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Chapter 1844 Primary and Secondary

Player B quickly asked: "How much does your immortal service cost?"

"We will release the transaction teleportation point, and you will know when the time comes. Are you willing to trade with us now?"

"Of course I am willing, please put this transaction teleportation point immediately, and by the way, put a few more." Player B insisted.

He wants to be the first to transform into immortals.

Then he realized that he was very poor.

There is only one loan house and not even a loan car.

How can he afford it?

This kind of transaction will only benefit other people, such as the male college classmate next to me.

But he at least has a slight chance, right?

I am such a rational person.

If he were an emotional and impulsive guy, he would just choose to let this trade ship go away, so that no one would benefit.

So he turned around in his mind and did not withdraw the request.

"Very good, we will place the trading points immediately."

Later, the astronomer who was looking at the telescope was surprised and said: "There is a small bright spot, which is rushing towards our planet, and the speed is obviously much faster than that aircraft."

At the same time, other observatories on the Internet saw this scene simultaneously, and there was an uproar.

"xx Observatory, a large number of UFOs have been observed here, and they are heading towards the earth!"

"The end of the world is here! I can see it here too!"

"I asked my robot if it would be afraid if a meteorite fell. It said that since it couldn't hit it, it wouldn't be afraid. I was also drunk."

"Haha, destroy it. The world ruled by machines, just destroy it, hahaha!" Someone is crazy.

"We have finally waited for this day. Aren't robots ruling us? Let's see how they face the end of the world!"

Most people gloat about misfortune, and even the vast majority of them.

Probably because I am not in charge, I feel like I am watching his building collapse.

It's a pity that after countless small bright spots fell, new news came.

"What fell was not a meteorite, but a vending machine and a receiving box!"

"It says it was made in the M78 Nebula, a very familiar name."

"Let me see what they sell, one hour of life/100 dinars. Is this to accommodate our translators? Why use the ancient monetary unit of dinars?"

"They also receive the goods, 100 kilograms of wheat for 100 dinars."

Early the next morning, after dawn, player b came to the nearest trading point.

He saw an ordinary vending machine, but it contained various medical services instead of drinks.

For example, "extending life by one hour", "disease treatment", "immortality transformation"...

Service prices are listed below.

100 dinars, dinars, billion dinars.

Underneath the vending machine, there are two openings, one with "shipping opening" written on it and the other with "receipt opening" written on it. Different from ordinary boxes, its entrance is a dark vortex, like a black hole.

Sure enough.

He calculated carefully and found that his net worth was about 1 million. At the previous price, he could buy 500,000 kilograms of wheat, which was 500,000 dinars.

The lifespan that can be strengthened is 500,000 divided by 100, and finally it is 5000 hours, 5000/24, which is more than 200 days.

Oops, this means there is no extension!

If you live less than a year longer, you can live a few more years if you keep fit.

Only those with a net worth of hundreds of millions or more can live an extra hundred years.

The exchange rate between alliance coins and dinars is basically 2:1, which doesn’t seem outrageous, but their services are expensive.

Immortality transformation is even more expensive, requiring two trillion alliance coins. I am afraid that only the top wealthy people can achieve immortality by cashing out all their hidden family wealth.

But even so, it is definitely worth it to them.

After all, if you have immortality, if you want to make money again, it will be a matter of time.

In the final analysis, making money is to provide higher value services in exchange for more labor products.

You are immortal. As long as you don't die, there are plenty of opportunities waiting for you.

The simplest way is to just collect some toys and they will be antiques in a thousand years...

Player B then approached his college classmates and said, "Give me two trillion."

"You are joking."

"As expected, you are all like this. After using me, you abandon me."

"I can give you an allowance of 20,000 yuan, which can be considered as travel expenses."

"Are you embarrassed to say this number?"

"Just tell me if you want it or not?"

"Yes." Player B shed tears of sadness and helplessness.

After all the hard work of contacting aliens, the reward was only 20,000 yuan. Who would believe it?

However, the reality is so cruel.

Although the things you do are extremely high-end, the rewards you get may only be enough for you to eat.

In the end, player B returned home in pain with an allowance of 20,000 yuan.

After returning home, I still have to face the grass served by the housekeeping robot.

"I am the first person to have contact with aliens, so I can only eat this?" He slapped the plate of grass towards the table.

"Then what do you want to eat?"

"Beef." Player B remembered the promise made by his male classmate in college. The other party never fulfilled his promise. He agreed to let him eat beef every day, but in the end he only gave him 20,000 banknotes.

Twenty thousand can buy a lot of beef, but the key is there is no place to buy it.

"If you have beef, you have to feed the dogs first." The housekeeping robot said, and then went to serve the dog and the cat.

Damn it, sooner or later I'll stew them both while you're away.

Player b said harshly.

Then he turned on his mobile phone and prepared to think of ways to make money.

Yes, he remembered, he could actually make money in the script game.

After all, he had been an emperor and had experience with ice powers.

Otherwise, Qiu Shuang's people wouldn't find him.


Player B’s experience is just a microcosm. Countless people are cheering for the opening of alien trade routes.

Wen Rensheng naturally saw this scene through the small hole.

Alien trade ship?

He pondered this term and suddenly realized an important question: "Is the so-called main world really the main world? The original determination of its nature came from the heroic and invincible dragon god Yasha."

However, he knew very well that there could not be any alien spacecraft in the real main world.

It is a very boring existence, and it is destined to go to heat death from the moment it is born.

Because he himself comes from the real main world.

He knew how hopeless that world was.

Of course, the despair here does not refer to how hopeless life is, but to the future.

No matter how awesome you are, you will die in the foreseeable future.

Of course, it also has the advantage of being stable.

Don't worry about any monsters, they don't exist.

The only things you have to worry about are wars, natural disasters, plagues, murders... and there are basically ways to deal with these.

Unlike the Dongzhou world, there are often unsolvable existences.

Of course, for him now, there is no solution.

This is what he has accumulated so far.

This chapter has been completed!
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