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Chapter 827 Memory Fragments

"Consultant Chi, it's really hard for us to catch up with the efficiency of killing spooks." Sun Lan happened to meet Lin Jiu who had returned, and couldn't help but sigh. When their five-person team dealt with a female spook, they were almost wiped out.

The gap between them is huge.

Lin Jiu just smiled at this and said nothing. The entire Great Qin Empire was so huge, and there were many masters. It's just that Wancheng, the foggy capital, was a small place, and there were no strong people in charge.

The first-time evil-level monsters have one attribute that reaches over 80 points, and the slightly more powerful evil-level monsters have one or two attributes that exceed 90 points. In other words, none of the evil-level monsters Lin Jiu encountered were good at it.

For combat type, it is not difficult to solve it if you have restraint methods.

If you encounter those monsters born for killing, it will not be so easy. Among them are the monsters with their own domain, such as the domain monster, and the strongest monster type that Lin has not seen in a long time, the disaster monster.

Above the evil level, there are also disaster-level monsters and the legendary Tongyou level. According to the missions issued by the park, they will not be left alive, so the disaster-level monsters can only be touched by third-level contractors.

To the top.

The legendary Tongyou level is not something Lin Jiu can compete with, which means that the upper limit of this world is more than the third level. For thousands of years, the Qin Empire has been either fighting monsters or suppressing strange things internally. On the surface, it can still

Maintaining basic stability, one can imagine the strength of Da Qin.

In the native world contact platform, you can also see some contractors who "enthusiastically" invite other contractors to cooperate with them in their cities. There is no doubt that the designated ones are very lucky and randomly arrived at the key cities of the Great Qin Empire. There are super-level

The strong man is in charge.

In this case, the paradise did not send them to this native world to die. At least the Great Qin Empire still maintained an "ordinary" appearance on the surface. These contractors all have disguised identities in the reincarnation paradise, even if they are random to the point

There is no need to stick to that city. You can take transportation to go to smaller cities.

For example, Wancheng where Lin Jiu is located, the surrounding Nanjun, and Shencheng are the home ground of their third-level contractors. Those contractors who "enthusiastically" invite others know without asking that they triggered the main mission there because of greed.

It's too late to leave.

As the saying goes, wealth is gained through risk. If those contractors who trigger the mission in the big city can survive, the benefits they will get are needless to say. But the survival rate does not need to be thought about to be pitifully low.

A little comparison shows that Lin Jiu can easily deal with monsters with all kinds of abilities because of his overall strength to suppress these monsters.

Imagine if Lin Jiu could easily escape the "dream-inducing" effect when encountering a disaster-level Cunning Bride. Would his ability to perceive be suppressed to nothing by the Cunning Realm? These are all very possible situations.

Lin Jiu first contacted Shen Ye and reported how the imitator had grown to a vicious level and was eliminated by him. With the notarization of Samsara Paradise, the certification process at the processing bureau would be much faster. It won't take long.

, the contribution value can be distributed.

Then, Lin Jiu took out Mikui's treasure box and opened it.

[You have opened the treasure chest·Light Gold.]

[You obtain "Memory Fragments of Mimicry". ]

【You get 10,000 paradise coins.】

【You gain the "face of imitation".】

imitation aspect

Origin: Mist Lord World

Quality: dark purple

Type:Special equipment


Effect: After killing a target, it can be recorded in the mask and transformed into the target's appearance. At the same time, some of the target's habits during life can be learned (upper limit: 10/10).


Introduction: What will it look like this time?

This mask equipment is of little use to Lin Jiu. Dashius can easily make a similar mask. It also comes with other effects, and it is another thing that is ready to be sold. There are not many ways to disguise oneself in Samsara Paradise.

It is destined that the value of this thing will not be too high.

What Lin Jiu was more concerned about was the "memory fragment" that was opened from the treasure box to imitate the trick. The shape of this thing was a ball of gray gas with some bright light mixed in it.

[Imitation of the memory fragments]

Origin: Mist Lord World

Type: clue props

Effect: Read part of the memory of the person killed by the imitation trick.

Note: Side effects have been eliminated.

Lin Jiu chose to use this memory fragment after seeing that the paradise had certified that it had no side effects.

Memory fragments flashed by. These were the memories of the person who was killed by the imitation trick. It was of no use to keep looking at them.

A young man's conversation with the farm owner caught Lin Jiu's attention. This farm owner was the one who died at the hands of the imitator.

"Caught the tail..." Lin Jiu smiled. He already had a general direction in his mind. There was no need to run around for the main task. He could focus on other tasks first.

The memory fragments did not end here, they continued to flash by, and they were of little value. Until the end, there was only a trace of the memory of the imitation trick itself.

Lin Jiu was also very concerned about the fact that the Mimicry was actually separated from another monster. It came from a painting-skinned kuly that was not in Wancheng. As for how the Mimicry appeared in Wancheng, there seemed to be an inside story, but there was no relevant information in his memory.


Judging from the growth curve of the Imitation Cree, the strength of this Painted Cree should be pretty good. It will start at the top level of Evil Level and may reach Catastrophe Level.

This made Lin Jiu quite moved. A disaster-level monster that was not proficient in combat was a perfect target for the Strange Hunter mission.

Unfortunately, there is no record of Hua Pi Gui's whereabouts in his memory, and Lin Jiu cannot determine Hua Pi Gui's location.

"Is there some kind of evil organization secretly looking for trouble and making trouble?" Lin Jiu called Shen Ye and asked.

Whether it is from the death sacrifice ghosts or the imitation ghosts, we can see traces of someone or the organization secretly cultivating monsters. Regarding these matters, you can get more useful information by asking Shen Ye, a member of the official organization.

"If you put it this way, there is indeed an organization that calls itself the Jishihui. These guys were very active in the first two years and made trouble everywhere. Later, they became much more honest after being rectified by the organization." Shen Ye said when he joined the processing bureau. It’s not long, I just read the records in the archives and don’t know much about the details.

"Ji Shihui... the name is quite impressive." Lin Jiu was not surprised. Some evil organizations that are against humanity always have such noble names. He knew that a typical one is the Pokémon World. The plasma group in the Unova region is trying to rule the world under the guise of liberating Pokémon.

The boss of the Plasma Group organization has a bad mind. He plans to control the Pokémon after everyone else releases them, and no one can resist him. The situation is completely unopened, and he still rules the world. Ask Have you ever asked Team Rocket? Have you asked Team Galaxy?

Closer to home, Lin Jiu suspected that the existence of Hua Pi Gui was related to this illegal organization, and at least there was a clue to follow. He did not believe that this kind of organization would be disbanded honestly. If the people of this kind of organization could use the power of Hua Pi Gui, It can indeed be hidden in various places so that no one can find it.

Hiding in the dark and cultivating Hua Pi Gui, he is using the power of Hua Pi Gui to gradually infiltrate his people into various organizations to achieve his own goals. The probability of this guess is greatly increased by linking the cause and effect.

This chapter has been completed!
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