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Chapter 617 Don't be afraid

 The atmosphere inside the notary office was a little depressing. This was caused by the cruel rules of the arena. Most of the remaining contestants were injured.

"The second round of drawing results is completed, and the arena will reopen in 30 minutes."

The Gorgon signaled the contestants to check their respective number plates. After Lin Jiu took out the number plate, one side of the number plate said 17/88, which meant that his opponent was contestant No. 17.

"Huh?" Lin Jiu saw this number and softly murmured doubts. He immediately looked at Su Xiao's opponents and the intelligence collected by Bubo Wang. Sure enough, he remembered correctly. This number 17 was the number Su Xiao was supposed to have.

Birdman player on.

But now he was randomly matched, and Su Xiao's opponent was replaced by another one. He was not such a popular figure, and Lin Jiu was not familiar with it.

After showing the opponent's information and battle footage to Su Xiao, Bubu Wang looked at Gungun, who had completely transformed into a black bear. The guy was eating snacks next to him. Sensing Lin Jiu's gaze, Gungun raised his head and reluctantly

He handed over the snacks in his hand.

Lin Jiu slapped his head and wanted to throw Gungun to Dashius to learn a lesson. But it seemed more uncomfortable to think that he had a little Dashius with him, so forget it. It was a bit silly, but who told this guy to be a bear?


Bubu Wang did not hesitate to show Lin Jiu his opponent's information.

[Yulu, the Holy Wing Clan, has two wings on his back, is good at flying, and flies extremely fast. His weapon is feathers + some kind of energy. That energy is similar in nature to telekinesis. It is suspected to be obtained by purifying life force. There is no change in telekinesis.

, but it can improve the penetrability and sharpness of feathers. After being eroded by that kind of life energy, the speed will be obviously slowed down and the bleeding will not stop, which will have a suppressive effect on the regeneration ability or energy recovery...]

In the fighting arena, the yellow sand is stained with blood, and the audience is noisy. The fighting has lasted for more than 20 hours. Of course, these spectators will not watch the whole process. As the sun rises, the audience returns to the arena one after another, and the second round

The game is about to begin.

"Dear viewers, I wonder how well everyone rested last night. Huck was so excited that he couldn't sleep. Last night's competition between Spellbreaker, Wind Prince, Zerg Banco and others must have left a deep impression on everyone. They have already been eliminated in the first round.

If you drop the weak one, the second round will be exciting beyond imagination..." Devil's commentator Huck began to arouse the atmosphere of the audience.

Although the opponent changed, the order of appearance did not change. Su Xiao was drawn as soon as the battle started. Su Xiao's battle was not difficult, and the battle ended quickly. However, he failed to kill the opponent, not because the opponent was resistant to beating, but because the opponent could not be beaten.

It’s enough to admit defeat quickly.

The players who come to compete in the Void Arena are all people who are not afraid of death, but not being afraid of death and meaningless death are two different things. After the fight, knowing that there is no hope of winning, it is not worth losing one's life.

Su Xiao didn't care that he failed to kill the opponent. This was not in the mission world, and there was no gain in killing the opponent. After quickly ending the battle, he said hello to Lin Jiu and continued to learn alchemy with Lilim.

Lin Jiu paid special attention and noticed that at the moment Su Xiao left, Sephilia from Arcane Eternal Star also stood up and left the arena. Lin Jiu just watched, he did not have the strength to intervene yet, so he could only silently give it in his heart

Lidya Su gave her blessings.

"Invite contestants No. 88 and No. 17 to enter. This contestant No. 88 must be familiar and familiar to everyone. This is a good friend of the exterminator, and they are from the same place." Hacker's main purpose is to mobilize the atmosphere of the audience.

, this is not said to offend anyone.

Lin Jiu entered the arena. A blond man had already entered the competition venue and greeted the audience with his arms folded.

"Yulu, come on, the God of Holy Wings is protecting you."

