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Chapter 96 Waum

 "You hold the battle, then leave it to me!" Lin Jiu held Xiying and walked forward gently. The probability of killing the target and dropping the treasure chest with the help of people in the derivative world will be greatly weakened. If he does it himself

Not enough, even if the treasure chest drops, it will be too watery!

"Be careful!" Caesar increased his vigilance and paid attention to his surroundings to prevent emergencies.

Lin Jiu, who was advancing lightly, suddenly stepped hard, and his body suddenly rushed in one direction. The shadow in his hand did not have spiritual energy. Because this was outside the castle, as long as it could prevent Wamuu from running back into the castle, there was no need to kill him.

The soul can also be killed.

"Huh?" Xi Sa didn't know what Lin Jiu had discovered, but he also knew that the enemy had appeared.

A strong whirlwind deflected a little, Lin Jiu swung his sword, Wamwu quickly dodged, and Xiying passed by him.

Wamwu had no intention of fighting Lin Jiu. He was a warlike person, but he was not a fool. He just used the airflow to hide himself in the sun, but he was not afraid of the sun.

Fighting at this time is no different than seeking death. For him, only after returning to the castle can he have a serious battle with his opponent, and only then can he fight happily!

But for Lin Jiu, it doesn't matter whether it's painful or not, as long as he can kill the target. He takes one step ahead of Wamu Wu, blocks him in front of the castle gate, senses Wamu Wu's position and stabs him with his sword!

Wamwu was forced to retreat. If the opponent disturbed the airflow around him, he would be exposed to the sun.

Under careful observation, Xi Sa also saw the target of Lin Jiu's attack under the sun. It was a nearly transparent figure. Obviously, Kaz was not the only one in this castle.

Wamwu is two meters away from the gate, but it is impossible to bypass Lin Jiu in front and enter the castle.


The stones fell and Lin Jiu heard the movement and immediately left the area near the gate and returned to the snow.

The moment he left the place, a pit appeared where he originally stood. That was Wamuu's attack. An attack launched from within the castle.

Wamwu was not a rigid fighter. He couldn't get in through the gate, and he couldn't drag him on anymore. He decisively punched a hole in the wall and entered the castle.

The moment he entered the castle, he immediately attacked Lin Jiu from behind the door, but unfortunately he was dodged by the opponent.

"You were able to discover my traces so quickly. I am even more eager to fight with you!" Wamwu's figure was leaning against the door, still wrapped in air currents.

"That's it! The trachea protruding from Wamu's body wraps the air he breathes in his lungs around his body. The air contains moisture, forming a water vapor vortex! This water vapor refracts the sun's rays like a coat!"

Seeing the air currents wrapped around Wamu's body, Xi Sa understood the reason why he could move in the sun for a short period of time.

And this was also the reason why Lin Jiu discovered Wamwu's location immediately.

Wamuwu controls the flow of "wind", and the essence of wind is the movement of airflow. Before awakening the soul sense, Lin Jiu's main perception ability was to rely on his keen sense of the changes in the surrounding airflow! Now with the soul sense,

It doesn't mean that he directly lost this ability!

Seeing Wamwu appear, Lin Jiu immediately used [Dark Scout] to detect the opponent's data.

[You use Night Sight to obtain 85% of the opponent's data information through attribute judgment]

Undead: Wamuu







Skill 1: Undead Max (passive). Strong vitality, recovery speed increased by 500%. Immune to most physical attacks with lower power than yourself!

Skill 2: Muscle Control Max (Passive). About 80% of the body's muscles can be controlled freely, and postures that ordinary people cannot achieve.

Skill 3: Combat Genius Lv.?? (Passive). Melee damage is increased by 10%, and perception ability is increased by 15%.



Skill 5: Mystery·Hunkisa (Active). Use the tube used during transparency to inhale a large amount of wind into the body, then use the lungs to super-compress it, and then spray it out from an extremely narrow gap with ultra-high pressure like a razor

The sharp airflow can be called a gale scalpel! (The side effects are huge)

In terms of data alone, Wamwu may not be as good as ACDC, which Lin Jiu has never seen before, but Lin Jiu is very greedy for the passive skills of a combat genius! It is comparable to learning a technical specialization!

swish swish...

Lin Jiu stepped quickly on the snow, leaned over and rushed towards Wamwu at the door.

"Well done!"

Wamwu stood up straight, with air currents wrapped around his fists. He found the right moment and slammed the hammer down!

