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Chapter 1,474 Advanced Fun

Xiao Huan has the potential to become a prophet because Mingyue Rong is indeed suffering from diarrhea.

Because it was not performed by a professional doctor, she now has sequelae on her cat body.

One pull is a day.

She wanted to escape from the nightmare, but she couldn't.

Tried various ways to no avail.

From the purest and noblest, to the most realistic and filthy in one fell swoop.

You can't say this is hell.

But it happens to be the most down-to-earth, the most real, and the most powerful attack on the soul.

Someone once said that the scariest horror movie is not one that is bloody and weird, but one that sees a thief break into your house while you are sleeping.

When you are unaware and unprepared, a thief walks beside you in the night, and your life or death depends entirely on the other person's thoughts.

And this kind of thing will actually happen.

At this moment, Mingyue Rong felt as if she was really going to turn into a cat, an animal that only knew how to eat, drink, poop, and sleep.

The black man appeared occasionally and threw some cat food to her.

She didn't want to eat, but she began to lose control of her body's instincts.

She walks in this city every day, sending out signals to save me to countless people, but then everyone ignores her.

Only Hei Changzhi can see her appearance...

However, every time the other party looked at her, her eyes were full of disdain and contempt.

It's like looking at a piece of trash.

What has this woman gone through to have such a twisted mentality?

She is obviously such a noble and elegant woman.

If it weren't for being unable to speak, Ming Yuerong would really want to ask the other party loudly

"Why do you look down on me?"

On this day, Hei Changzhi brought her some more cat food.

She spoke fiercely in her heart again.

"Because your whole body is full of pretentiousness and self-righteousness. Although you are cleaner than those filthy people, this cleanliness is full of boredom." Hei Changzhi said directly as if he could hear her inner voice.

"You, can you hear my heart?" Mingyue Rong said in shock.

"I have this ability since I was born." Hei Changzhi said calmly.

I see.

Mingyue Rong felt that all her previous doubts had been answered.

Hei Changzhi used to live in a dark world of inner voices and was wrapped up in all kinds of dark thoughts, so he did all kinds of bizarre behaviors.

Including stabbing a classmate with a knife...

"You're so pitiful." Mingyue Rong didn't envy this ability at all, because she knew how ugly people's voices were.

Mind reading must be actively controlled to be a superpower, otherwise it is a curse.

Obviously, Hei Changzhi cannot actively control this ability.

She is also a sub-personality. She can only passively accept countless dark thoughts every day. Over time, she will have thoughts of destroying the world. This is normal.

"Pity? You deserve to have pity on me, you are just a stray cat that poops and litters..." Hei Changzhi said disdainfully.

"How did you turn me into this? Why did you turn me into this?" Mingyue Rong asked calmly in her heart.

"I can hear the voice of any person, including the people related to them. I only need to listen to six to ten people in a row to find you." Hei Changzhi actually answered all questions.

"You are very powerful. I can think of ways to solve your problems so that you don't hear those dark thoughts."

"If I can't hear it, how can I resist when the dark thoughts become reality?" Hei Changzhi asked.

The other party is willing to communicate.

This gave Mingyue Rong a glimmer of hope.

"You don't need to resist, we will send people to protect you and even take you to an absolutely safe place." She immediately assured her.

"So I said you are full of boredom. If there is such a thing, what is going on with you now?" Hei Changzhi sneered.

This made Mingyue Rong feel very ashamed.

Of course, only in my heart.


It's a pity that the other party can see the devil in his heart.

"Are you ashamed? Humph, human beings are like this, full of lies and filth. No matter how clean you are, your bones have been tainted." Hei Chang said directly.

"I'm sorry, but a bright heart always exists, and you should judge people by their actions, not their thoughts."

"Don't argue here. I know all your intentions and your thoughts. If you have the intention to do evil, there will be no light."

Mingyue Rong felt helpless.

Hei Changzhi is definitely the nemesis and natural enemy of any psychologist or psychiatrist.

There's absolutely no way to start.

She wanted to say something, but suddenly, Hei Chang turned her head and looked at a certain tall building.

"There's someone here, it's a bit strange. Is it too far away?" Hei Chang said straightly, then picked up the stray cat and walked towards the tall building.


Wen Rensheng appeared in this strange dream.

In his eyes, everyone is composed of thoughts.

They are real in another sense - all thoughts are real and all thoughts are real.

This kind of workload is also extremely huge, not much smaller than the simulated world he created.

Hei Changzhi suddenly jumped in front of him and stared at him, as if there was something dirty on his face.

Wen Rensheng subconsciously touched his face. Didn't the red panda scratch him with its claws?

It's impossible. I've looked at it specifically. It has no claws at all, just pads of flesh.

In order to please the beautiful elder sister, I really don’t miss any detail.

"Strange, why can't I hear your voice?" Hei Changzhi said in confusion, with a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

[Maybe he has some treasure on him? 】

Mingyue Rong thought subconsciously.

Then she realized that she had become a traitor without knowing it.

No, I can't think of anything.

The bright moon shines in my heart, and the clear spring flows down my knees.

"What treasures do you have on you? Impossible. You can't bring anything here, only thoughts." Hei Chang shook his head and said.

"Treasure? Do you mean this, this, or this?"

Wen Rensheng smiled and shook off a lot of things from his body.

Riddle ball, jade seal, puppet wood, red ant...

"You, how did you bring it in?" Hei Changzhi asked in surprise.

"Bring her in if you want," Wen Rensheng shook his head and said, "Let her go, let me take her away, and then go back to your own world."

"Hmph, you are still the first person whose inner voice I cannot hear, but you must be full of dirty and vulgar thoughts like everyone else." Hei Changzhi said coldly.

"Well, then I'll let you listen, and you will understand that there really are saints in this world." Wen Rensheng looked helpless.

Mingyue Rong was so embarrassed that she felt like she had cancer.

Can't this man restrain himself when he boasts?

No, maybe it's the special requirements of the other party's alien species.

Well, that must be the case.

Poor guy, he also has such a flaw.

In comparison, I am much luckier, at least mentally, I will not be affected by the alien species.

"Then if you have the guts, speak out. You narcissistic guy, your filth will be overwhelming." Hei Changzhi said disdainfully.

Wen Rensheng shook his head and took a long breath.

Then he restrained the ability of the mysterious seed and fully displayed his holy heart and soul full of high-level interests.

Three-year simulation of the five-year college entrance examination, primary school, junior high school, advanced mathematics, linear algebra,

Data structure, electronics and circuit basics...

Don’t you want to hear your heart’s voice?

Then listen to these advanced fun.

This chapter has been completed!
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