In the auditorium, more than 80% of the female audience cheered for Yulu. Compared with these enthusiastic women, Lin Jiu was unexpected, but reasonable, that the demons also came to cheer for him.


It seems that it was the host Huck who introduced him. Su Xiao did not come on stage, so the demon audience turned their cheers to Lin Jiu.

"The strength of Yulu from the Holy Wing Clan is obvious to all the viewers. Everyone, please look forward to this fight. The game... begins!" Host Huck loudly announced the start of the game.

Bubowang was able to collect images and some information of the contestants' battles before the game. As a seed player of a race, Yulu naturally had to influence intelligence. He knew that Lin Jiu was a close combatant and kept a certain distance from Lin Jiu.

Seeing that Lin hadn't moved for a long time, Yu Lu spread out a pair of white wings, rose up from the ground, and flew into the air. There were restrictions on the sky above this venue, and he could only fly up to 500 meters.

Lin Jiu remembered that in the original plot, Su Xiao fought against Yu Lu and used the alchemical raven he made from the tree sage to leave a tracking mark on Yu Lu. Then he directly killed Yu Lu with the Spider Queen sniper rifle.

It's not that Lin Jiu doesn't have things similar to alchemical ravens, but the number is much smaller. Lin Jiu himself can fly, but he has no intention of competing with his opponents in aerial combat.

Who is Yu Lu across from him? He is a birdman who has had wings since he was a child. Lin Jiu will not lose his mind and touch him in the field where the opponent is best.


Yu Lu, who was flying in the air, waved his wings, and large white feathers shot towards Lin Jiu. The feathers were wrapped in a layer of colorless energy, which made each feather stretch straight, like a sharp thorn.

Lin Jiu also raised his hand and waved, and the surrounding temperature instantly increased a few points. A ball of flames dispersed, like a rain of fire catching Yu Lu's flying feathers.

Although Yulu was very confident about his feathers, he was not an arrogant person. When he saw a flame turning golden, he could feel the heat even from such a distance, so it was probably not good.

Sure enough, when his feathers hit those golden flames, they did not pass through them directly as he imagined. Instead, they were quickly introduced and became the fuel of the flames.

After the golden flames burned the feathers, they did not disappear. They gathered together and turned into a golden firebird and continued to fly towards Yu Lu. Yu Lu fluttered his wings and flew away quickly. Lin Jiu stood there, controlling the golden fire.

The bird chases Yulu.

Yu Lu tried to fight off the golden firebird, but all ended in failure. As an outstanding young man of the Holy Wing Tribe, he was familiar with the caster's spells. Using elements to attack the firebird had some effect.

The flames will become weaker, but will soon become stronger. With the fire element mixed in, the power of the flames will naturally be stronger. However, Yulu's attack of the fire element will have little effect on the Sun Firebird. Unless this guy can disperse this All the power of the sun in the area can cause the Sun Firebird to dissipate.

Of course, there is another way, and that is to attack the controller of the Sun Firebird. Yu Lu is thinking about this plan now. The battle on the field is now a bit funny, Yu Lu is like a poultry, and Lin Jiu controls the Firebird to fly around.

The Holy Wings people in the audience didn't know how to cheer him up, and the devil host Huck, who was always eloquent, didn't know what to say to break the awkward atmosphere.

In the end, it was the audience from the demon tribe that broke the atmosphere. Even the old man from the demon tribe couldn't stand it anymore and shouted to Yu Lu: "You coward, just do it!"

"Yes, don't be a coward!"

"Hulu Yulu, you are the best!"

"Go, go, go!"

As if a word awakened a person from a dream, as soon as the words came out, the audience was filled with shouts inciting Yu Lu to rush directly to Lin Jiu. Listening to these shouts, Lin Jiu couldn't help but laugh, making him look like a big devil. .He just doesn’t want to kill this birdman, it’s not a way to test himself.

This chapter has been completed!
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