Seeing the fist as big as a sandbag heading straight for his head, Lin Jiu suddenly stopped, causing Wamuwu's fist to miss. He slashed the opponent's heart with his sword.

The best option is to cut off one of the opponent's arms to weaken his combat power. But Lin Jiu knew that Wamuwu was extremely talented in combat and had a small attack target, so the probability of being dodged was high.


Wamuwu sidestepped, avoiding the critical point of his heart, and was injured by the sword's edge. This time during the fight inside the house, Lin Jiu's sword blade was filled with spiritual energy! Given the character of Wamuwu's fighter, he was also struck by this.

The pain of soul-slaying was irritating.

Lin Jiu did not launch further attacks because his ankle was slightly injured due to the emergency stop. If he launched an attack in a hurry, it would be easy for Wamwu to catch the flaw!

If you don't pay this price, you won't be able to escape Wamwu! After a little adapting to the pain in his ankle, Lin Jiu focused his eyes and entered the ultimate energy gathering state. With his current physique, the extreme energy gathering state can last for about twenty minutes!

"I admit that you are the strongest human being that I, Wamuwu, have ever seen!" Wamuwu was keenly aware of the change in Lin Jiu's aura, which became more dangerous!

The corners of Wamwu's mouth turned up, and there seemed to be flames burning in his eyes. A wind blade appeared in front of him without any warning, and the wind blade struck Lin Jiu quickly.

Lin Jiu immediately withdrew from the door, reappeared on the snow in front of the door, and dodged the incoming wind blade.

The next moment, Lin Jiu raised his foot and kicked up a large amount of snow to cover Wamwu's sight, then rushed towards the opponent and kicked Wamwu in the waist.

The air flow surged around Wamwu, and the strong wind instantly blew away the snowflakes in front of his eyes. But the wind could not stop Lin Jiu's kick, which fell hard on his waist.

The debris behind was immediately smashed into pieces by Wamwu's flying body, and fell to a stone pillar, where he stopped.

Wamwu's expression became even more excited. He was eager to fight a strong enemy, and now he met it. The moment he landed, he took a stance towards Lin Jiu.

Seeing that the opponent was about to use Shen Shalan, Lin Jiu knew that his body strength could not withstand this level of damage. He decisively took out Yanyang and shot Wamwu twice!

"What kind of weapon is this!"

Wamwu's pupils shrank sharply. He felt a deadly danger like a natural enemy in the flying bullets! He immediately stopped his hand and threw himself to one side regardless of his posture.

The bullets that exploded there destroyed a building and blew up the corner of the castle. The sunlight from outside shone through this corner into the house!

"Chi, are you okay!" Xi Sa heard the noise and was about to enter the house.

"You should ask Wamu if something is okay!"

Lin Jiu's words made Xi Sa slow down. It was obvious that their side had the upper hand now.

"This explosion actually contains the power of sunlight!" Wamwu said solemnly when he saw the injuries on his body caused by the explosion.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him! Lin Jiu has never been a martial artist. Before the dust from the explosion subsided, he approached Wamwu.

"Kamisha Lan!" Wamuwu is indeed a fighting genius. He adjusted his condition in the shortest time and shouted loudly!

But Lin Jiu didn't notice the change in the airflow at all. It was obvious that this was a strategy to attack the east and west. In the dust and fog, he heard the sound of heavy objects being dragged up, and he jumped up while moving.


With a loud noise, a thick stone pillar hit the ground, creating a large crater and scattering dust and mist.

Lin Jiu fell from mid-air and stood at the tip of the stone pillar, while Wamwu held him in his arms at the other end.

Wamwu: As a man of pillars, I can use a pillar as a weapon.

"Drink!" Wamwu held the stone pillar and wanted to take Lin Jiu and smash it aside.

Lin Jiu took advantage of the situation and kicked to the left, adding a strong force to the end of the stone pillar. Anyone who has studied junior high school physics knows the principle of leverage and inertia! The inertia brought by the force at the end will affect Wamwu's body balance and

Take control!

Taking this opportunity, Lin Jiu came close and slashed Wamwu's throat with his sword.

Wamwu increased the force of swinging the stone pillar in his hand, deflected his body, and withstood Lin Jiu's sword on his back. At the cost of bearing the sword, the stone pillar in his hand rotated in a circle and hit Lin Jiu with great force.

This chapter has been completed!
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