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Chapter 35 Handball Ghost and Arrow Ghost

 "Let's rest here tonight!" Lin Jiu picked up his pupils and found an empty room. There was a lot of dust inside, and there were signs of damage. It was a long time ago. It was probably that the previous owner was attacked by a ghost.

Later, other people thought it was unlucky and did not dare to go near it.

Lin Jiu cleaned the bed a little and put away Tongzi, who had fallen asleep. He sat aside. He still had a treasure chest and a blood card that had not been opened!

Lin Jiu rubbed his palms, and it was the exciting moment of unboxing again. He took out the green treasure box and opened it. He was disappointed, there was no sparkle!

[You opened the treasure chest (green) and got the following items]

【2000 Paradise Coins.】


Lin Jiu was stunned and looked at his hands... It must be him, damn Xiaogang!

Control your emotions and check out the two green items traded by Green Skinned Ghost.

One is a green ring equipment.

【Awakening Stone】

Place of Origin: Liuguang Jewelry Store

Grade: Green

Category: Ring

Durability: None. (Jewelry equipment has no durability and does not need to be repaired)

Equipment requirements: Intelligence 12 points

Equipment effect: Awakening (active). After activating this effect, the intelligence of the enemy and the enemy will be judged. If the judgment is successful, the control skills will be ignored within 3 seconds (the control skill quality exceeds the equipment by one level and there is a 20% chance of immune control effect failure).

Tip: The cooldown time of Awakening (active) is 24 hours.


Introduction: I can’t sleep yet…

Price: 3100 Paradise Coins.

This good control release ring made Lin Jiu feel better. After putting the ring on, the other item was a green recovery product. It was less effective than the Moo Moo Milk that Lin Jiu had used, but it was better than nothing.


In addition to two useless daily necessities, the scarlet card also opened a recovery product, but it was of white quality. In addition, there were several white recovery products from Green Skinned Ghost, recovery products that he had not used, and Lin Jiu's reserve of recovery products.

That's quite a lot.

When those contractors became ghosts, their blood could be used as recovery items, so their recovery items were fully preserved.

From the information Lin Jiu got from the green-skinned ghost, it can be expected that there is a group of contractors, and the contractors of the ghost camp are not easy to get. However, they can use a small amount of ghost blood to join the ghost camp through the paradise mechanism without being affected by Ghost Dance Tsuji.

The miserable control was unexpected.

"Tongzi, you can't show such a cold smile!!" While resting on the road, Lin Jiu caught a glimpse of Tongzi smiling coldly. It was too inappropriate for a child of this age. He didn't know who he learned it from, so he had to correct it immediately.

"Okay, Brother Chi." After hearing the scolding, Tongzi put on her original smiling face and responded.

Although Brother Chi's smile is cold, it is actually very gentle. It must be that I only learned the superficial level and did not learn this kind of gentleness. I need to practice more! You can do it, Tongzi!

"Tongzi!" Lin Jiu poked the dull pupil next to him to bring him back to his senses.

"It's so big and bright here!" Hitomi, who had never been to a big city, was extremely surprised when faced with the night view of Tokyo.

Lin Jiu touched Tongzi's head and said nothing. Do you think you will be able to see something more spectacular in the future? I'm afraid you won't live until then!

Taking Hitomi on a stroll around Tokyo Prefecture, Lin Jiu had already put on a hunter's leather armor for tracking. After letting Hitomi eat a bowl of udon, he started looking for a way.

"Found it!" Lin Jiu noticed that on a busy street, the crowd was walking around a pool of blood. When he came to the blood stain, he used the hunting ability of the hunter's leather armor. The target was the husband who was turned into a ghost by Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan.

Injured woman after.

She was taken back by Tamashi, and as long as she followed her, she could encounter the two ghosts who were strengthened by Kibutsuji Muzai and were close to Shigetsu Kizuki.

Using the hunting skill, the aura transformed into a bloody line in front of Lin Jiu's eyes, extending in one direction. Lin Jiu led his pupils in pursuit in this direction, and gradually entered a remote alley with few people.

But at this point, the blood-colored aura line was completely gone. It was obvious that the aura was covered by Yushiro's blood ghost technique next to Tomoyo. But it was enough to get here, Lin Jiu had already heard a certain ghost laughing wantonly!

"You can't go wrong as a ghost hunter with fireworks and sun earrings! It's you! As long as I take your head back to the lord, the lord will definitely appreciate me! Hahaha!" Handball Onizamaru looked at

Tanjiro laughed and said.

Four arms grew out of his armpits, plus his original arms, and six arms held the ball and attacked Tanjiro.

These handballs that were thrown with great force were guided by the arrows Oniya Wawa used normally invisible arrows to track Tanjiro and attack.

Tanjiro, with the help of Yushiro's eyesight, saw these arrows and easily dodged them.

In the woods on the other side of the yard, Yadouzi is constantly looking for the ghost Tanjiro mentioned, which is Yawawa, the arrow ghost.

Soon, Yawaha who was leaning on a tree branch was discovered by Midouzi and attacked him. In order to resist the dust splashed by Midouzi's attack, the power to control the handball disappeared.

