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Chapter 979 Oszeger

 "Are there such things as teleportation magic circles in some larger cities?" Lin Jiu got a method to quickly cross distances from Honglian. Lin Jiu actually had already expected that in this kind of world technology aspect,

Don't count on the method, it can only be a mysterious method.

In addition, the extraordinary person he has dispelled the most so far is a magician, and he has always heard about the magic guild. Then the most likely method is magic. There must be a similar magic circle in the Kingdom of Muser, but it is a pity that he set off too quickly.

However, judging from the information conveyed by Honglian, the relationship between the Dussel Kingdom and the Ice and Snow Kingdom is not so harmonious, so there is no teleportation array to the Ice and Snow Kingdom. And under normal circumstances, there are few teleportation arrays that directly lead to other countries.

Unless it is the kind of alliance that advances and retreats together, the kingdoms will set up teleportation arrays to communicate with each other.

Although these magic teleportation arrays cannot allow them to travel directly to other countries, they can use these teleportation arrays to reach directly near the country's borders, saving a lot of time on the road. Especially in a country with a vast territory like the Ice and Snow Kingdom, using teleportation arrays to travel is more efficient.

The magic teleportation array is different from the alchemy teleportation array used by the Void Demon Tribe, Tree Sage, Su Xiao and others. The alchemy teleportation array is arranged using items with time and space attributes to guide the power in them for teleportation.

The magic teleportation array requires an archmage who is proficient in space magic to inscribe the array, and is driven by magic energy. Archmages proficient in space magic are also rare in the entire Oz continent, so the number of magic teleportation arrays in each kingdom is not the same.

not much.

The Magic Guild is also the organization with the largest number of archmages who are proficient in space magic. It has also become an organizational force that all parties need to treat with courtesy through the magic circle. In order to solve the Lafayette incident, the Magic Guild suffered huge losses, which was also the gain from the magic circle.

Basically recover quickly.

Lin Jiu determined his current location in a town and compared the situation on the map. The nearest city was probably more than 200 kilometers away from the current location, and he didn't know if this city had facilities like a teleportation array. But

This is also the closest city, and Lin Jiu has no other choice but to go to this city to have a look.

This city is called Oszeg. As Honglian's information said, although the relationship between the Ice and Snow Kingdom and the Kingdom of Dussel will not break out into war, it is not harmonious either. The purpose of this city was originally built to prevent Dussel.

Kingdom. Therefore, there is still a lot of military strength in this city.

The distance of more than 200 kilometers only takes more than two hours even by driving. Lin Jiu would have been faster if he flew directly there.

Not long after, a light blue wall appeared in front of Lin Jiu's eyes. From a high place, you could see the city wall extending endlessly. It was not so much a city as it was a prototype of a war fortress.

It's just that the stable situation has allowed this place, which was built according to the standards of a war fortress, to evolve into a city.

After some distance, Lin Jiu fell to the ground. Compared to the previous place, which was only slightly frosty, one could already see a thin layer of white snow hanging on the ground, walls, and trees.

There is a door in the north and south of Oszeg that is open all year round. Because the door is very thick, it is not closed at night. It will only be closed after war breaks out and the state of war preparations is entered.

There are a row of soldiers standing on both sides of the gate. Each of these soldiers is nearly two meters tall, rough and strong. They are not wearing armor, but leather coats made of the fur of some kind of beast. Each of them has a different leather coat.

They are the same, but both reveal a wild style.

This is the style of the Ice and Snow Kingdom in the northernmost part of Oz, which is wild, strong and primitive. To join the army in the Ice and Snow Kingdom, you must hunt a beast alone on the ice field and use the beast's skin to make leather armor before you can join the army. Hunter

The stronger and more ferocious the beast you kill, the more elite the troops that can enter in the end.

The style of the Ice and Snow Kingdom is somewhat similar to the Maozi Kingdom that Lin Jiu knew, full of strong alcohol and wild. Lin Jiu's ordinary style is incompatible with this place.

The moment Lin Jiu entered the door, he was stared at by soldiers on both sides of the door and stopped for questioning.

"Where are you from?" A soldier wearing some kind of white animal skin stopped Lin Jiu with a spear in his hand and asked.

After Lin Jiu learned about the Ice and Snow Kingdom from Honglian, he already had an excuse for this. He replied: "The Fireworks Town of Briseno. I am traveling around and just came from the Duce Kingdom."

After having a rough map of the continent of Oz, Lin Jiu also knew that the kingdom where Fireworks Town was located was Briseno. This country is located to the west of the Kingdom of Dussel. When Lin Jiu took the Charles, he went all the way east to Dussel.


"Briseno is here..."

"I remember Fireworks Town was..."

"Hometown of the Fire Witch!"

"Isn't Anna's name for her career outside the home? It's really unpleasant." Lin Jiu heard the quiet conversation between several soldiers. Unsurprisingly, the fire witch was referring to Anna from Fireworks Town.

It is not surprising that the soldiers of the Ice and Snow Kingdom know about the Kingdom of Briseno. The Kingdom of Ice and Snow has a vast territory. It borders the Kingdom of Dussel and also borders many kingdoms, including Briseno. However, the human activity area of ​​the Ice and Snow Kingdom is different from that of Briceno.

There is a snowfield between Liseno and there is not much intersection between the two kingdoms.

Only some profit-seeking merchants would take huge risks to conduct trade across the snowfields so that the two countries could get to know each other. If other channels were used, the trade would not be very profitable, and the trade would have to go in a straight line.

This situation lasted for a long time until Anna, the darling of the flame, was born. Looking at this situation, Anna seemed to have also stayed in the Ice and Snow Kingdom. Some people who still have memories will think of Anna when they hear Lin Jiu mention the Fireworks Town.


"Is Fireworks Town gone?" the white animal skin soldier looked at Lin Jiu seriously and asked.

"Yes. I just went back not long ago, and there was only ruins left." Lin Jiu did not deny it, and nodded in response.

"What are you doing in Oszeg?" The soldier did not let him go and continued to ask.

Lin Jiu also happened to be looking for someone to ask about the teleportation array. The soldier in front of him was a good target, so he replied: "I need the teleportation array to get on my way. The nearest place is here, so come and see if Oszag has any

Magic teleportation array."

"There is a teleportation array. But there is another question. Do you know the Fire Witch?" The soldier looked serious.

"Anna? We know each other, we can be considered friends. Is there any problem?" Lin Jiu smiled slightly. It is still a good way to pretend to be powerful. From the reactions of the soldiers, it can be seen that most of these people are in awe of Anna, rather than hating her. The former is false and powerful.

Fortunately, if it was the latter, then Lin Jiu would not admit that he knew Anna.

"Nothing. Your Excellency, you can enter the city. If you want to use the magic teleportation array, you need to pay a high fee. The farthest city you can teleport to is Alvaro." The soldier let Lin Jiu enter the city and told him the information he needed.

I went with my grandma to get an intravenous drip in the afternoon, and I have another one to make up for tomorrow.

This chapter has been completed!
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