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Chapter 1,153 Origin

The invader of Raft Ocean World is the ice wall.

The power system of the flame world is the mage, so what is the power system of this world?

Wen Rensheng recalled that when he came into contact with this world before, Aihandeb said this

"They are the source worlds that are actively looking for it...the principals originally looked down upon it. It was because it actively made itself fatter that it caught the attention of a principal, and then they were unlucky."

It seems that the "ice wall" level is the principal level. The so-called fattening should mean increasing the population...

He continued to read.

"Looking and looking for friends..."

"Find a kid..."

"One in the east, one in the west..."

"One mouthful for a child."

The big fish sang a terrifying song, slid out of an arc that no one knew, and swam around a large raft.

There are hundreds of floors of wooden buildings built on this raft, completely violating the laws of mechanics on the earth and floating on it.

There are many strange fish crawling on it, all of them look exactly the same, with dolphin-like bodies and octopus tentacles, looking like disabled lizards.

"Hey, Big Fish, what are you singing?" A slightly larger strange fish stretched out its head and asked kindly.

It actually speaks Chinese.

But Xiao Huan was not surprised. After all, he had seen two strange fish talking to those fools before.

"I'm looking for friends to play with. Do you want to come down and play with me?" The big fish looked up at those strange fish.

"I like friends very much. Come and play with us." The large strange fish said in a good-natured way.

"Oh, is that so? Then I'll go up and have a look." The big fish seemed to be stupid, jumped up directly, and landed on the first deck of the raft.

A group of strange fish came over immediately with knives and forks, as if they were attending a banquet.

"I'm so lucky today, a fish actually took the initiative to board the boat." said a small strange fish.

"The big tank is so smart, it tricked it into coming up with just one sentence." Another strange fish said.

"Haha, I hope there will be such silly fish every day."

Only one or two of the smallest-looking fish fell behind and did not move forward.

The strange fish called "Big Tank" pushed the other fish aside and said, "I tricked you into this, I'll eat it first!"

After saying that, it bit it directly with its mouth!

"Bang!" Its teeth were broken into pieces just like the previous piranha.

"Hahaha, the big tank has been deceived!" Some strange fish were not surprised, but became happy.

"It's our turn to eat from the vat!"

Many strange fish cheered and then changed the direction of their knives and forks.

The vat soon became a skeleton.

Xiao Huan watched with great interest, "It's really interesting. It turns out that whoever is deceived here will be eaten?"

"Yes, yes, that's how it is here." A strange fish said after eating the tail of the big tank.

They don't seem to be afraid of the big fish's weirdness at all.

"I understand." Xiao Huan seemed very happy.

Then the next moment, she was kicked out of this world by Wen Rensheng.

"What are you doing, Lao Wen?" she said unhappily, pulling Wen Rensheng's hair.

"I'm afraid you'll be led astray." Wen Rensheng also rudely pulled her braid.

"Damn it, I need to change into a vest and go in."

"I have blocked you from the entrance to the passage."

"You cheapskate."


Wen Rensheng is now controlling the big fish's body. When the invisibility technique is activated, he disappears directly on those strange fish.

From the observations just now, plus a little understanding from before, he has already surmised part of the state of this strange fish society - full of intrigues and intrigues. The bodies are all about the same strength. Whoever is more deceptive can control more mysterious power.

It is completely different from the Flame World. The mages in the Flame World are real forces. The more people they have and the more sacrifices they have, the stronger their power will be.

So the people there are numb and inactive, and only a very small number of people can live happily.

In this raft world, every strange fish seems to be trying their best to deceive their companions and strangers.

And the more people believe in it, the more powerful they seem to be, just like there was a detail just now, a big vat of being eaten, which can easily squeeze out other people.

After discovering this, Wen Rensheng shook his head. This kind of power was not what he wanted. He did not want to live in a place where scammers were rampant.

Just like in previous lives, for a little money, people can be shameless and deceive relatives or strangers out of their hard-earned money.

Many groups report cases of being defrauded every day. Some people laugh at the victims for being stupid, but when the incident happens to them, they start beating their chests again.

Fortunately, there is no such chaos in Dongzhou in this world. After all, there has never been any material shortage.

If this is the case, then does this world have no meaning?

This may not be the case.

Hearing that Rensheng threw himself into the sea, he swam downward.

He wanted to see how deep the sea was.

After swimming about several thousand meters deep, he saw the bottom of the sea.

Although it was pitch dark, there was still a faint light and he could still see clearly.

The high-rise buildings have been reduced to ruins, and the white-gray walls are covered with seaweed, sand, shells, etc.

A series of hard-shell fish covered in armor, swimming slowly, occasionally eating some seaweed.

This is a wasteland world.

He thought for a while and got into a ring-shaped building complex that looked very grand, a bit like a library.


As soon as he swam in, there was a sound of fighting in his ears.

However, when I looked up, I couldn't see any killers, only the sound echoed in the library.

"Is anyone here?" he asked directly.

No one answered, only the word "kill" echoed.

Wen Rensheng casually walked into a room and saw debris all over the floor. Occasionally, some books seemed to be still intact on the shelves. With a slight touch, they immediately became part of the water flow.

He shook his head, it seemed that he could only look for the inscription.

Fortunately, he quickly found something similar.

In a certain square, he found a stone tablet that was probably a navigation map. The text on the tablet was naturally not Chinese, but a triangular type of text.

A triangle is used as the basic outline, with some strokes mixed in, some horizontal and vertical, some folded and hooked...

Wen Rensheng analyzed it for a while and found that it should be a phonetic alphabetic script, because after one article, he only found a total of more than thirty kinds of triangular characters.

It is obvious that ideographic words cannot only have such a few symbols.

It is not difficult to understand its meaning.

Wen Rensheng directly used spiritualism to find the ghosts still alive here.

It would be strange for a place like this not to produce ghosts.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for him to recruit a ghost. The person was wearing white clothes and glasses. She looked like an ordinary female teller on earth.

Looking at those strange fish on the sea, he simply couldn't imagine what had happened to this world.

"Hello, Mysterious One." The female teller asked cautiously.

Wen Rensheng could not understand the language spoken by the other party, but he could roughly understand the meaning, because this was a communication between souls.

"Hello, Miss Ghost, do you know what happened in your world?"

"I only know that before I died, I saw countless seawater falling from the sky, and everyone was drowned, drowned, dead, dead..." The female teller began to speak in a longer voice, and her whole body was filled with excitement.

It started to shake, as if it was recalling the fear before death.

This chapter has been completed!
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