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Chapter 1,697 Multiple Personalities

"Hey, Luo Yan, I'm going to Tianshi."

Just as Luo Xiaohuan was looking around in the big office, a beautiful woman suddenly appeared in front of him and said with an indifferent expression.

"Tianshi?" Luo Xiaohuan said in surprise.

"Yes, you can't give me what I want. I thought you became a detective, but in the end you are still a waste. If you can't help me, you just can't help me." The beautiful woman shook her head sarcastically.

"Detective? Are you talking about these cases? I can solve them all within ten minutes." Luo Xiaohuan suddenly became angry.

"Ten minutes? If you can solve it in ten days, I won't even leave."

"Let me explain first that it has nothing to do with me whether you leave or not. I just want to prove that I am not a waste." Luo Xiaohuan said a little angrily.

Children especially can't stand this.

Adults may also lie flat.

"Then prove it to me." The beautiful woman sneered.

Everyone looked over, with playful smiles in their eyes.

What case will Xiao Huan solve?

She would catch anyone who stole her toys or lollipops immediately.

If she were asked to solve the case, it would be like cracking the walnuts and catching the monkey blind.

"Just watch."

As he spoke, Xiao Huan began to shake people.

To be honest, she was still a little uneasy.

If Lao Wen said something again about asking her to complete it independently, she would be embarrassed.

She has just discovered that she cannot use any special abilities here.

But what was unexpected was that Wen Rensheng came very quickly and gave her the answer directly without asking her.

"Five cases, okay, you listen to me."

"The first one, the female corpse under the bed, died of a stroke in her sleep. The reason why it was under the bed was because it was dragged in by the big pet dog."

"The second one, Hand Severed in a Pressure Cooker, is about an intern with amnesia. He took the hand specimens from the hospital home and sterilized them in a pot. Then he was called to go on duty. He left in a hurry and forgot about it. This lasted for more than ten days.

Didn’t go home.”

"The third case was the murder of the driver. The murderer was the penultimate passenger. He went back and took the car again. This time he did not let the car issue an invoice, so he only issued 5 invoices..."

"the fourth……"

After listening to five of them in one breath, Xiao Huan recited them again proudly.

Wen Rensheng did not remind Xiao Huan to pay attention to his acting.

Sure enough, when the beautiful woman heard the last part, she suddenly smiled, "Sure enough, I have mastered your real secret."

"What are you talking about?" Xiao Huan asked in surprise.

"If you want to know, come to my house to find me at 12 o'clock in the evening." After the beautiful woman said that, she left.

How could Xiaohuan wait until 12 o'clock?

Isn't this looking down on people?

Five minutes later, she blocked the woman at the corner of the corridor and said, "Woman, you successfully caught my attention."

"You?" The beautiful woman stared into "Luo Yan's" eyes, "Well, haven't you noticed it yourself? In fact, you have multiple personalities, but you haven't exposed them before."

"Xia Mi, multiple personalities?" Xiao Huan was confused. She hadn't learned it yet.

"Well, there are hidden in your body a wise personality, a mediocre personality, and now, a little girl personality." The beautiful woman said calmly.

"Awesome, woman, you are the first one to see through me." Xiao Huan clapped his hands.

In fact, there are many people who can see through you, but those people are in the world below and dare not say anything.

Wen Rensheng shook his head and said.

"Do you want to integrate all the personalities together? Then let you take the lead?" the beautiful woman continued.

"What's fun at your house?" Xiao Huan's curiosity was gone and she immediately shifted her attention.


The beautiful woman smiled and drove her to her home.

In the car, Xiao Huan learned that the woman's name was Hu Mei, her age was kept secret, her weight was 1.71 meters and her height was 55 kilograms.

Hu Mei's home is a two-story villa with ten servants helping her.

There was a flattering smile on their faces.

"These servants are all homeless, they only need to take care of food and housing," she said.


"If a city continues to be without material supplies, people will leave and go to other cities, and other cities will accept them based on the situation. If you don't have professional skills and want to stay, you have to accept three years of no wages. If there are

If the employer complains, he will be kicked out after verification." Hu Mei wrote lightly.

"Oh, oh, I see." Xiao Huan was obviously not interested in these things. He didn't regard himself as an outsider at all. He got into the villa and turned over it.

Hu Mei didn't care, just stared at the figure of "Luo Yan", wondering what he was planning.

Not long after, a phone call came.

An old man's voice came from inside.

"How's it going, sister, have you figured everything out?"

"I figured it out, but there are still some key questions I need to ask that mediocre personality."

Yes, they had naturally conducted many aspects of research on what happened to Luo Yan.

The most likely possibility is multiple personalities.

This has happened before.

A seemingly mediocre college student has seventeen personalities hidden in his body, and several of them are particularly talented. They understand electronic circuits, grappling, and advanced mathematics...

"Very good. If our city wants to expand, we must rely on more detectives. There is nothing terrible about multiple personalities. No matter how powerful they are, they are still flesh and blood. Two rifles will do the trick."

"Understood, I will find out the reason why Luo Yan has multiple personalities as soon as possible." Hu Mei said immediately.

When Wen Rensheng saw this, he already understood.

This is the logical way to develop.

If others are not stupid, how could they leave a gold mine like Luo Yan unexploited?

All the cynicism before was just a kind of stimulation.

Although the probability of failure is high, as long as you succeed, you are on the fast track.

You must know that being a detective does not rely on hard work and accumulation, but more on talent.

After all, here we not only need to solve the case accurately, but also solve the case quickly.

If you have enough time, the accuracy can be guaranteed, but if you want to be fast, you need talent.

Hu Mei and the people behind her want to replicate more of the miracles of "Luo Yan".

They are not worried about making mistakes, after all, "Luo Yan" does not have any extraordinary powers, he is just a shrewd mind.

Normally, they will fail.

However, Wen Rensheng had a thought and decided to cooperate with these people.

"Oh, you don't have anything fun at home. Hurry up and have seven or eight children to play with me." Xiao Huan said while grabbing a dozen bags of snacks that he found out from nowhere.

"Okay, as long as you tell me how you were born, let alone seven or eight, seven hundred will do." Hu Mei said with a smile.

"How did I come about? I came from a world shrouded in mist." Xiao Huan is not a fool. Of course, he can't explain this kind of thing clearly.

In fact, she just made it clear. With Hu Mei's world view, she would think that it was the mist that caused all this.

"As expected." Hu Mei nodded.

The greatest possibility of causing such a miracle is that fog can create something out of nothing.

But why is the other party only interested in solving crimes?

Maybe he is a god who likes to watch 1000 episodes of Conan.

Hu Mei thought so.

This chapter has been completed!
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