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Chapter 327 Cthulhu Mask

Extrapolating further, the strength of the four Dharma Kings is equivalent to that of Taijutsu Jōnin, and their leader should be an elite Jōnin. Kage-level strength is impossible. If that were the case, the Evil God Sect would have already dealt with the Tang Ninja Village.

The territory was ceded and became autonomous. Just like the Oto Ninja Village was created after Orochimaru.

Precisely because they have not reached the Kage level, although the Evil God Cult is powerful enough to suppress the Tang Ninja Village, they have always behaved inconspicuously so as not to attract the attention of the Da Ninja Village.

"Let's see your performance..." Lin Jiu motioned to Shuichiro Murura to lead them into the Evil God Cult.

"Okay, sir. Please come with me." Shuichiro Mura did not hesitate and led Lin Jiu to the evil sect's stronghold.

As for whether the other party wanted to lure him over and then ask people to surround him, Lin Jiu was not worried. A group of guys playing close combat didn't even have a leader with shadow-level strength. Even if they couldn't kill him, they could easily leave at any time.

Compared with the method of cultivating ninjas in the Ninja Village, it is normal for the Evil God Cult's method of recruiting believers to have more than two or five disciples. As long as they are not fanatical believers and just threaten their lives a few times, they can say anything.

Lin Jiu led Gungun and Xiao Fei Duan walked behind. He calculated the approximate distance and inserted the dagger with the "Starlight" mark on a passing tree trunk.

Having confidence in his own strength does not mean that Lin Jiu will lose his vigilance. He has always maintained the good habit of leaving a way out.

Lin Jiu followed Shuichiro Murura into the base of the Evil God Cult, which looked like a larger, normal village. The village consisted of a group of two-story wooden houses.

This village is the largest village Lin Jiu has seen since leaving Tangren Village.

The clothes Shuichiro Murura put on before disembarking from the ship came into use after entering the village. It can be seen that the bloodthirsty in the eyes of some fanatical believers is slightly lessened, but more of a respectful distance from Shuichiro Murura.

As he said, everyone with similar status to him has been sent out, not only in the Kingdom of Tang, but also in the Kingdom of Iron.

In this way, after entering the Evil God Cult base, there will only be a few people who are above Shuichiro Murura. There is no need to worry about being suddenly stopped and questioned.

I didn’t see anyone who knew Shuichiro Murura, and the emptiness of the nest was revealed everywhere. But this was when Lin Jiu knew that this was the headquarters of the Evil God Cult, and its external appearance was that of a normal large village.

Very good cover.

"Where is Mr. Kimonori? I have something to report." Ichiro Shumura waved over a believer and asked about the situation of the Dharma King who was responsible for his actions.

"Master Gongze is in charge of material management. A few days ago, he intercepted a batch of materials from the Kingdom of Iron on the sea route. Master Gongze should be counting them now." The believer mentioned the incident of intercepting the materials without concealing it.

pride, obviously taking part in the robbery.

"Okay, then I'll go find the adults." Shuichiro Murasaki sent the cultist away with a calm expression.

As a leader, Shuichiro Murura knew what his role was and led them to the warehouse without Lin Jiu opening his mouth.

In this large village, all kinds of people come into view, with sinister faces, vicious looks, sinister temperaments, and bloodthirsty eyes... all kinds of villains can be found in it.

There is no doubt that the followers of this evil sect basically bring all the murderers, robbers and robbers from outside the ninja village and from the world of ordinary people in various countries into the church.

Lin Jiu suspected that Shuichiro Murura, who led him the way, might not have joined the Evil God Cult voluntarily at first. As a small nobleman, he was robbed by the Evil God Cult's thugs, so it was more likely that he would join the Evil God Cult in order to save his life.

After Xiao Feiduan entered the evil cult stronghold, he felt the surrounding atmosphere and realized that this was where he should stay! It turned out that the village was really boring and everyone was a coward.

Seeing Xiao Fei Duan who was always in a state of excitement, Lin Jiu shook his head, unable to save this guy. He was the only one who was a gentle and elegant young man who was out of tune with the atmosphere here.

Lin Jiu didn't care at all about the malicious looks around him. The killing intent he saw in Samsara Paradise was much stronger than this. Even the environment like Samsara Paradise couldn't change his original intention, let alone an evil god cult in a derivative world.

On the contrary, these malicious intentions towards Lin Jiu also brought some negative energy, which was absorbed by the original sin field. Unfortunately, the quality and quantity of these negative energy were so poor that the progress bar did not move at all.

Naturally, the material warehouse of the Evil God Cult would not be displayed openly. Under the leadership of Shuichiro Murura, they walked through the village and walked into the jungle behind.

"You still haven't found a suitable body that can withstand the power of Lord Evil God?"

"Chief, the people we sent out have been trying to use people. But they have no good results. They only gave us dozens more believers."

"Alas~ We have used the living bodies brought back to perfect the sacrificial ritual to a certain extent, but still failed. As long as we can find a candidate who can perfectly withstand the power of the evil god, our evil god sect will completely come to the center of the stage, and those arrogant ninjas will


"Kunori-sama!" Shuichiro Murura didn't expect to meet one of the Dharma King Sera Kōnori on the road before he reached the resource warehouse. At this time, the Dharma King bowed slightly and walked behind another man wearing a mask.


Who else in the Evil God Religion could be treated with such respect by the Dharma King? Only their mysterious leader.

Lin Jiu also saw this scene. He didn't expect that he would win the lottery as soon as he came and directly meet the leader of the evil sect. At this time, Lin Jiu was slightly stunned by the dress of the leader of the evil sect. There was nothing special about what he was wearing, and he was shrouded in black.

Inside the cloak.

The main thing is the mask he wears on his face, surrounded by a black circle, integrated with the black cloak, and in the middle is a bone-white skull pattern. It is exactly the facial makeup that appeared on Hidan's face after he used Shiji Pingxue.

"Your people?" the leader of the Evil God Cult asked Serangong Ze beside him.

Lord Sera took a look at Shuichiro Murura, nodded and said, "Yes, I have a bit of an impression, and my ability is not bad. Those fanatical believers manage them very well."

As Lin Jiu expected, the top leaders of the Evil God Religion could not be fanatical believers. They just used these fanatical believers as a tool and a weapon to achieve their goals.

Just like the last words of the leader of the Evil God Cult, Lin Jiu also heard it. He just longed for the power of the Great Ninja Village, and he also wanted to be the boss of that force. He also hoped to use the power of the Evil God to become a major player in the Ninja World.


To perfect the so-called evil god ritual (transformation technology) to a certain extent through in vivo experiments, a container that can withstand the power of the evil god is needed.

A container like this must be that kind of genius. Such people usually appear in the families of the Great Ninja Village. They searched extensively among the civilians outside the Ninja Village but could not find it.

It was only a few years later when Hidan was attracted to the Evil God Cult that they found the candidate.

As for why the Evil God Cult did not cause trouble? No need to ask. The leader must have been killed by Hidan, who was already seriously ill at the time. The so-called death before leaving the army refers to this situation.

This chapter has been completed!
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