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Chapter 1,744 Assembly Line

"Wait, if you do this, the evaluation will not be high." Jia San, the strong nurse, put forward a different opinion.

Luo Yan was slightly shocked. Previously, this guy was pretending to be a white face and intimidating him.

What should we do now?

"What do you want?"

"Convert those Destroyers, and each converted one will get a medal of the corresponding level. If the opponent is a high-level Destroyer, you will make a lot of money." Jia San licked his lips.

Luo Yan looked at Jia San, a little surprised. He didn't expect that this guy was quite thoughtful. No wonder he could be a wet nurse.

"Transformation is good, but it is very dangerous. If not, they will plot against them. Several high-level guardians will be killed by the target of transformation. Their black tentacles will issue some real-time tasks." Hua Tuo shook his head.

"Those people are very ordinary, with relatively low strength and low risk." Luo Yan said.

The newbie’s mission must be grasped well, this is what Bai Qiu just told him.

If you get off to a bad start, it will be difficult to get going later.

Guardians who can keep going are basically those who get a huge advantage at the beginning.

"That's good, do you know the transformation process?" Hua Tuo asked.

"I know, Bai Qiu told me."

To transform into a Destroyer, first let the other party understand the difference between the two parties, then wash away the traces left by the black tentacles on their bodies and cut off the spiritual connection.

This process is very painful, so we must use various means to make the other party firm up and understand that they are wrong.

It is comparable to reforming sinners.

In short, it can be summed up in four words: It’s harder than climbing a mountain.


A certain classroom.

It was originally used to train novice detectives. At this time, Li Chun and six other people were sitting there.

"I already know your identities, do you just want to continue like this? You are forced to do things without any autonomy. Even a three-year-old child knows how to resist unpalatable food. Do you choose to endure it like this?" Luo

Yan said very seriously.

"We also want to resist, but if we resist, we will be killed. What can you do for us?" asked Big Bai.

"We can cut off the connection between the Black Tentacle and you. In this case, it will be impossible for it to obliterate you." Luo Yan said confidently.

"You can't do it. Many guardians have said this confidently. However, those who betrayed you all died in the end. Did you know? The way the black tentacles communicate with us is to extend their tentacles.

It has entered our brains, and there are already elements of it in our brains. Even if we cut off contact, one day we will die when we think of it and see everything related to it." The big white man held his head with a look on his face.

Said painfully.

Except for Li Chun, the other four people also looked desperate.

Their eyes were numb, like white mice living under extremely high pressure, and they would die at every turn.

They are the lowest level of destroyers. It should be said that they are just screeners. The soil... is the breeding ground for those confident and outstanding destroyers.

They themselves are not qualified to bear such a title.

Seeing this, Li Chun completely understood why these people didn't have much hatred and fear when he killed the big black man.

Death, for them, is a kind of relief.

Real relief.

Luo Yan was silent.

He looked out the window.

The sky was hazy, with gray clouds and white fog mixed together.

His own world is being played by others, so how can he have the shame to say that he can definitely save others?

It's just that his world master is in a better mood and has a better temper. He treats them as pets and gives them some independent choices.

Most people in this world want to live a good life without bullying anyone or hurting anyone. However, they do not get this humble thing and can only be at the mercy of the other party.

Just like the murderers in some cases, their motives for killing are all kinds of strange, and their methods of killing are all kinds of strange.

If it were in a real world, they might still kill people, but it's hard to believe that they would come up with such complicated mechanisms and designs.

He said no more, and after walking out of the classroom, he found Hua Tuo and Jia San.

"What is the conversion success rate? Bai Qiu didn't tell me." He asked directly.

"Why do you care about this? You won't lose money anyway. Didn't you say that they are all ordinary?" Jia San said impatiently.

Yes, no matter what, you will not lose money.

Even if all conversions fail, the task can still be completed.

If you convert one successfully, you will make a lot of money.

No one cares about the Destroyer who failed to convert.

Luo Yan felt that he had a bit of a holy mother's heart.

Yes, why do you care so much?

Just live comfortably by yourself.

But, but, if you do that, what's the difference between you and the world controller behind the scenes?

Didn’t you just degenerate into the most disgusting form?

He did not talk to these two people anymore, but returned home and took out another set of toys.

"Lord Kelulu, your most sincere believer, calls you."

No response for a long time.

It doesn't seem to work.

It has to be carefully crafted.

Luo Yan changed another set of toys.

It wasn't until the third set that Xiao Huan's lazy voice sounded: "What's the matter with you?"

"Can you help me remove the traces of the black tentacles on those six people?" Luo Yan asked sincerely.

"It's possible, but it's just too much trouble. One or two of them are fine. If they beg me like this, how can I have time to play?" Xiao Huan said irritably.

“Isn’t there a streamlined operation method?”

"I don't have it, do you?"

Luo Yan was silent.

It seems that this powerful man is not good either.


Wen Rensheng soon learned about this.

In fact, he was also thinking about it.

The tentacles of the black tentacles are everywhere.

It would be too difficult for the destroyers to cut off contact with it.

To be honest, most of the Destroyers are not willing to work for it. They are completely forced under the threat of death. In many cases, it is much worse than a slave.

At least the slaves still have a stable working period of two or three years, and they will be tortured to death after three years.

Slave owners are extremely cruel, but they are still no more cruel than black tentacles.

The current transformation method for guarding space is to cleanse memories and remove traces.

Is there any way to quickly cut off contact with the other party?

Find a space that has no mysterious properties at all.

By the way, he remembered, wasn't there an absolute physical space that kept growing in the world of Dongzhou before?

What would happen if you put those people in and clean them?

The black tentacles are definitely of mysterious nature.

If it can be cleaned, it will become an industrialized assembly line from now on.

As much as the opponent sends out, he will convert as many as he can. In this case, the opponent will definitely lose.

Thinking of this, he immediately informed Xiao Huan to transfer the people to Dongzhou World.


Soon, Li Chun and five other people were transferred away.

The absolute physical space is also ready.

The six people looked at a room made of glass in front of them. It looked ordinary, but there were people in white coats standing around it.

"We will cut off your hair later and throw it in for a look." said an experimenter.

"Can you tell us the purpose of doing this?" Big Bai asked.

"Test it to see if it can help you detoxify."



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