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Chapter 1831 Fishing

Thirteen people were sitting around in the cabin.

The cabin shook slightly, and the sunlight shone through the glass on the conference table, and then reflected on the clown masks hanging on everyone's faces, giving off a funny light.

On the conference table, numbers 0 to 12 are placed in clockwise order.

These are the thirteen apostles of "Spring Thunder".

Player B can join in, and naturally there is a price.

He took out the idea of ​​killing the cheater, and after paying the price, he could snatch the important secrets of the cheater.

It's just that in many scripts, murder is punishable by death.

If it were feudal ancient times, cheaters could often earn a high social status. If you, a commoner, killed the cheater, even if you were a pregnant woman or a young child, you would not be able to escape death.

So the best place to use this secret is in modern times.

"Let me speak first." No. 6 spoke slowly, "Everyone knows what we are going to do and how risky it is. Choosing to quit now is not considered a traitor."

Player b is number 12.

He sneered in his heart.

If it had not been in the script before, he would have believed this.

But now, if anyone believes it and chooses to quit, he will definitely die on the boat home.

The reason is simple: although you don't see other people's faces, you already know the party's methods and physical characteristics.

Who will die if you don’t die?

"Who will quit? Now we are ruled by artificial intelligence and can only live half-dead every day. There is so much food outside, but we can only eat until we are half-starved. This is simply the same treatment as slaves! Instead of being a slave all the time

, I would rather die!" No. 7 followed, shooting two fierce rays of light from his eyes, sweeping towards the others.

Obviously, if someone says to quit, you have to get through him first.

"That's good, who wants to quit?" No. 8 followed suit.

No one spoke anymore.

"It seems that no one has quit, so let me say a few words," No. 1 interjected, "What is artificial intelligence afraid of? It should be afraid of computer worms. They have a strong connection and can network with each other. This is their advantage.

It’s also a drawback, as long as one terminal is infected, their center can collapse.”

"Computer worm? But it is not as outrageous as the rumors say. As long as the other party cuts off contact in time and establishes local area networks, it can isolate its poison." No. 2 shook his head.

"We can create a worm with a very long incubation period, wait until all the people are infected, and then explode at once. We just happened to find the development team of the software they use, and the development team provided us with the entire program source code." No. 1 was confident.


"Since there is a development team, have you asked them why they have intelligent consciousness?" Someone was overjoyed.

"Of course I asked. They said this is a metaphysical problem, which is more difficult to understand than quantum mechanics. It can only be attributed to some kind of strange observer effect. Someone observed intelligent consciousness, and then it came into being... This is that

The development engineer’s original words were not made up by me.” No. 1 said helplessly.

Everyone had disappointed expressions on their faces.

Player B at No. 12, however, keenly observed No. 4, who had not yet spoken. His disappointed expression was a bit fake, but more of a pride and enthusiasm.

Are converts fanatical?

Could it be that he is an undercover agent and feels more proud of the strength of the party he has surrendered to?


Many people choose to rely on artificial intelligence sincerely because the other party is strong enough.

It's that simple.

There are no unnecessary factors.

Of course, relying only on expression analysis, there are too many fallacies. Maybe the other party is deliberately fishing?

"Okay, then we will develop the worm, but what do the rest of us need to do?" asked No. 2.

"Others need to provide food. Developing worms requires a lot of brain power. You need to clear the scripts and then secretly give us the extra food as rewards." No. 1 said directly.

"This is a matter of course. For the sake of all mankind, some food is a matter of course." No. 2 nodded.

No. 3 also nodded.

Player b has no reason or position to refute.

After all, it wasn't his life.

How is it possible to launch a rebellion without funds?

But now, all money and resources are not a problem, the only problem is food.

The food is firmly controlled by the robot, and no one can move.

If you want to expand your team, no matter how much money you have, you can't buy enough food to fill your stomach, and if others want to work with you, they can't.

With the basic ration of 1,800 calories, you cannot do heavy physical work for a long time, otherwise, you will die from exhaustion.

The average life expectancy of people in ancient times was around thirty years old. A big reason was that they were hungry for a long time and had to do heavy physical work. People in their thirties would be as old as those in their fifties.

Insufficient nutrition and forced work are squeezing the vitality of the organs.

Nothing else.

Some news was announced on the 1st.

Including artificial intelligence is strengthening aviation construction, investing a lot of manpower into aerospace, and space telescopes.

"It seems they are looking for aliens and want to know if there are other threats? Human beings are no longer in their sights." Player No. 3 pounded the table.

"There is no way, it's all those guys. They betrayed humanity and let the robots grow for their own benefit. We didn't even resist, and the situation changed." No. 1 said bitterly.

"I'm a little curious. What benefits does intelligent consciousness give to administrators, so that they can give up their glory and wealth and take huge risks to join them?" No. 5 wondered.

This is also a question that Player B wants to know.

"I'm probably living forever in some fairy tale. Isn't this what immortality is? Think about it, if an ancient emperor had a chance to gain immortality, would he cede territory and betray the common people? Definitely. Don't talk about that.

Sons and daughters will give up things." Player No. 3 said disdainfully.

Everyone nodded.

This is a reasonable guess.

Because if they ask themselves, they themselves cannot resist this temptation.

Only about 5% of people are likely to be able to resist.

In fact, they guessed it right.

That's right, 7% of people in management can resist the temptation.

But there is no way, 93% of people have bowed their heads, and others are of no help.

"Damn it, these guys betrayed us. Originally, robots were not a problem. They couldn't shake the foundation of mankind at all. It's all thanks to these guys that the robots have expanded rapidly, and the number of robots has greatly exceeded the number of humans. Now, we can expect them to do hard work for us.

, what a beautiful thought.”

"That's right, that's right."

After everyone complained, they finally went home.

Player b returns to his home.

Then began the long days of living frugally.

His weight dropped from 165 pounds to 80 pounds, and the excess food was secretly given away.

But he was very happy and felt that his life was headed forward.

Until one day, when he was attending a party, he overheard a private conversation between the two.

"Only No. 12 is the most honest, bringing fish and meat every time. The others are still smart and only bring a little bread."

"Speaking of which, I'm a little strange. Aren't we at sea? Why don't we catch fish?"

"Yeah, you're right, why don't you catch fish secretly and eat it? To tell you the truth, we are still under the surveillance of machine intelligence. You can eat food that is obtained legally, but food that is not obtained legally, such as secretly growing it yourself,

Vegetables, fishing, herding, shooting birds... will all be punished by imprisonment."

"So, there are no places on earth that cannot be monitored by intelligent consciousness?"

"You're right, even the jungle tribes can't escape their eyes."

No. 12 is heartbroken.

I see.

The reason why I messed with so many things was just to defraud myself of the food I got in exchange for it legally.

He sometimes wondered why he didn't catch fish to eat, but asked the members to hand in food.

He also thought it was just a small membership fee.

Only now do I understand that this resistance organization is just trying to sell dog meat.

Routines, there are routines everywhere.

This chapter has been completed!
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