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Chapter 870 Guardian

 What caused the first elemental cataclysm? After that elemental cataclysm, why did the guardians of the elements disappear? What events are hidden in this can really arouse some people's desire to explore.

But now in a situation of total war, there is no extra power to support exploring these secrets. This also makes the rulers very frustrated.

After Qing was summoned to Samsara Paradise, he still wanted to take a rest. Samsara Paradise gave him instructions not long after, and they didn't even provide a summoner. Qing refused in his heart.

But Samsara Paradise gave too much. After entering this world, Qing received the inheritance mission of the guardian of the wood element. As a human, he therefore joined the Cangyue Alliance composed of natural creatures. The so-called natural creatures are

In addition to humans and orcs, there are other intelligent creatures, elves such as flowers, plants and trees.

Qing accepted the inheritance mission of the guardian of the wood element and entered the Yimi continent. His affinity with the wood element was enough for him, a human, to have a smooth life in the Cangyue Alliance.

And after he understood the situation in this world, Qing also understood why Samsara Paradise did not assign him a summoner. During these war-torn times, it was all about legion wars, and there was no lack of use for his abilities.

Moreover, he did not enter Yimi Continent through the same mechanism as the contractor, without too many restrictions. Qing's position in the paradise is "pioneer", which sounds a bit tough, but in fact, to put it bluntly, he is a scout.

It's just that this "scout" is the scout of Samsara Paradise. Every time there is a world battle in Samsara Paradise, certain information will be released to the contractors and hunters participating in the world battle, and the rest will be left to them to explore on their own.

The world that exists in the void is like the stars in the sky, so how can Samsara Paradise collect information one by one on its own. At this time, it is necessary to send "forerunners" like Qing to provide Samsara Paradise with sufficient information about this world.

Samsara Paradise will choose a world, start a battle for the world, cultivate contractors, and take this world under its banner. Qing has no main missions in this world, all he needs to do is to be active enough in this world. When he returns alive

After reincarnation paradise, the information factors he carries will be able to provide enough intelligence.

And Qing is not without opponents. The enemies he has to face are spies from other paradises. Other paradises can also initiate battles for the world, which means that this world is discovered by two or more paradise forces.

The more hidden events in the world the Forerunners come into contact with, the more information Paradise will receive.

After knowing this, the first thing Qing asked about Samsara Paradise was that since he was asked to come in to inquire about information, how could he receive the inheritance mission? Wouldn't it mean that Samsara Paradise could allow him to receive the inheritance mission of the Wood Element Guardian?

The paradise itself has the information about this world, doesn't it?

The Samsara Paradise also gave Qing feedback. This inheritance information was not provided by the Paradise, but came from Qing himself. After being reminded by the Paradise, Qing also thought that the source of his [Green] skill did not seem to be a product of the Mist Lord's world.

Obviously, like the sun bird mark of the original body, they come from other worlds. So now it is clear that it is closely connected with the guardian of the wood element of Yimi continent.

When Qing enters Yimi Continent, joins the Cang Yue Alliance, leads the team to victory after victory, and improves his status, he can also check the literature records about the guardians of the elements and the first elemental cataclysm.

It was related to his own interests, and Qing was keenly aware of the problem. In the legend, the great god created five elemental guardians, but in the first elemental cataclysm, only four elemental guardians appeared.

After the last elemental cataclysm, there were only four elemental crystals in the remaining secret realm of the elemental land. What was missing among them was precisely the guardian of the wood element.

This made Qing ponder whether the outbreak of the first elemental cataclysm might be related to the disappearance of the guardian of the wood element.

This is very possible. The elemental guardians were created to maintain the elemental balance in Yimi Continent. When the elemental imbalance caused the elemental disaster, all four guardians took action, but the wood elemental guardian did not move.

"That great god is very knowledgeable." It is not difficult for Qing to see that the great god who created the guardian should have an understanding of the void and have heard about the deeds of the Shadow of Destruction.

Maintaining the balance of the elements is the duty of the extinguisher. In order to achieve this goal, the extinguisher is often simple and crude, and will not force anything when he can.

In comparison, this unknown great god is of a softer type, and does not shape the elemental guardian according to the acting style of a law destroyer. This is a pity for Qing.

Furthermore, Qing also consulted Samsara Paradise about what this so-called elemental guardian inheritance inherits. The answer is, inheritance power.

In this way, Qing is interested in this task. If it is an inherited profession, Qing is definitely not interested. What kind of wood element guardian is this? If it is a profession, the upper limit is the same in Qing's eyes. While the inheritance of power does not affect career development, it can also improve

A piece of strength.

"What the hell are those things..." Qing felt the pain in his body and bared his teeth as he cursed. The demonic creatures that were enemies of Yimi Continent were powerful, and their leaders also had high IQs.

This is not the first time that he has been dragged back from the battlefield after being seriously injured. In the legion war of the Cangyue Alliance, if a teammate is found alive on the battlefield, he will be dragged back directly. With the healing ability of natural creatures, as long as he does not die on the spot,

, you can pull it back.

After seeing that his mana had recovered a lot, Qing summoned the spirit of flowers and the spirit of grass to restore his blood and mana.

The most serious injury he suffered was during a joint confrontation with the Og tribe's army. He was almost penetrated through the heart and was unable to recover.

It was also during this battle that Qing saw the different and extremely powerful abilities of high-level demonic creatures. In addition, he had a Cang Yue Alliance Army Commander who was as powerful as himself, and two Ogg tribe "

"Blade", four people surrounded and killed the leader of the demonic creature army.

The four of them joined forces and blasted each other into pieces. The other party was still resurrected, still in full condition. He was the one who was attacked at the moment of resurrection. If he hadn't heard the death prompt from Samsara Paradise and still remained vigilant,

On the main body's side, there will be a remnant soul of a clone.

What's even more outrageous is that with this guy as the center, all the dead demonic creatures in a radius of hundreds of meters were resurrected collectively. He was seriously injured, and the other three killed them again before it was completely over.

Except for Qing, everyone else didn't take it seriously and only thought it was some kind of resurrection ability. It was correct to think so, but only Qing, who had been exposed to the same power, understood that the resurrection ability of this demon leader was essentially the power of time.

It's time travel. What makes Qing even more outrageous is that this is a time travel on a large scale.

It only needs to be used once, and it is powerful enough. However, there is a high probability that it will not be able to affect powerful individuals, otherwise it will not only serve as the leader of an army of demonic creatures.

This chapter has been completed!
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