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Chapter 712 Energy Techniques

 [Upgrading Lingsha Yuyi Lv.20 (active) requires 100,000 paradise coins. Do you want to upgrade it? 】

One hundred thousand paradise coins are not expensive for a skill of Lingsha Yuyi's level. The more expensive it is, the stronger it is. If the skill upgrade was not so expensive, Lin Jiu would not bother to learn it.

After leveling up five levels in a row, Lin Jiu did not spend all the Paradise Coins, and had 210,000 Paradise Coins left on hand as a backup. Upgrading Lingsha Yuyi to level 25 has almost caught up with the strength of his main skills.

"I really can't help but spend these paradise coins." Lin Jiu shook his head and said sincerely. He conducted two transactions, first selling the skill scrolls he had obtained for more than 1.5 million.

Later, he sold Mangekyō Sharingan for 1.49 million, which amounted to more than 3 million paradise coins, but it was gone in the blink of an eye. Not even the paradise coins to strengthen his equipment were left.

However, investing such a large sum of money on oneself will undoubtedly improve the strength significantly. The dual skill master reaches Lv. 40, and the shortcomings of defensive abilities are also compensated.

After Lin Jiu left the skill upgrade hall, he headed towards the arena. Of course, he had not made an appointment with Su Xiao yet. He still needed some sharpening stones in the arena to familiarize himself with his current strength before making an appointment with a comparable opponent.

He believed that Su Xiao's first goal after coming out of the equipment enhancement hall was probably the arena, and both of them had similar choices in this regard.

【You have entered the arena, please select a mode.】

【Competitive mode/spectating mode.】

The same large number of prompts still appeared. Lin didn't pay attention to these prompts for a long time. He sat on the sofa in the lounge and quickly selected the mode. He selected three unlimited modes in a row. Although he might match all kinds of monsters and snakes, The advantage is that the matching speed is fast.

[Competitor: Lin Jiu.]

【Condition: Good.】

[Ranking: 9999 (Level 3).]

[Number of winning streaks: 59.]

[Top ten rewards: Not obtained.]

【Matching opponents for Hunters.】


[Matching completed, opponent ranking: 8777.]

Generally speaking, opponents with a ranking of more than 9,000 are matched with more than 9,000 opponents who are similar to himself. However, with the blessing of winning streak, Lin Jiu directly matched with opponents with a ranking of more than 1,000. However, this is not The influence is all about abuse anyway, and it will also help him improve his ranking.

The sense of teleportation appeared, and light and shadow flashed in front of Lin Jiu's eyes. When he came to his senses, he was already standing on a dark metal arena. The diameter of the arena was about 300 meters, surrounded by a light blue energy shield, and there was faint energy on the ground. See the bloodstains. This is the most common fighting venue.

Surrounding the arena is a ring of auditoriums. The opponent's ranking is not low. There are at least 2,000 people in the audience this time, and more than 80% of them are employees. Even if there are eight or nine thousand people fighting between third-level contractors, , and many people watched it.

The atmosphere in the audience is very lively. The strict rules of the arena mean that a large number of contractors or employees must participate in the gambling battle. This is something allowed by the Samsara Paradise. Of course, players cannot buy their own victory or defeat. This is absolutely unacceptable.

Rules broken.

[Tip: The hunter has been promoted to the third level of competitive ranking within 10,000.]

[Arena Gambling (Participant) has been activated.]

[If the hunter wins the competition, he will receive 0.5% of the total amount of the gambling paradise coins.]

[Total amount of gambling: 84345 points...85681 points...87250 points...88322 points...]

Lin Jiu estimated that the final amount was about 100,000, and he could get 500 paradise coins. One game is nothing, but if you win hundreds of games in a row, you will earn tens of thousands of paradise coins in vain. And the ranking

The higher it is, the greater the estimated amount of participation will be.

Lin Jiu entered the battle arena and changed his face again, using the face of Ye Kong, which was a strange existence to all the contractors.

Lin Jiu's opponent was holding a big sword, his body was wrapped in flaming red armor, and he had a horn on his head. It seemed like a change brought about by his bloodline.

Momentum was not worth mentioning to Lin Jiu. Lin Jiu did not take the initiative, fearing that it would end too quickly and not be able to experience the effect of the new skills.

"Damn, this shield is the same skill as the one just now." The one-horned contractor's attack was blocked by a fire shield, and he couldn't even get close to Lin Jiu.

In order to compare the effects before and after using the Lingsha Feather Clothes, Lin Jiu first condensed the sun's fireworks into a fire shield, which was directly cut open by the one-horned contractor's sword. After using the Lingsha Feather Clothes, the fire shield was completely different.

Facing the blazing golden fire shield, the one-horned contractor couldn't break through the attack. Even a detour wouldn't work, and the speed couldn't keep up with the formation speed of Lin Jiu's fire shield.

If the opponent does not attack his own fire shield, the mana of Lingsha Yuyi invested in the fire shield can be fully recovered. The loss is not large, and the one-horned contractor chooses to admit defeat after being tortured by the fire shield. He goes all out, even the opponent's shield

If it is not broken, there is no need to fight. The opponent is not a contractor who specializes in defense.

Life goes on and the fight goes on.

To put it simply, Lin Jiu got the upper hand. With his current ranking, he can easily match his opponents. The feeling of constantly improving his ranking and still killing people in the past must be felt by everyone who has played the game.

Su Xiao also did not contact Lin Jiuyue Arena, which shows that he is also rushing to rank. When he is at the top and it is difficult to match his opponents, it is more suitable for the two sides to discuss.

After spending one day in the arena, Lin Jiu had fully grasped his improved strength.

[Competitor: Lin Jiu.]

[Status: Fatigue.]

[Ranking: 1630 (Level 3).]

[Number of winning streaks: 118.]

[Top ten rewards: Not obtained.]

Continuous battles have made Lin Jiu more familiar with the use of his abilities. He also understands the essence of Lingsha Yuyi's ability. The essence is "techniques", which are energy "techniques".

The Lingsha Yuyi is integrated into the defensive skills, and the improvement in the strength of the defensive ability is secondary. It is not as good as Su Xiao's Qinggang Shadow Energy Shield. The real function is to absorb and cooperate with the defensive shield of the Lingsha Yuyi.

, can absorb the enemy's attack and then remove it.

Incidentally, the reason for increasing the defense strength is that because the strength is not enough, the defense shield will easily collapse after being absorbed.

As Lin Jiu's understanding of Lingsha Yuyi deepens, it is no longer limited to its use in defense. As mentioned before, the essence is the use of energy. Lin Jiu cannot perfectly copy it to other energies. He can still imitate it.


Using this technique, the spiritual energy attached to the blade of the sword can achieve the effect of unloading force when it collides head-on with the enemy. This allows Lin Jiu to collide head-on with an opponent whose strength attribute is higher than his own.

Of course, the greater effect is still used on the golden flame spear, which is completely composed of energy. In previous battles, there were many cases where the golden flame spear was scattered by the enemy. Lin Jiu relied on controlling the power of the sun to quickly regain control of the spear.

The spear is condensed and does not affect the battle much.

Now you can incorporate the special skills of Lingsha Yuyi into the construction of the Golden Flame Spear, making the energy weapon more durable.

There are so many uses, and the skill information still shows defensive abilities, which Lin Jiu can understand. Compared with Lin Jiu's application of this technique to spiritual energy or solar fireworks, it does not provide an increase in attack power, which is quite good.


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