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Chapter 751 Then let me go

 "What secrets does one of the oldest relics in the underworld, the Luhua Ancient Building, hide?" Cao Yanbing opened the door of the Luhua Ancient Building, and everyone walked in. Looking around, the Luhua Ancient Building was very empty.

, there is only a stone statue at the end.

"The imperial guards were discussing something in this place, and then I broke into it." Gila entered this open place and said.

"Here..." Xia Ling looked around, a little disappointed, "It's not the same as I imagined."

"It's empty." Yan Fengzha also looked around, but couldn't find his sister. "There's nothing."

"If you want to enter the real Luhua Ancient Building, you have to pass through this city protector. In the underworld, stone statues that have been exerted spiritual power are often used as a starting device for an entrance to prevent low-level undead from disturbing them. Only the level of the caster can

Only when a considerable amount of spiritual artifacts are placed on it can a linkage effect be produced. It is best to use ancient artifacts." Lin Jiu patted the stone statue and explained.

"Spiritual weapon..." Xia Ling raised a bell beside her and thought about it, as if she wanted to try it with two bells.

"It won't accept two balls." Yan Fengzha said quietly when he saw this.

Ignoring the quarrel between Xia Ling and Yan Fengzha, Cao Yanbing slowly walked towards the stone statue, "I have encountered this situation once. If we talk about ancient spiritual weapons..."

Cao Yanbing placed Tenth Palace Yama on the hands of the stone statue, "Tenth Palace Yama, is this enough weight?"

As soon as the Ten Halls of Yama were placed on top, the stone statue seemed to be overwhelmed and sank, and the entire ancient Luhua Building shook.

Yan Fengzha looked around to find the cause of the vibration, and suddenly saw something falling from above. He was shocked and quickly warned, "Be careful up there!"

Everyone ran away, and four huge stone doors fell down, hitting everyone in front of them.

Yan Fengzha looked at the four stone gates and guessed: "The four gates falling from the sky must be the real entrance to the ancient building."

Xia Ling asked: "But which one should we enter?"

"The code word Fenghuaxueyue represents the four guardians of the Luhua Ancient Building. Presumably these four gates also correspond to these four guys." Lin Jiu said.

"How are we divided among the six of us?" Xia Ling glanced at the people on the field and asked.

"This is not simple. Two of the gates can be entered by two people." Lin Jiu said and looked at Cao Yanbing. There is no restriction on this gate and can only be entered by one person. In the original work, the Beiluo Division brought Gila into the wind.

The king’s territory means that it’s not that multiple people cannot pass through, but that they need to pass through at the same time.

"Then how do we choose?"

"Just follow your intuition." Cao Yanbing said and walked towards the door on the far left. The moment he entered, Lin Jiu followed decisively. As soon as the two entered the door, it collapsed instantly and turned into stone.


"Then I'll take this door." Yan Fengzha randomly chose a door in the middle and entered.

"There are two gates left, so I'll team up with you. You choose one gate." Fomalhaut said to Xia Ling. In comparison, Xia Ling was the weakest here.

"Then let's take this one." Xia Ling chose a door and walked in.

"Go to the last one by yourself." Fomalhaut said to Gila. Just as he was about to follow Xia Ling, the door collapsed. This was embarrassing.

"It seems that we have to enter this door at the same time. Haha~" Gila laughed twice after finishing speaking. But the two of them still entered the fourth door together.

Lin Jiu didn't know what happened after he entered the gate. According to his analysis, Kao's original intention has not changed, and he will help no matter which one of them he encounters. And the Wind King occupies the body of Sister Yan Fengzha. If he takes it

Destroyed, they will probably turn against each other internally.

The Moon King is in the Moon Palace and is the final boss, so don’t worry. The Snow King that Cao Yanbing dealt with was the only one killed in his own territory. And Cao Yanbing didn’t know about the Penglai illusion inside the Four Saint Kings.

The existence of the key and the lock soul also allowed the Tiangang Dragon Chess Army in the dark to take advantage in vain.

This is something Lin Jiu can't bear. He actually dares to peek into his treasure house in secret and reap the benefits. This is intolerable. He must keep Snow King's soul in his hands to prevent his treasure house from being stolen by Long Qi.

military invasion.

Snow Country.

