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Chapter 981 Brother and Sister

 Lin Jiu didn't take the Gungun Belt with him. Who knows if he would need to collect an extra magic crystal with it. He walked through the streets and walked to the location of the teleportation array. Lin Jiu's appearance and body shape were completely different from those in the Ice and Snow Kingdom.

People like foreigners will always receive some attention gifts when they walk on the street.

"I'm sorry." A half-grown boy bumped into Lin Jiu and apologized hastily. This boy's light blue hair and pupils are half of the characteristics of people in the Ice and Snow Kingdom, and the other half are white hair and black pupils.

"..." Lin Jiu didn't respond, just feeling speechless. How could such a clichéd plot of hitting someone and stealing happen in front of him. With the kid's hand speed, it was no different from slowing down in front of him. And his things

They are usually placed in the storage space, except for the magic crystals that can be used by one person in the teleportation array.

The magic crystals were indeed worth some money, and Lin Jiu did not stop the boy from taking away the magic crystals. After he took away the magic crystals and left quickly, Lin Jiu followed behind him quietly. Under normal circumstances, such a person would also follow behind him.

There should be a controlling organization that just robs their wealth to support themselves.

But Lin Jiu guessed wrong this time. There was no power behind this kid, he was just a party being exploited. He followed him around the buildings and went around to a place with low houses.

"Brother, you're back." The little thief's sister looks about thirteen or fourteen years old. I don't know if she is a biological brother or sister. She has white hair and black eyes. She looks more relieved when she sees her brother appear.

"Well, we will soon save enough magic crystals for the two of us to use the teleportation array and go to the Otto Kingdom to find Sister Sophie." Brother Thief touched the mask's head and said comfortingly.

Lin Jiu, who was observing in the dark, heard the words, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes. He didn't expect to hear news about Sophie here. According to Figas and Prince Loe's information, Sophie should have traveled north after leaving the Kingdom of Dussel.

After passing through the Ice and Snow Kingdom, we arrived at the Otto Kingdom. Therefore, it is normal to leave footprints in the cities along the way.

"It seems that after solving the trouble in Ayala Forest, my luck has improved a lot. By the way, I almost forgot about the crystal ball and Dennis, so let's throw them away first." Lin Jiu stared at the brother and sister while thinking.

From the conversation between the brother and sister, Lin Jiu could probably get some information. The brother and sister knew Sophie and had a good relationship. They were not living well in Oszeg. The brother said that he could go to the Otto Kingdom to find her.

Sophie explained that Sophie had said that she would stop in the Otto Kingdom so that they could find her later. That means Lin Jiu's final destination would not make his trip in vain.

"Andy." A shout made my brother tremble. This was his name. About seven or eight adult men were crowded in the alley. The men in the Ice and Snow Kingdom were all as big and round as a brown bear.

I have to say that the ruffians in the Ice and Snow Kingdom are quite impressive compared to other places. If they had been dressed more appropriately, those who didn’t know would have thought they were some evil force.

"Someone saw you making a fortune on the street. Don't you want to show your respect... Ugh!"

Before the leader could finish speaking, a golden spear pierced his throat, and then his whole body burned and turned into ashes on the spot. Before the others could make any sound, Lin Jiu's golden flame spear hit them directly.


Lin Jiu was too lazy to watch these guys chattering, so he dealt with them directly, and then took the brothers and sisters to the Kingdom of Otto. Maybe he could get another wave of favorability. Since you can't get through with strength in this world, then just go with him.

Come on, don't shiver.

"Boy, please stop that look in your eyes. Why don't you thank your savior?" Lin Jiu didn't care at all about these guys who couldn't even provide the source of the world. Seeing the fearful and hostile eyes of the boy named Andy, he said


"Brother, this gentleman means no harm." The girl stood behind Andy and said softly.

"How is it possible? I stole his things." Andy knew that his sister had the ability to detect good and evil, but he didn't believe that Lin Jiu, who had killed so many people without saying a word, had no regard for him, the culprit of stealing things.


"You're not as discerning as your sister. What do you call me?" Lin Jiu gestured to the girl with his thumb and asked.

"Xilu. This is my brother Andy." Xilu still believed in her feelings. This was the power given to her by sister Sophie, and there must be no problem.

"Okay, you guys pack up and go to Otto Kingdom with me. I just heard that you are going to find Sophie, so we just happened to be together." Lin Jiu directly asked the two of them to pack up their things and leave with him.

"Do you know Sister Sophie?" Xilu and Andy heard Lin Jiu's words and immediately looked at Lin Jiu with light in their eyes, very surprised.

"He is a friend of her friend and was asked to visit her. Since you also want to go find her, let's go together." Lin Jiu explained briefly.

Xilu and Andy didn't have anything to pack, so they took two sets of clothes and left with Lin Jiu. As for Lin Jiu's words, they basically didn't have any doubts, because Lin Jiu could crush them to death with one hand, so there was no need at all.


Only with this explanation did Andy know why his sister didn't feel any malice in him.

Lin Jiu looked at the pair of brothers and sisters following him. The favorability he had gained with Sophie was not enough to be considered a friend, so it would be enough to bring them over. Speaking of which, this was the first time he had visited the world since he had visited the world so many times.

Play the route to gain the favorability of the plot characters in one play. It can only be said that if you gain it, you will earn it.

"You don't have the ability to protect yourself. Why didn't you leave here with Sophie and go to the Kingdom of Otto?" Lin Jiu asked the two of them on the way. He felt that only his sister Xilu had a special power and was still very weak.

.You have such thick thighs that you can hug me, but you still stay here and get bullied.

"Sister Sophie was going to do something big at that time, we can't drag her down." Andy showed a stubborn look.

"Give me the magic crystal." Lin Jiu reached out and asked for the magic crystal that Andy had taken away. He led the two of them to the magic teleportation array, where they could see a whole team of soldiers wearing heavy armor standing here.

There are also two magicians wearing robes here who are responsible for starting and closing the teleportation array.

"Three people, teleport Alvaro." Lin Jiu took out the magic crystal for three people and handed it to the magician responsible for opening the teleportation array, asking him to activate the teleportation array.

The magician recognized at a glance that the magic crystal had just been exchanged from the Magic Guild branch, and it was a personal teleportation array. This kind of person generally would not be short of money, and there was no need to count the quantity.

Although Lin Jiu and the others are now three people, they still use the personal teleportation array. The large teleportation array corresponding to the personal teleportation array can teleport hundreds to thousands of people at a time, and the price of opening it is far higher than that of the personal teleportation array. However,

The price of a large teleportation array is shared among everyone, and the number of magic crystals required is much less than that of a personal teleportation array.

A face from outside the Ice and Snow Kingdom accompanied by two children from the Ice and Snow Kingdom looked like a human trafficker. The heavily armored soldiers around him only glanced at it and paid no attention. Their mission was to guard the teleportation array to prevent anyone from destroying it, as long as it was not

There are enemies attacking the city, and everything else has nothing to do with them.

This chapter has been completed!
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