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Chapter 1888 Monster

Return home.

Wen Rensheng exhaled, they are really a group of guys who can mess around.

It doesn't make people worry.

He leaned on the sofa.

The red panda was chewing bamboo at this time, eating one piece at a time and eating very steadily.

I have to admire this guy. After all, he is an old guy who is hundreds of millions of years old. His concentration is better than that of humans.

"What are the people outside arguing and fighting about? Fireworks are setting off in my head." asked the red panda.

"Oh, it seems you sensed the departure of the source world?" Wen Rensheng did not use the word "destruction".

Again, it is only temporarily gone and has not been destroyed.

Just like everything in this world, as long as it leaves traces, it will not be destroyed.

If the traces are significant enough and the value is great enough, they will be resurrected in a future timeline and world line.

Some people don't believe it and say it's too fake.

But they have forgotten that the neatness and beauty of the laws of the universe mean that the universe likes perfection.

A complicated formula is likely to be a mistake, and a simple and beautiful formula is like the mass-energy equation.

Directly revealed the mystery of stars.

From this point of view, Wen Rensheng believed that his conjecture was correct.

"Has the Source World left? It's time. They have been here for such a long time. It's time for them to go to a new place and start new explorations." The red panda seemed to have recovered a lot of memories.

It's getting less and less cute, and everyone in the family treats it like a cat. They pick it up when they have time, and throw it away when they don't.

"Well, it seems that those who stayed behind should also be heavily influenced by Qise." Wen Rensheng nodded.

This could explain why some people want to stay, even though they only live a few decades.

Just as I was thinking about it, Xiao Huan appeared again.

As soon as it appeared, it snatched away the bamboo from the red panda and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Bah, bah, it tastes so bad. Why did you eat it?" After it was taken away, it tasted delicious, and then it was thrown away. The overlord of the family was indeed the one.

"Give it back to me, you know how to bully cats." The red panda rolled on the ground.

"It's so boring. I hear you, is there any interesting world there?" Xiao Huancai ignored this guy and asked directly.

"Weren't you still dejected before? Now you are playful again?"

"Of course. Didn't you say it's okay? I can't be idle all day." Xiao Huan said plausibly.

"I've never seen you busy." The red panda said contemptuously.

"It's none of your business, keep going."

Wen Rensheng thought for a while: "Go and save that Yang Weite. Although the disaster principals have temporarily disappeared, they will come back sooner or later. They will not disappear that easily. The sealing technique still needs to be obtained, and the artifact must also be obtained."

"Ouke, hehe, I'll be there right away." Xiao Huan said and disappeared.

"I can do it too, why are you so accommodating to this guy?" the red panda said a little jealously.

"Is it of alien origin? What is your origin?"

"Why is this happening? Is it possible that someone as smart as you is discriminated against by birth?"

"I don't have this kind of discrimination, but you should know that people with the same intelligence will be treated differently just because of their different origins?" Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"Huh, this world is so loveless." The red panda went to find a piece of bamboo to chew on. Only bamboo could comfort its injured heart.

"You can change through hard work. Origin does not determine everything. On the contrary, many people who win at the starting line lose halfway, such as Yang Guang, and so many second-generation entrepreneurs." Wen Rensheng said patiently.

He will always have a career as a teacher and educate children on the right path.

"I understand, I have to work hard to become more adorable and win back the attention of my family." The red panda began to exercise.

It discovered that it was not fat enough.

With this body shape, if you are too fat, you will feel crooked. If you are too thin, you will feel uncomfortable. It must be fleshy, not too much and not too little.

Just like some concubines in ancient times.

Wen Rensheng nodded and his ears became clear.

The interlude was resolved.

Then he turned his attention to the civilized world again.


Yang Weite was kidnapped and brought back to the civilized world from the radioactive wasteland.

A group of wizards, priests, priests, bishops, and all kinds of sinister and mysterious arts in the world are all making fuss around him.

Until this day, a witch shouted loudly: "It's okay. Under the great power of our God, everything has calmed down."

In addition, various mysterious people also gave the same prediction.

This allowed the rulers of the civilized world to finally feel at ease.

Including their god Luyan.

To be honest, Lu Yan didn't even know what was going on, but he received countless prayers out of nowhere.

How does it feel that the world will stop, the stars will no longer shine, the sun will not rise, and the moon will not set.

Give him a headache.

I casually spent some divine power on divination and found that the key was "Yang Weite", so I gave those people hints.

Naturally, he doesn't know the principle behind this.

He only knows that the power of faith is easy to use, as long as he can use it.

"Anyway, I'm just a brick now. I bring it here when I need it and kick it away when I don't need it. You can do whatever you like." He realized this and watched the people below him tossing around.

Previously, Wen Rensheng saw that the civilized world had matured, so he threw him away; when he saw that the civilized world still needed support, he threw him back.

This experience made him very depressed.

Whose family’s relationship is not followed for life? Is there anyone who lost their relationship halfway?

I have never seen a protagonist like that, only supporting characters have such an experience.

Because the key points were taken away by the protagonist...

He feels that he is also a supporting role.

He looked at Yang Weite, was he the protagonist?


Yang Weite was let go and returned to the radiation world from the civilized world.

He was very angry, he was too weak.

He clearly had the power of the volunteers, but he was easily captured by people from the civilized world.

That's because in addition to the technological weapons of the wasteland world, the civilized world also has extraordinary weapons.

He is no longer a simple farmer, just like Zhu Yuanzhang changed from a beggar to a mid-level officer in the rebel army.

He needs to find a way to fight it.

"Monsters? Extraordinary power?" A researcher from the academy asked him, "We are studying some mutated monsters. They can become invisible like ghosts and walk through buildings, so they are called monsters."

"Oh, is it really so magical?" Yang Weite said in surprise.

"Yes, yes, as for the principle, we haven't figured out the principle yet. Maybe the radiation caused the body to quantize and become a quantum ghost?" said the researcher.

"It's very small. Can you make it in batches?"

"Not yet, just try your best. You need to create more mushrooms to provide a greater dose of radiation."

"This is wrong. You use raw materials directly. Doesn't it cause radiation? It also saves production time." Yang Weite said in surprise.

He learned a lot of knowledge from Mr. Qiaoshou, which ordinary people could not learn from him.

"Well, that's the theory, but we need rapid and powerful radiation to provide a very large dose of radiation." The researcher said.

Yang Weite only heard three words: defrauding funds.

As expected, he is a researcher, and he is cheating on funds by profession.

Among a thousand researchers, only one or two produce useful results, but as long as one is put into commercial use, it will increase the income by a hundred thousand times.

This is the reason why Wasteland Academy's power has grown rapidly and it has become one of the four major forces in just a few decades.

This chapter has been completed!
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