"Now...full episode, Breath of Water·Three Forms·Flowing Dance!"

Tanjiro's movement and sword skills suddenly turned into a soft flow of water, and during the flow, he cut off six of the handball ghost's arms.

As for why he didn't cut off his head? Tanjiro asked Tamayo, "The blood of this ghost should be very close to Onibatsuji Muzan!"

"Perhaps..." Tamashi has been avoiding Oni Wutsuji Muzan and his subordinates. He doesn't know the division of strength within the Oni, but he only knows about the Twelve Oni Moon.

The handball ghost Zhu Shamaru instantly gave birth to six arms and laughed loudly: "You actually want to take my blood as the Twelve Demon Moon! I don't know what your purpose is, but I can't make that gentleman dissatisfied!"

At the same time, Yadouzi was knocked to the ground by the arrow ghost Yawaha using the power carried by the arrow. Yawaha also fell from the tree!

"Did you learn?"

"Well. This brother's sword skills are very powerful!"

"Who is it?" The sudden conversation made the hearts of the ghosts and people present jump.

Then Zhushamaru showed his usual arrogance: "Is there another guy who is here to die?"

"..." Lin Jiu heard this and fell down from the wall in silence. Tongzi who followed behind him gave Zhu Shawan a sympathetic look.

Sure enough, the next moment I heard Lin Jiu say to Tanjiro: "Didn't your master teach you how to judge the Twelve Ghost Moons? The Twelve Ghost Moons are divided into the first quarter of the first quarter to land, and the first quarter of the last quarter to land.

The ghost of the lower string only has a number engraved on one eye, which is probably like [Lower Land]. The ghost of the upper string has two eyes engraved with numbers, one side is [upper string] and the other side is engraved with the order. Look at the ghost in front of you, which one matches it?"

As soon as Tanjiro showed a look of sudden realization, Zhu Samaru immediately denied it wildly: "How is it possible? I must be one of the Twelve Ghost Moons, and I have the power bestowed by that Lord!"

Tongzi: Killing someone is so heart-breaking! Brother Chi~

Lin Jiu didn't want to say anything more to the hysterical handball ghost Zhu Samaru, and instead rushed towards the arrow ghost Ya Payu.

Seeing the person who suddenly appeared and killed him, Yapayu opened his palm and exposed the eyes in his palm. The eyes with arrow-shaped pupils glared, and an invisible red arrow appeared at Lin Jiu's feet, ready to repeat the same trick.

Lin Jiu moved away.

"Be careful!" Tanjiro, who could now see the arrow, quickly warned.

Lin Jiu suddenly exerted force and stepped on the ground. The soft ground suddenly sank into a pit. He could feel a resistance and tried to move him out, but after exerting force, he directly broke through this layer of resistance.

The red arrow shattered instantly, and blood and tears flowed from Yapayu's eyes in his palms. One moment, Yapayu felt pain in his eyes, and the next moment, sword light flashed and the ghost's head fell to the ground.

"So strong..."

While Tanjiro was still sighing, Lin Jiu's figure had already approached the handball ghost Shusamaru.

"It's not that easy to kill me!" Zhu Shawan had a fierce look on his face, holding handballs in all six arms, and threw them fiercely at Lin Jiu.

The handball carrying ferocious force flew through the air, and Lin Jiu could clearly sense the airflow it stirred up. He easily avoided the handball that was not controlled by the arrow ghost, appeared in front of Zhu Shawan, and killed him with a sword.

[You kill the plot evil ghosts, Zhushamaru and Yawaha]

[Shu Samaru and Yawaha are demons with different magic skills, and they have obtained 2% of the source of the world. Now they have obtained a total of 5.2% of the source of the world. 】

[Your talent Soul Condensation is activated, permanently increasing part of the soul's power. The existing soul's power does not reach the displayed value standard.]

[Acquire 40 points of Demon Slayer contribution points.]

Tanjiro and others froze on the spot. The two evil spirits that had destroyed their place into a mess and made them decide to fight with all their strength were now eliminated in half a minute.

This half minute also includes the time for the other party to explain the characteristics of the Twelve Ghost Moons to them. In fact, it only takes about ten seconds!

"Brother in green, your sword skills are quite good, but you are a hundred million points worse than brother Chi!" Tongzi laughed at the side.

Tanjiro looked over following Hitomi's voice and saw the Demon Slayer uniform that Hitomi was wearing: "Are you also a ghost hunter!!"

At this moment, Lin Jiu's eyes swept across Tamayo and Yushiro and stopped at Tanjiro and Nezuko.

"It's so cute!" Lin Jiu sighed inwardly as he looked at the stunned Nezuko.

Tanjiro was already breaking out in cold sweat. He raised his knife and blocked it in front of Nezuko. He felt bad in his heart: "This ghost hunter's eyes are so cold. He will be killed! I must protect you."


Lin Jiu glanced at Tanjiro coldly. This guy is really stingy. He can't even look at his sister. From this look, he is a girl-controller.

This chapter has been completed!
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