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Chapter 433 The Sun and the Birds

 Karna raised the Immortal Blade high, and the gem on his chest released a bright light.

The Sun Armor on his body decomposed and disappeared, in exchange for huge power being injected into the Immortal Blade. Dark red flames surrounded Karna from the soles of his feet upwards, forming a shape like the sun bird released by Lin Jiu.

This form of flame just flashed past, and was replaced by a one-eye made of golden flames above Karna's head. Beyond the one-eye, there was a circle of sun disks.

"Understand the mercy of the King of Gods."

"Destruction is a stab here."

"Burn completely - Sun Disk, submit to death."

After Karna finished speaking, he unfolded half of the black wing-like decoration on the left side of his body from bottom to top. The immortal blade in his hand changed into a form, and the golden sun flame turned the area into a sea of ​​flames.

Even Lin Jiu was surrounded by flames. Lin Jiu twitched the corner of his mouth. This kind of power is definitely comparable to... no, it should be more than the sun god Apollo who has not been improved by Su Xiao.

Naturally, Lin Jiu could not remain indifferent. He raised the hand with the mark of the sun bird. The power of the sun around him was extremely full, and he mobilized it to gather around him.

The huge power of the sun gathered, and Lin Jiu's body seemed to be shining with golden light. He felt that his body was extremely warm, and a force was restoring his body, and most of his injuries were repaired.

Because the environment created by Karna for him was so good, the recovery effect of "Nirvana in Fire" was far beyond what the information described. Lin Jiu felt that the recovery effect was at least twice as much.

Golden fireworks ignited on Lin Jiu's raised wrist. As if it was a signal, the power of the sun around him instantly ignited. The two people who used the power of the sun together released high-temperature flames that distorted the surrounding air.

After the Sun Bird struck out this time, Lin Jiu no longer named him and allowed it to absorb the power of the surrounding sun. The Sun Bird made of flames became larger and larger, and Lin Jiu was certain that this was the strongest attack he had ever performed.


In fact, Lin Jiu was still a little confused. When Karna liberated this most powerful treasure, what came out was indeed the power of the sun. What appeared around him was indeed a sea of ​​golden fire, but Karna penetrated it with the power of the sun.

A deadly spear condensed from destructive lightning.

The source of power is the power of the sun, its external manifestation is the flame of the sun, but its ultimate kill is a thunder spear.

Karna clearly felt that the Sun God Bird released by Lin Jiu was frantically absorbing the power from his side to strengthen itself. The power of the Sun God Bird, which was originally much less powerful, quickly caught up with what he had accumulated.

But Karna had no way to stop Lin Jiu, so he couldn't stop his final attack. And he was confident that even if a lot of power was drained from him, he would still have the upper hand.

The wing-like decorations spread out on Karna's side also emit golden light, and the whole person is like a shining sun in the sky.

And a bright golden firebird in mid-air rushed towards the sun. The two made the night look like day.

"It's amazing to be able to fly." Lin Jiu stared at Karna in the sky and made up his mind that he would either develop his flying ability or develop a suppressive long-range attack method.

The shot of the extinct god fell, just as Su Xiao described the Apollo bomb, like the sun falling to the ground. A small sun collided with the golden sun bird, and the golden sea of ​​fire swept through half of the air fortress.


Grain oil



Even if this half of the affected air fortress was protected by magic, it began to collapse under the collision of such a powerful attack. Those magic stone bricks instantly melted into magma, and the liquid part of it quickly evaporated and solidified, becoming even darker.


"Has Lancer been forced to this extent?" On the plane outside the Sky Fortress, Achilles, who had eliminated Black's Archer Chiron, was preparing to return to the Sky Fortress when he saw the gorgeous flames and couldn't help but stop.

"Such power..." Mordred and Atalanta, who had not yet decided the winner, also stopped and looked away. Mordred couldn't help but murmured.

"We are both Masters, but Ruler's Master is too fierce." Astolfo and Sieg, who got into the air fortress, were almost drawn into the sea of ​​fire. Astolfo hurriedly escaped from the danger.

Erfu repeatedly patted his chest and sighed.

"Even if Rider says so, I can't be that strong." Sieg was a little helpless. Master Ruler was so strong, and he was under a lot of pressure as the same master.

"Hahaha, Master, don't worry about this. That guy is stronger than most of our servants, there is no need to compare with him. The Masters on the red side have been rescued, what should we do now?" Astor

Fu comforted Sieg and said.

"I don't know how the battle is going with other people. If possible, let's go and help. Before that, Rider, please take a little rest." When Astolfo was destroying the air fortress outside just now, all his energy was consumed.

Ge also saw it in his eyes.

"no problem."

"My garden..." Semiramis couldn't help but change her face when she felt the extent of the damage to the air fortress. If it were to be repaired, it would consume the same amount of funds as half a small country.

Although she knew that this was an inevitable destruction in the battle for victory, Semiramis still felt very unhappy. She looked at Joan of Arc in front of her and Siegfried, who came up from behind, with an increasingly unkind look.

It was impossible for Jeanne d'Arc and Siegfried not to notice such a big movement.

"No wonder Chi asked me to retreat first. Such power...is worthy of a god-killing spear that destroys everything..." Siegfried couldn't help but sigh, and at the same time he was a little worried.

And the strangeness that appeared in Jeanne next to him proved that his worries were correct.

"Haha, I'm sorry, our side is better." Semiramis also noticed that Joan of Arc's body was somewhat spiritual. Doesn't this prove that even if the other master is not dead, he is still close.

"Chi..." She felt that her Master was disconnected from her. No matter how she called out in her heart, she could no longer sense Lin Jiu's presence. Jeanne braved her spirit and held the flagpole tightly with her hand, declaring to protect her Master.

The promise seems not to have been fulfilled.

"Oh, it has stabilized. Is it because of the special nature of being a Ruler? Even if you are separated from the Master, you can exist alone." Seeing that Jeanne did not have any accidents, Semiramis was not surprised at all. Well, Ruler, a little

Privileges are normal. Jeanne herself can master the command spells of the Heroic Spirit Servants, and it is not a surprising operation to exist independently from her master.

After confirming that she had severed contact with her Master, Jeanne turned her grief and anger into strength, rushed forward with the flagpole in hand, and swept out. Siegfried next to her did not care about the pride of a hero, and stepped forward to help.

Lin Jiu's decision to choose the battlefield in the air fortress was right. The entire fortress itself was a huge amplification treasure, which maximized Semiramis' power. After their battle, half of the fortress was destroyed, and Semiramis

Ramis' magic power plummeted instantly.

The siege of Joan of Arc and Siegfried made it difficult for Semiramis to deal with it. After all, she was a magician, and her strength in head-on combat was still not as good as that of a normal warrior.

This chapter has been completed!
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