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Chapter 1,285 True and False

"Lao Wen, what do you think these two guys will choose?" Xiao Huan lay on Wen Rensheng's head and said enthusiastically.

"Can't you see their choice?" Wen Rensheng asked doubtfully.

"I can't see it. There is a fog surrounding them. The power of this city is really strange." Xiao Huan scratched his head and scratched his head.

"Then why can I see clearly?" Wen Rensheng asked.

"That's why I asked you." Xiao Huan urged.

"Teaching a man to fish is worse than teaching him to fish. I can't give you a direct answer, but I can tell you how to see through the fog."

"How to see through it?"

"You must first see your own heart clearly before you can see through this city."


Three days later, Hector and Odysseus came out of the City of Deception.

And their followers were all naked and ashamed.

The two of them were intact, and the artifact was not lost.

Only they know what they have lost and what they have been defrauded of.

They lost their most precious thing.

Belief in gods.

A strong mind.

The wise Odysseus was also filled with confusion at this time.

Will that transaction be successful, and will it be noticed by the gods?

The other party will definitely not be trustworthy. How can I get the reward in advance during the transaction?

How to ensure that the rewards will be kept until the end?

Instead of being like the ending of the Trojan War, the huge military exploits and rich plunder were turned into nothing because of the anger of the gods. He could only pretend to be a beggar, sneak into the palace, and kill the noble suitors who betrayed him.

Question after question lingered in the mind of this smartest man.

Suddenly, he thought of a place.

He needs a neutral and impartial third party to guarantee the transaction between the two parties.

That innocent-looking big shark.

There is also the real owner behind it, a behemoth that he can only glimpse a corner of through his wisdom.

However, before that, he needs to avoid everyone's eyes and ears, avoid the City of Deception, avoid the Greek gods, and avoid Hector.

Hector, who was silent on the side, also had countless questions lingering in his mind.

He rejected the group of liars, but how could he change the future destiny of his city-state?

His strength is too weak, and he cannot deal with just one Achilles.

Not to mention those gods.

What should he do?

He couldn't think of any way out.

The limitations of the times, personal struggles, the pressure of responsibility, and the burden of conscience filled the heart of this tragic hero with anxiety.

Do you really want to listen to those liars?

They only ask themselves to do one thing -

Raise the bandits to respect themselves.

As long as the City of Deception exists forever, the gods are in no mood to play the golden apple game. Their own city-state, and their own brothers and sisters, all have the freedom to decide their own lives.

The gods will only focus on this city and will not encourage the Greeks to attack them.

What he has to do is occasionally reveal a little bit of news about the gods so that the City of Deception can respond in time.

While thinking, the group returned to their base outside the city.

Then they got news that Achilles had left alone.

He only took a dozen water bags and five pieces of bacon and set out across the desert.

"How can this be done? We have to chase him." Hector said immediately.

At this time, he knew that he would die at the hands of Achilles, but he still had to fulfill his responsibilities.

Just like before the Trojan War, even though he knew that Helen was the trigger of the war, he never criticized her.

Because the situation is the same, his fate is not decided by these two people, but by the gods above.

"Well, we should go after him." To his surprise, Odysseus actually agreed with him.

Then the group packed up their tents and started to head back.


The sandstorm appears again.

Only this time without Achilles' crutch, they lost their way and lost Odysseus.

Fortunately, Hector's mirror was still there, so he didn't have to worry about food and drinking water. He could only take everyone and continue westward.

Of course Odysseus left secretly.

He came to the foot of a sand dune.

Then he piled sand to form an altar, and finally placed an olive branch as a sacrifice.

"Unknown and just god, please listen to my prayer."

"I know your eyes are on me."

"I want to ask you to witness my transaction with a group of liars. For this reason, I will dedicate the gift of the goddess of wisdom to you as a sacrifice."

"Please ensure that those scammers will not steal my share."

The olive branch disappeared.

Wen Rensheng's voice appeared in his ears

"I will witness all this and agree to your request, because I am also very curious about how you will use to pull the Olympus gods from their thrones."

Odysseus prostrated himself on the sand. "Thank you, unknown and just god, I will not let your curiosity down."


Seaside pier.

Hector returned with his men and heard that Achilles had returned to his country by ship.

He shook his head, knowing that this great hero was too arrogant and could not face failure.

Not long after, Odysseus returned alone, but his artifact was also lost.

Odysseus said that because of being separated from him, he saw that the olive branch began to rot and finally disappeared without a trace.

Although he knew it was an illusion, he could not find it and could only return.

Hector knew that this guy must be lying, because the other party relied on deception to gain access to his royal city.

But he couldn't point out the other party's mistakes.

That desert is a place where even the power of gods cannot cover it.

"Okay, now let's start the sacrifice and report your findings to the gods." King Agamemnon of Mycenae said.

Hector's expression was complicated when he heard this.

Among the heroes and kings gathered at this time, if the city of deception had not appeared, most of them would have been his enemies.

And this brother of Agamemnon, the wife of the King of Sparta, was abducted by his own brother, which led to the later war.

Of course, all of this comes from God’s game.

Why do we need a group of gods above our heads?

The words he heard in the City of Deception came to his mind again.

The sacrifice began soon.

First, there are the prayers of the first survivors.

Then came the words of the second group of explorers.

Finally it was Odysseus and Hector's turn.

Odysseus said this

"It is a city that speaks directly to people's hearts. It can capture the deepest greed in everyone's heart, evolve the most exquisite scam, and defraud you of the last copper in your body."

"To crack it, you have to see yourself."

Hector was silent for a long time before speaking

"Odysseus was right, what he saw was what I saw, and they promised eternal peace to my city and my family."

"They asked me not to attack their city. They knew exactly what everyone wanted."

He told nine percent of the truth.

Because he couldn't tell everything.

But Odysseus told nine out of ten lies.

This chapter has been completed!
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