The wind is freezing and the snow is white.

There was a figure lying vaguely in the white snow. It was Cao Yanbing who fainted for some reason after entering the stone gate. There were two people standing next to him, it was Lin Jiu. A ball of golden flame in his hand.

, maintaining the temperature.

Cao Yanbing opened his eyes, stood up slowly, touched his head, and looked at the snow on the ground: "Snow? So this is the Snow King's territory? Why did you follow me here?"

"I got it by feeling it." Lin Jiu responded using Cao Yanbing's excuse of choosing the entrance.

"Then how do we go now?" Cao Yanbing didn't feel bad. He had a companion, and at least there was someone he could discuss with.

"Let's just go. I've never been here before." Lin Jiu spread his hands and said. Looking around, except for the white snow, there were only dead trees and no trace of human beings. The two of them randomly picked a direction and walked forward.

"There seems to be someone in front..." After walking a few steps, Cao Yanbing vaguely saw a figure in the wind and snow ahead. He slowly walked forward and took a look, and it seemed to be the back of a girl.

Snow King, who was paying close attention to this place, frowned and thought to himself: "Who is that guy? Why can't he read his memory? Anyway, no matter who he is, he must die!"

"Just hold on, you'll be safe soon." The girl seemed to be dragging something, whispering encouragement while dragging, "Don't fall asleep, you'll freeze to death."

After finally seeing a figure, Cao Yanbing naturally wouldn't miss it: "Uh... what's going on?"

The girl turned around when she heard the sound, and saw Cao Yanbing and Lin Jiuhou with surprised faces, "Huh... there's someone, uh... great, big brother, can you help me lift my friend? He's dying."

Seeing that Cao Yanbing did not respond, the girl continued to drag her friend forward, and gradually passed Cao Yanbing, "Yanbing, hold on."

"It seems you know this girl. She should be somewhat similar to the previous misty phantom." Lin Jiu approached the girl, reached out and pinched her, and said to Cao Yanbing: "It's not an illusion."

"No... don't hurt us." The little girl shrank back. This little girl was modeled after the Xiaorou in Cao Yanbing's memory, and naturally had a sense of weakness that made people want to protect her.

"Don't be afraid, we are not bad people." Lin Jiu smiled slightly. With his charm of more than thirty years, it was more than enough to appease the little girl. The little girl sneaked a little closer to Cao Yanbing's position.

After killing the chasing wolves, the group found a cave to escape the wind and snow. Cao Yanbing also treated the boy with the same name as him.

Not surprisingly, these two children were created by special means due to the flaw in his heart. But now that Lin Jiu, an outsider, was present and the other party analyzed the general situation, Cao Yanbing had no sense of immersion in facing his inner demons.

No, instead I felt embarrassed and wanted to dig at the ground.

Lin Jiu: Shall I go?

"You're awake." Xiaorou, who had been paying attention to her friends, immediately noticed Yan Bing's awakening.

"Xiaorou, are we...?" Yan Bing had just woken up and was still confused about the situation.

"We are in a cave, thanks to these two big brothers for saving you." Xiaorou smiled and pointed to the other two people sitting in the cave.

"Big brother?" Yan Bing glanced at Cao Yanbing, "I don't feel like a good person."

He glanced at Lin Jiu again and muttered in his mind: "It feels a bit scary."

After muttering silently, Yan Bing still said gratefully: "Um...thank you for saving me. We don't know your name yet."

"Call me..." Cao Yanbing paused, "Brother Huo, just call me Brother Huo."


"Brother Chi, Brother Huo, my name is Yan Bing, and I am a guard in Baidi Village." Yan Bing introduced himself and pointed at Xiaorou: "Her name is Xiaorou, she is the daughter of the village chief, and she is also my daughter."

Playmates since childhood."

Cao Yanbing asked, "If you don't stay in the village well, what are you doing out here?"

"..." Yan Bing was silent for a while, feeling a little sad, "The village is gone. I don't know where a monster with nine heads came from. It and its subordinates attacked the village and soon drove it to a halt.

It was ruined. I tried my best to bring Xiaorou out.

I heard that the king of the Snow Country has great power and may be able to help us repel that monster. Now I can only take Xiaorou to the Snow Country, but there will be harassment from wolves along the way."

This chapter has been completed!
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