the alien base camp, otherwise he will not be taken action near here.

The dean discovered.

Once their actions against the alien species are launched, it will be impossible for the alien species' power to spread out. With the current number of people and combat effectiveness of the Sun Legion, this hidden danger is enough to be eliminated.

The hidden danger is on the side of Apocalypse Paradise. These miners should not be underestimated. Their survival until now has shown a lot of problems. There are also people on the side of Apocalypse Paradise who are watching. As long as Apocalypse Paradise has the intention to steal the core of the world,

Someone will greet them immediately.

Contractor of Apocalypse Paradise: I really just want to mine!

war channel.

Chi You (Sun Adventure Group): "Get ready to take action."

Crazy Doctor (Behind the Scenes of the Shit Cooking Adventure Group): "It's finally time to take action, I can't pretend anymore!"

King Kong (Sanren): "We will share the pressure, it's up to you and Bai Ye."

Lin Jiu explained the operation time on the war channel. King Kong, the dean, and others will help the alien king assassination team attract some alien commanders to share the pressure. If the alien king is the ceiling of combat power in this native world, then

Most of these alien commanders are sixth-level boss-level units and are not easy to deal with.

Coupled with the large number of other elite fission mutants, parasitic species, and heavily armored troops, it can be said that the pressure on each of our contractors is considerable.

Who can survive depends entirely on his own ability. There is no danger if he withdraws from the operation, but no contractor chooses to withdraw. The contractors of Samsara Paradise have long been accustomed to the feeling of wandering on the edge of death while carrying out tasks. And after grabbing

After the Creeping Spirit, there is no chance to quit, and of course, they have no habit of giving up.

Not long after we were on the road, the city of Wassinger came into sight. There were domed buildings here. Each building was very tall. From a distance, it looked uneven. There was no wall in Wasinger, so it was a very majestic city.

, its owner is the overlord of this world, the alien species.

Before getting close to the edge of Wasinger City, you could see a large group of Earth Seeds, almost surrounding the entire city. They were afraid of being attacked by their own lunatics, so they could only let the Earth Seeds guard the area 24 hours a day.

On the edge of Wassinger City.

Through the space ability of a contractor, they overcame the Earthlings guarding the edge, and the two entered the edge area of ​​Wasinger City. If you want to reach the vicinity of the foreign king, you must first sneak into the central area of ​​Wasinger City, where there is

A huge building. According to Bubo Wang's investigation, the strange king should be in this building.

Bubo Wang did not see the Yiwang because there were too many heavy armored troops guarding it. When they reached the core area, the heavy armored troops were almost crowded together. Bubu Wang could indeed blend into the environment, but it could not touch the enemy.

Otherwise it will be exposed.

Except here, Bubo Wang and Beni searched all over Wasinger City in the past two days. Through the elimination method, Bubo Wang determined that there was more than a 90% chance that the strange king was in that huge building. The inner layer of the building

The core area guarded by the layers is the residence of the strange king.

"The painting is quite abstract." The main infiltrator this time was Lin Jiu. He took the route map and started browsing it. Lin Jiu gave a very high evaluation to Beini's drawing skills. Nothing he drew with his feet was better than this one.


Their current location is a bone pile, where alien species accumulate food scraps. This place has been abandoned for a long time. Now alien species are scarce in resources, and earthbound species will even eat bones.

Next, we have to arrive at the water storage area. After going around the water storage area, we can reach the center of Wasinger City. After we get there, the mad doctor will come to pick him up. This guy has already withdrawn from the Dapxiu Fortress because he discovered the infiltrator.

He has made a small contribution, and he has performed well recently, leading a team to attack the attackers. The mad doctor will soon be promoted to commander under special circumstances.

Crazy Doctor: If I don’t take action, maybe I will be the next alien king!

After arriving at the central area, you are very close to the giant building. You must be cautious when entering there. There are heavy armored troops guarding there and ordinary alien bosses who are not even qualified to enter there.

However, Lin Jiu, with Gungun, can trigger the "Night Walk" ability of [Black Prince]. His stealth ability is only inferior to that of BuBoWang, and he can easily sneak into the core building. The only troublesome guy is the heavy people around that building.

It's Troop A.

Lin Jiu did not take the waterway, but followed Bubo Wang around the side of the water storage area. He was not completely invisible, so he needed to be careful, and he could not be as presumptuous as Bubo Wang.

This chapter has been completed!
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